Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Time generally (汕頭話讀本之粗略其時間) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Time generally (汕頭話讀本之粗略其時間)

  1. 1. Lesson XI. time generally.
    1. 1.1. section I.
    2. 1.2. section II.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XI. time generally.

section I.

  • 【拜一】(Pài-it) Monday.
  • 【拜二】(Pài-jī) Tuesday.
  • 【拜三】(Pài-saⁿ) Wednesday.
  • 【拜四】(Pài-sì) Thursday.
  • 【拜五】(Pài-ngõu) Friday.
  • 【拜六】(Pài-lák) Saturday.
  • 【禮拜】(Lói-pài) Sunday.
  • 【正月】(Chiaⁿ–guéh) First moon or New Year’s days.
  • 【二月】(Jī–guéh) Second moon.
  • 【三月】(Saⁿ-guéh) Third moon.

  • 【今旦日拜幾】(Kiáⁿ-jít pài-kúi?) What day of the week is to-day?
  • 【今旦日拜一】(Kiáⁿ-jít pài-it) To-day is Monday.
  • 【汝下個拜一來】(Lṳ́ ẽ-kâi pài-it lâi) You come on Monday next.
  • 【我此個禮拜毋閒在】(Uá chí-kâi lói-pài m̃-ôiⁿ tsãi) I am very busy this week.
  • 【我明起的事㩼在】(Uá màⁿ-khí kâi sṳ̄ tsōi-tsāi) I shall have a great deal of work to-morrow.
  • 【先生汝明起早些來】(Sin-seⁿ lṳ́ màⁿ-khí tsá–chē-lâi) Teacher, you come a little earlier tomorrow.
  • 【我欲讀零些。了汝好轉來】(Uá àiⁿ-ták lân-ló, lióu lṳ́ hó-tńg–khṳ̀) I will read a little, and then you can go.
  • 【拜三先生汝免用來】(Pài-saⁿ sin-seⁿ lṳ́ mín-ēng lâi) On Wednesday, teacher, you needn’t come.
  • 【拜四我毋在】(Pài-sì uá m̃-tõ) I shan’t be at home on Thursday.
  • 【拜五我亞者轉來】(Pài-ngõu uá pa-lak tńg–lâi) Probably, I shall be back on Friday.
  • 【無定着。拜六亦毋知】(Bô tiāⁿ-tiéh, pài-lák iā m̃-tsai) I am not sure, I might come back on Saturday.
  • 【汝拜六下旰來】(Lṳ́ pài-lák ẽ-kùa lâi) You come on Saturday afternoon.
  • 【禮拜日我欲去禮拜】(Lói-pài-jít uá àiⁿ-khṳ̀ lói-pài) On Sunday I go to worship.
  • 【加毋久就正月】(Ke m̃-kú chiũ chiaⁿ–guéh) Before long it will be the New Year.
  • 【二月還了是凊】(Jī–guéh huân-lióu sĩ chhìn) The second moon is still cold.
  • 【三月稍絀】(Saⁿ–guéh ióu-tsuáh) The third moon is a little less (cold.)

section II.

  • 【初一】(Chhiu-it) First day of the moon.
  • 【初二】(Chhiu-jī) Second day of the moon.
  • 【初三】(Chhiu-saⁿ) Third day of the moon.
  • 【十一】(Tsap2-it) Eleventh day of the moon.
  • 【十二】(Tsáp-jī) Twelfth day of the moon.
  • 【月大】(Guéh tūa) A long moon.
  • 【月小】(Guéh sié) A short moon.
  • 【閏月】(Zūn-guéh) An intercalary moon.
  • 【日蝕】(Jít síh) An eclipse of the sun.
  • 【月蝕】(Guéh síh) An eclipse of the moon.
  • 【安更】(An-keⁿ) First watch from 7 to 9 p.m.
  • 【二更】(Jī-keⁿ) Second watch from 9 to 11 p.m.
  • 【三更】(Saⁿ-keⁿ) Third watch from 11 to 1 a.m.
  • 【四更】(Sì-keⁿ) Fourth watch from 1 to 9 a.m.
  • 【五更】(Ngõu-keⁿ) Fifth watch from 3 to 5 a.m.

  • 【今旦日底當時】(Kiáⁿ-jít tiang-sî?) What is to day?
  • 【今旦日七月初一】(Kiáⁿ-jít chhit–guéh chhiu-it) To-day is the first of the seventh moon.
  • 【十一禮拜】(Tsáp-it lói-pài) The eleventh (Chinese month) will be Sunday.
  • 【是亞毋是】(Sĩ a m̃-sĩ?) Is it or is it not?
  • 【我睇歷日就知】(Uá thóiⁿ láh-jíh chiũ-tsai) Let me see the calendar, and I will know it.
  • 【歷日在此。十二正是禮拜】(Láh-jít tõ–chié, tsáp-jī chiàⁿ-sĩ lói-pài) Here’s the calendar, the twelfth will be Sunday.
  • 【毋是十一】(M̃-sĩ tsáp-it) It’s not the eleventh.
  • 【此個月大亞是小】(Chí-kâi guéh tuā a-sĩ sié?) Is this moon long or short?
  • 【毋知】(M̃-tsai) I don’t know.
  • 【月大就三十。月小就廿九】(Guéh tuā chiũ saⁿ-tsáp, guéh sié chiũ jíh-káu) In a great moon there will be thirty days, and in a small moon twenty nine.
  • 【今年有閏月嗎】(Ke-nîⁿ ũ zūn-guéh mē?) Is there an intercalary moon this year?
  • 【有。閏五】(Ũ, zūn-ngõu) Yes, the fifth intercalary moon.
  • 【昨夜月蝕汝有睇亞無】(Tsa-mêⁿ guéh síh lṳ́ ũ thóiⁿ a-bô?) Last night there was an eclipse of the moon, did you see it?
  • 【毋曾。我在夗】(M̃-chêng, uá tõ út) No, I was in bed.
  • 【昨夜三更蝕】(Tsá-mêⁿ saⁿ-keⁿ síh) The eclipse took place at the third watch last night.
  • 【我若是知。我走起来睇】(Uá nāⁿ-sĩ tsai, uá tsáu-khí lâi-thóiⁿ) If I had known, I would have got up to see it.
  • 【汝昨日無佮我呾】(Lṳ́ tsa-jít bô kah uá tàⁿ) You didn’t tell me yesterday.
  • 【我昨日毋記得佮汝呾】(Uá tsa-jít m̃-kì-tit kah lṳ́ tàⁿ) I forgot to tell you yesterday.
  • 【汝知日底當時正蝕】(Lṳ́ tsai jít tiang-sî chiàⁿ-síh?) Do you know when there will be an eclipse of the sun?
  • 【毋知。我無歷日】(M̃-tsai, uá bô láh-jít) I don’t know, I haven’t got a calendar.
  • 【我昨夜終夜袂夗】(Uá tsa-mêⁿ thàng-mêⁿ bõi-út) I couldn’t sleep the whole of last night.
  • 【巡更的儂昨夜無掌】(Chiéⁿ-keⁿ–kâi-nâng tsa-mêⁿ bô chiéⁿ) The watchman didn’t watch last night.