Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Medical (汕頭話讀本之醫藥) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Medical (汕頭話讀本之醫藥)

  1. 1. Lesson XX. medical.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XX. medical.

  • 【先生】(Sin-seⁿ) A doctor.
  • 【醫】(Ui) To cure.
  • 【病】(Pēⁿ) To be ill; sickness.
  • 【儂毋好】(Nâng m̃-móⁿ) Unwell.
  • 【破病】(Phùa-pēⁿ) To be very ill for a long period.
  • 【着力】(Tíh-lát) To be very ill, almost dying.
  • 【醫袂好】(Ui bõi-hó) Incurable.
  • 【醫難好】(Ui oh-hó) Difficult to cure.
  • 【難醫】(Oh-ui) Difficult to cure.
  • 【畧好】(Ióu-hó) Better.
  • 【絀】(Tsuáh) Better.
  • 【全愈】(Tshuân-zú) Quite recovered.
  • 【斷氣】(Tñg-khùi) To expire.
  • 【頭壳痛】(Thâu-khak thiàⁿ) Headache.
  • 【頭壳眩】(Thâu-khak hîn) Headache.
  • 【儂熱】(Nâng zuáh) Fever.
  • 【發燒】(Huat-sie) Fever.
  • 【畏凊】(Uì-chhìn) Ague.
  • 【發燒畏凊】(Huat-sie ùi-chhìn) Fever and ague.
  • 【肚痛】(Tóu-thiàⁿ) Stomachache.
  • 【抽痛】(Thiu-thiàⁿ) Cramp.
  • 【吐】(Thòu) To vomit.
  • 【漏屎】(Làu-sái) Diarrhoea.
  • 【肚漏】(Tóu làu) Diarrhoea.
  • 【放血】(Pàng-àng) Dysentery.
  • 【滯氣】(Thì-khì) Dysentery.
  • 【痢疾】(Lĩ-chit) Dysentery.
  • 【肚澀】(Tóu-siap) Costiveness.
  • 【着痧】(Tiéh-sua) Colic.
  • 【損病】(Sùn-pēⁿ) Consumption.
  • 【瘋痛】(Huang-thiàⁿ) Rheumatism.
  • 【生瘋】(Seⁿ-huang) Rheumatism.
  • 【傷風】(Sieⁿ-huang) To catch cold when ill, or just after being ill.
  • 【寒着】(Kûaⁿ–tiéh) To catch cold.
  • 【甘蟲】(Kam-thâng) Tape-worms.
  • 【甘癪】(Kam-chek) Having tape-worms in the stomach.
  • 【喘】(Tshuán) DIfficult respiration.
  • 【咬嗽】(Ka-sàu) To cough.
  • 【呾話重句】(Tàⁿ-uē têng-kù) Stammering.
  • 【大舌】(Tūa-chíh) Stammering.
  • 【鮡】(Thiôu) Pimples.
  • 【瘡】(Tshng) Ulcers.
  • 【痔】(Thĩ) Piles.
  • 【疥】(Kòi) Itch.
  • 【癢】(Chiẽⁿ) Itchy.
  • 【泡】(Phã) A blister.
  • 【起泡】(Phok-phã) To rise in blister.
  • 【腫】(Chéng) Swelling.
  • 【毋知儂】(M̃-tsai-nâng) Fainting.
  • 【眩】(Hîn) Giddy.
  • 【眩船】(Hîn-tsûn) Sea-sick.
  • 【齒痛】(Khí-thiàⁿ) Toothache.
  • 【吐瀉】(Thòu-sià) Cholera.
  • 【賢阿娘】(Gâu-a-niêⁿ) Small-pox.
  • 【出珠】(Tshut-tsu) Small-pox.
  • 【食痘】(Chiáh-tāu) Chicken-pox.
  • 【出痘】(Tshut-tāu) Chicken-pox.
  • 【種珠】(Chèng-tsu) To vacinate.
  • 【食粥】(Chiáh-mûeⁿ) Measles.
  • 【大頷奎】(Tūn-ãm-kui) Goitre.
  • 【瘤】(Liû) Tumour.
