Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Grammar (汕頭話讀本之語法) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Grammar (汕頭話讀本之語法)

  1. 1. Lesson X. Grammar.
    1. 1.1. indicative mood.
      1. 1.1.1. present tense.
      2. 1.1.2. past tense.
      3. 1.1.3. perfect tense.
      4. 1.1.4. future tense.
    2. 1.2. potential mood.
    3. 1.3. comparison of adjectives.
      1. 1.3.1. the comparative degree.
      2. 1.3.2. the superlative degree.

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Lesson X. Grammar.

Substantives and Adjectives are not declined: the same word expresses both the singular and the plural. Pronouns hove a plural form.

Singular Plural
【我】 (Uá) I. 【阮。咱】(Ún or nán) we.
【汝】(Lṳ́) thou or you. 【恁】(Nín) ye or you.
【伊】(I) he, she, it. 【因。伊儂】 (In or i–nâng) they, them.

The distinctions of moods, tenses, numbers and persons are shown by the addition of certain auxiliary verbs or particles, as follows:—

indicative mood.

present tense.

  • 【我來】(Uá lâi) I come.
  • 【汝去】(Lṳ́ khṳ̀) You go.
  • 【伊欲】(I àiⁿ) He wants.
  • 【阮勿】(Ún màiⁿ) We don’t want.
  • 【恁是我的朋友】(Nín sĩ uá kâi phêng-iú) You are my friends.
  • 【因。伊儂是外儂】(In or i–nâng sĩ gūa-nâng) They are outsiders.

past tense.

The common signs of the Past Tense are 有 ũ and 曾 chêng, and are employed chiefly in asking questions and in giving answers, but seldom when a subject is simply being spoken of, viz.—

  • 【伊分我】(I pun uá) He gave me.
  • 【伊昨日來】(I tsa-jít lâi) He came yesterday.
  • 【伊昨日有來亞無】(I tsa-jít ũ lâi a-bô?) Did he come yesterday or not?
  • 【伊昨日毋曾來。伊昨日無來】(I tsa-jít m̃-chêng lâi, or i tsa-jít bô-lâi) He did not come yesterday.
  • 【我昨日曾來。我昨日有來】(Uá tsa-jít chêng–lâi, or uá tsa-jít ũ–lâi) I did come yesterday.

perfect tense.

The chief signs of the Perfect Tense are 了 lióu, 正 chiàⁿ, 識 pat, 有 ũ, 未 būe, and 亞未 a-būe.

Lióu[1] 了 (finish) can only be used to subjects being spoken of, and cannot be used in asking questions, viz.—

  • 【伊來了】(I lâi–lō) He has come.
  • 【阮知了】(Ún tsai–lō) We have known.
  • 【因到了】(In kàu–lō) They have arrived.

Chiàⁿ 正 (just) and 識 pat (ever) can be used both to questions and answers, viz.—

  • 【伊正來】(I chiàⁿ-lâi) He has just come.
  • 【汝此時正來】(Lṳ́ chi-tsûn chìaⁿ-lâi?) Have you just now come?
  • 【汝早識來此塊嗎】(Lṳ́ tsá pat-lâi–chié mē?) Have you ever been here before?
  • 【我早毋識來此塊】(Uá tsá m̃-pat lâi–chié) I have never been here before.

Ũ (have) 有 in the Perfect Tense, generally followed by the interrogative sign 亞未 a-būe, is used for questions only, and 未 būe (not yet) is used for answers, viz.—

  • 【伊有來亞未】(I ũ[2] lâi a-būe?) Has he come?
  • 【伊未來】(I būe lâi) He has not come.
  • 【因有去亞未】(In ũ[2] khṳ̀ a-būe?) Have they gone?
  • 【因未去】(In būe khṳ̀) They have not gone.

future tense.

