Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Commercial (汕頭話讀本之商業(補)) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Commercial (汕頭話讀本之商業(補))

  1. 1. Lesson XXX. Notes—Commercial.

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Lesson XXX. Notes—Commercial.

  • 【燭臺一對若㩼錢】(Chek-tâi chék-tùi jiéh-tsōi chîⁿ?) How much for a pair of these candle-sticks?
  • 【兩箍半】(Nõⁿ-khou-pùaⁿ) Two dollars and a half.
  • 【汝出若㩼】(Lṳ́ tshut jiéh-tsõi?) How much do you offer.
  • 【我此陣正在彼塊頭買一對。箍七角半】(Uá chí-tsûn chiàⁿ-tõ hiè-thâu bói chék-tùi, khou chhit-kak-pùaⁿ) I have just bought a pair from there for $1-75.
  • 【在底一間舖買】(Tõ tî-chék-koiⁿ phòu bói?) From which shop have you just bought them?
  • 【在順合隔壁】(Tõ Sũn-háh keh-piah) Next to (chop) Sun-hah.
  • 【順合的貨不可比阮的】(Sũn-háh kâi-hùe m̃-móⁿ ún–kâi) Sun-hah’s goods cannot be compared with our goods.
  • 【阮的攏總是正上海的】(Ún–kâi lóng-tsóng sĩ chiàⁿ Siāng-hái–kâi) Ours are all genuine Shanghai goods.
  • 【無假的】(Bô-ké–kâi) None are false.
  • 【較値錢我毋敢買】(Khah-tát-chîⁿ, uá m̃-káⁿ-bói) They are too costly, I dare not buy.
  • 【底誰是財主】(Tî-tiâng sĩ tshâi-tsú?) Who is the proprietor (of the shop)?
  • 【財主在彼內】(Tshâi-tsú tõ hṳ́-lãi) The proprietor is inside.
  • 【貨船到來。欲叫伊去起貨】(Húe-tsṳ̂n kâu–lâi, àiⁿ-kiè i khṳ̀ khí-hùe) The steamer has arrived, I want to ask him to go and unload his cargo.
  • 【我佮此間雜港行交關㩼】(Uá kah chí-koiⁿ Tsáp-káng-háng kau-kuan tsōi) I have a large transaction with this German firm.
  • 【佮荷蘭西行。有交關亞無】(Kah Hô-lan-se hâng nē, ũ kau-kuan a-bô?) And with the French firms, do you have any transaction?
  • 【有零些亞。我識寄去法國賣物】(Ũ–lân-ló ā, uá pat kià-khṳ̀ Huap-kok–kò bói-muéh) Well, a little, I have ordered something from France.
  • 【我佮大英國儂就大交關哪】(Uá kah Tãi-eng-kok-nâng chiũ tūa kau-kuan nō) Oh, I do much business with Englishmen.
  • 【我尚英國人】(Uá siãng Eng-kok-nâng) I like Englishmen.
  • 【花旗行倒賬了】(Hue-kî-hâng tó-tièⁿ–lō) The American firm is bankrupt.
  • 【葵扇一枝若㩼錢】(Kûe-sìⁿ chék-ki jiéh-tsōi chîⁿ?) How much for a palm-leaf fan?
  • 【一枝八個錢】(Ki poih-kâi chîⁿ) Eight cash each.
  • 【此些時無生理】(Chí-chùaⁿ-sî bô seng-lí) My trade is very dull of late.
  • 【恁的生理酷熱】(Nín-kâi seng-lí hoh-jiêt) Your trade is pretty brisk.
  • 【四個銀。二式四個錢】(Sì-kâi-ngṳ̂n, nõⁿ-sek sì-kâi chîⁿ) Four dollars, twenty cents and four cash.
  • 【百五個錢】(Peh-ngõu kâi chîⁿ) Hundred and fifty cash.
  • 【六斤四】(Lák-kṳn-si) Six catties and four taels.
  • 【二斤半】(Nõⁿ-kṳn-pùaⁿ) Two catties and a half.
  • 【汝支秤閃】(Lṳ́ ki chhìn siám) Your scale is not correct.
  • 【戥正。不可戥閃】(Téng-chiàⁿ, m̃-móⁿ téng-siám) Weigh properly, and don’t cheat in weighing.
  • 【個銀挈去倒錢】(Kâi-ngṳ̂n khiéh-khṳ̀ táu-chîⁿ) Take the dollar and change it into cash.
  • 【個銀毋夠重。無七二】(Kâi-ngṳ̂n m̃-kàu-tãng, bô chhit-jī) The dollar is short in weight, it’s not 7 candareens and 2 mace.
  • 【鬧熱】(Lãu-jiét.) A phrase used by customers or visitor on leaving the shop, which means may your shop be crowded with customers.