  • 【軟疕】(Nńg-nîⁿ) Palsy.
  • 【癱瘓】(Kuàn-pien) Palsy.
  • 【癲】(Sióu) Mad.
  • 【心神毋定】(Sim-sîn m̃-tiāⁿ) Insane.
  • 【愩】(Kòng) Crazy.
  • 【痱】(Bùi, Pùi) Prickly heat.
  • 【癬】(Sién) Ringworm.
  • 【目痛】(Mák–thiàⁿ) Sore-eyes.
  • 【近視】(Kṳ̃n-sī) Near-sighted.
  • 【近覷】(Kṳ̃n-tshṳ̀) Near-sighted.
  • 【靑盲】(Chheⁿ-mêⁿ) Blind.
  • 【目睭花】(Mák-chiu-hue) Dimness.
  • 【斜目】(Siâ-mák-chióu) Squinting.
  • 【耳聾】(Hĩⁿ–lâng) Deaf.
  • 【啞】(É) Dumb.
  • 【缺喙】(Khih-tshùi) Hare-lip.
  • 【腰龜】(Ie-ku) Humpback.
  • 【拐腳】(Kuái-kha) Lame.
  • 【綁腳䥥】(Páng-kha-liâm) Ulcerated leg.
  • 【糜腳】(Mîⁿ-kha) Ulcerated leg.
  • 【生物】(Seⁿ-muéh) To have a disease.
  • 【生㿗】(Seⁿ-thûe) To have a boil.
  • 【濃】(Lâng) Matter.
  • 【穢】(Uè) To infect.
  • 【傷痕】(Sieⁿ-hûn) A scar.
  • 【痣】(Kì) A wart.
  • 【侯蠅屎痣】(Hôu-sîn-sái-kì) A mole.
  • 【破相】(Phùa-sièⁿ) Deformed.
  • 【瘟疫】(Un-chiàng) A plague.
  • 【天時粗澀】(Thiⁿ-sî tshou-siap) A plague.
  • 【平安】(Phêng-an) Peace.
  • 【藥單】(Iéh-tuaⁿ) A prescription.
  • 【藥方】(Iéh-hng) A prescription.
  • 【藥】(Iéh) Medicine.
  • 【藥丸】(Iéh-íⁿ) Pills.
  • 【膏藥】(Ko-iéh) Ointment, plaster.
  • 【藥粉】(Iéh-hún) Powder, for taking.
  • 【藥末】(Iéh-buáh) Powder, for taking, applying.
  • 【寒藥】(Kûaⁿ-iéh) Quinine.
  • 【紅藥】(Âng-iéh) Pain-killer.
  • 【戒薰丸】(Kói-hun-îⁿ) “Stop-opium” pills.
  • 【卑麻油】(Pi-mûaⁿ-iû) Castor oil.
  • 【食瀉】(Chiáh-sià) To take an aperient.
  • 【瀉】(Sià) To purge.
  • 【食死儂】(Chiáh-sí-nâng) Poison.
  • 【飯粒】(Pn̄g-liáp) Poultice.
  • 【薄荷油】(Pô-hò-iû) Peppermint.
  • 【毒】(Ták) Poisonous, as snakes.
  • 【食凉】(Chiáh-liâng) To take something cooling.
  • 【食補】(Chiáh-póu) To take something very strengthening as gin-seng, deer horn, &c.
  • 【有補】(Ũ-póu) Nutritious.
  • 【貼】(Tah) To apply, as a poultice, plaster &c.
  • 【抹】(Buah) To apply, as iodine, oinment &c.
  • 【食藥】(Chiáh-iéh) To take medicine.
  • 【解藥】(Kói-iéh) To act as an antidote.
  • 【一帖】(Chék-thiap) A dose, (as of Chinese medicine.)
  • 【一日食三餐】(Chék-jít chiáh-saⁿ-tǹg) To be taken three times a day.
  • 【空心肚食】(Khang-sim-tóu chiáh) To be taken when the stomach is empty.
  • 【未食先食】(Būe-chiáh soiⁿ-chiáh) To be taken before meals.