Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Human body &c. (汕頭話讀本之儂體) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Human body &c. (汕頭話讀本之儂體)

  1. 1. Lesson XIII. human body &c.
    1. 1.1. External.
    2. 1.2. External.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XIII. human body &c.


  • 【靈魂】(Lêng-hûn) Soul.
  • 【命】(Miāⁿ) Life.
  • 【頭】(Thâu) Head.
  • 【毛】(Môⁿ) Hair.
  • 【頭毛】(Thâu-môⁿ) Hair of the head, (human.)
  • 【辮】(Piⁿ) Queue.
  • 【面】(Mīn) Face.
  • 【目】(Mák) Eyes.
  • 【目睭】(Mák-chiu) Eyes.
  • 【目眉】(Mák-bâi) Eye-brow.
  • 【目毛】(Mák-chhì-môⁿ) Eye-lash.
  • 【目皮】(Mák-chiu-phûe) Eye-lid.
  • 【目仁】(Mák-jîn) Eye-ball.
  • 【鼻】(Phīⁿ) Nose.
  • 【鼻孔】(Phīⁿ-khang) Nostril.
  • 【喙】(Tshùi) Mouth.
  • 【喙臨皮】(Tshùi-lîm-phûe) Lips.
  • 【鬚】(Chhiu) Beard, moustache.
  • 【下頦】(Ẽ-hâi) Chin.
  • 【頰溝】(Kih-kau) Cheeks.
  • 【額門神】(Hiáh-mn̂g-sîn) Forehead.
  • 【草眼】(Tsháu-ngán) Temples.
  • 【耳】(Hĩⁿ) Ear.
  • 【頷】(Ãm) Neck.
  • 【身】(Sin) Body.
  • 【心肝頭】(Sim-kuaⁿ-thâu) Chest.
  • 【𩩍籬】(Phiaⁿ-lî) Sides.
  • 【肚】(Tóu) Belly.
  • 【肚臍】(Tóu-tsâi) Navel.
  • 【胳胴下】(Koh-lâng-ẽ) Arm-pit.
  • 【尻脊】(Ka-chiah) Back.
  • 【肩頭】(Koiⁿ-thâu) Shoulder.
  • 【手】(Chhiú) Arms, hands.
  • 【手肘】(Chhiú-thñg) Elbow.
  • 【手指】(Chhiú-tsóiⁿ) Fingers.
  • 【指頭公】(Tsńng-thâu-kong) Thumb.
  • 【指甲】(Tsńg-kah) Nail.
  • 【腳】(Kha) Legs, feet.
  • 【腳腿】(Kha-thúi) Thigh.
  • 【腳頭趺】(Kha-thâu-u) Knees.
  • 【腳目】(Kha-mák) Ankles.
  • 【腳趾】(Kha-tsóiⁿ) Toes.
  • 【皮】(Phûe) Skin.


  • 【前齒】(Tsôiⁿ-khí) Front teeth.
  • 【牙頭齒】(Gê-thâu-khí) Back teeth.
  • 【齒齦】(Khí-ngṳ̂n) Gum.
  • 【舌】(Chíh) Tongue.
  • 【喉嚨】(Âu-lèng) Throat.
  • 【涎】(Nũaⁿ) Spittle.
  • 【痰】(Thâm) Phlegm.
  • 【肺】(Hùi) Lungs.
  • 【腸】(Tn̂g) Intestines.
  • 【心】(Sim) Heart.
  • 【肝】(Kuaⁿ) Liver.
  • 【腎子】(SIẽⁿ-chí) Kidney.
  • 【膽】(Táⁿ) Gall.
  • 【筋】(Kṳn) Veins.
  • 【骨】(Kut) Bones.
  • 【朥】(Lâ) Fat.
  • 【肉】(Nék) Flesh.
  • 【血】(Hueh) Blood.
  • 【力】(Lát) Strength.
  • 【脈】(Méhⁿ) Pulse.
  • 【氣】(Khì) Natural heat of the body.
  • 【汗】(Kūaⁿ) Perspiration.
  • 【尿】(Jiē) Urine.
  • 【屎】(Sái) Excrement.

  • 【此個儂壯在】(Chí-kâi nàng tsàng-tsãi) This man is very strong.
  • 【我的頭毛長了】(Uá kâi thâu-môⁿ tn̂g–lō) My hair is long.
  • 【我欲剃頭】(Uá àiⁿ thì-thâu) I want to shave.
  • 【汝的手伸出來】(Lṳ́ kâi chhiú tshun–tshut-lâi) Stretch out your hand.
  • 【我的手指流血】(Uá kâi chhiú-tsóiⁿ lâu-hueh) My finger is bleeding.
  • 【我在批物件。割着】(Uá tō phoi muéh-kiãⁿ, kuah–tiéh) I was cutting something, and it got cut.
  • 【伊跋到腳折去】(I puáh kàu kha chíh–khṳ̀) He fell down, and broke his leg.
  • 【腳手勿㩼】(Kha-chhiú màiⁿ-tsōi) Don’t be mischievous.
  • 【伊死了】(I sí–lō) He is dead.
  • 【汝在批底個】(Lṳ́ tõ phoi tî-kâi?) What are you cutting?
  • 【我在批我的指甲】(Uá tõ phoi uá kái tsńg-kah) I am cutting my nails.
  • 【此個儂肥在】(Chí-kâi nâng pûi-tsãi) This man is very fat.
  • 【伊欲留鬚】(I àiⁿ lâu-chhiu) He wants to keep his beard.
  • 【伊的頭毛挐挐】(I kâi thâu-môⁿ zṳ̂-zṳ̂) His hair is rough.
  • 【伊無梳頭】(I bô siu-thâu) He doesn’t comb his hair.
  • 【汝的儂會不可亞袂】(Lṳ́ kâi nâng õi m̃-móⁿ a-bõi?) Are you unwell?
  • 【會。我的儂熱】(Õi, uá kâi nâng zuáh) Yes, I am suffering from fever.
  • 【汝欲食零須藥嗎】(Lṳ́ àiⁿ-chiáh lân-ló iéh mē?) Do you wish to take some medicine?
  • 【欲亞。請汝挈零須分我】(Àiⁿ a, chhiáⁿ lṳ́ khiéh lân-ló pun uá) Oh yes, please get me some.
  • 【我的肚此幾日澀在】(Uá kâi tóu chí-kua-jít siap-tsãi) I have been very costive during the last few days.
  • 【我一身流汗】(Uá chék-sin lâu-kūaⁿ) I am in a perspiration.
  • 【儂困在】(Nâng khùn-tsãi) I am very weak.
  • 【我病有三個禮拜】(Uá pēⁿ ũ saⁿ-kâi lói-pài) I have been sick for about three weeks.
  • 【汝的儂會稍絀亞袂】(Lṳ́ kâi nâng õi ióu-tsuáh a-bõi?) Are you any better?
  • 【會。稍絀須囝】(Õi, ióu-tsúah su-kiáⁿ) Yes, a little better.
  • 【儂會食亞袂】(Nâng õi-chiáh a-bõi?) Can you eat?
  • 【會零須】(Õi lân-ló) I can eat a little.
  • 【勿食較㩼】(Màiⁿ-chiáh khah-tsōi) Don’t eat too much.