The chief signs of the Future Tense are àiⁿ, 正欲 chiàⁿ-àiⁿ, (want) 會 õi (can) and 袂 bõi (cannot.) viz.—

  • 【伊明起欲來】(I màⁿ-khí àiⁿ-lâi) He will come to-morrow.
  • 【霎時欲落雨】(Khiã-tiām àiⁿ-lóh-hõu) It will rain bye-and-bye.
  • 【伊底當時正欲來】(I tiang-sî chiàⁿ-àiⁿ lâi?) When will he come?[3]
  • 【伊霎時正欲來】(I khiã-tiām chiàⁿ-àiⁿ-lâi) He will come bye-and-bye.
  • 【我下個月欲轉】(Uá ẽ-kâi-guêh àiⁿ-tńg) I shall go home next month.
  • 【伊會死亞袂】(I õi sí a-bõi?) Will he die?
  • 【伊袂死】(I bõi–sí) He will not die.
  • 【伊將來會做大】(I chiang-lâi õi tsò-tūa) He will be great in the future.

potential mood.

The signs of the Potential Mood are 會 õi, 袂 bõi, 會得 õi-tit, 袂得 bõi-tit, 好 hó, 着 tiéh, and 不可 m̃-móⁿ.

Õi (can) 會 implies ability, and 袂 bõi (cannot) implies its opposite, inability.

  • 【伊會泅】(I õi-siû) He can swim.
  • 【伊袂走】(I bõi-tsáu) He cannot run.

Õi-tit (can) 會得 implies possibility, and 袂得 bõi-tit (cannot) implies impossibility.

  • 【汝今夜回得來亞袂】(Lṳ́ ke-mêⁿ õi-tit lâi a-bõi?) Can you come to-night or not?
  • 【我毋閒。我今夜袂得去】(Uá m̃-ôiⁿ, uá ke-mêⁿ bõi-tit khṳ̀) I am busy, I cannot go to-night.
  • 【汝早時呾汝袂得來。汝只陣怎呢會得來】(Lṳ́ thâng-kùa tàⁿ-lṳ́ bõi-tit lái, lṳ́ chí-tsûn tsò-nîⁿ õi-tit lâi?) You said just now you could not come, how is it you can come now?
  • 【我只陣閒。故此就會得來】(Uá chí-tsûn ôiⁿ, kù-tshṳ́ chiũ õi-tit lâi) I have leisure just now, and therefore I can come.
  • 【汝若是無佮伊呾。伊袂得知】(Lṳ́ nāⁿ-sĩ bô kah i tàⁿ, i bõi-tit tsai) If you did not tell him, he could not know it.

Hó 好 is very nearly the same as the English auxiliary verb may, and implies liberty.

  • 【我好去嗎】(Uá hó-khṳ̀ mē?) May I go?
  • 【汝好去】(Lṳ́ hó-khṳ̀) You may go.
  • 【我好呾嗎】(Uá hó-tàⁿ mē?) May I speak?

Tiéh 着 (must, ought, or should) implies obligation.

  • 【汝着來】(Lṳ́ tiéh-lâi) You must, (ought to, or should) come.
  • 【喊伊着恬恬】(Hàm i tiéh tiām-tiām) Tell him he ought to be silent.
  • 【我着嫌汝】(Uá tiéh-hiâm lṳ́) I must blame you.
  • 【汝着認汝的毋着】(Lṳ́ tiéh-jīn lṳ́ kâi m̃-tiéh) You should admit your fault.

M̃-móⁿ (don’t) 不可 implies the opposite of 着 tiéh, viz. must not, ought not, and should not.

  • 【汝不可去】(Luú m̃-móⁿ khṳ̀) You must not go.
  • 【恁不可分伊去】(Nín m̃-móⁿ pun i khṳ̀) You ought not to let him go.
  • 【恁不可詏】(Nín m̃-móⁿ à) You should not argue.

The Passive verb is formed by the use of the words 分 pun, 乞 khoih (to give) and 分儂 pun–nâng (give people.)

  • 【汝乞底誰拍】(Lṳ́ khoih tî-tiâng phah?) By whom were you beaten?
  • 【我分伊拍】(Uá pun i phah) I was beaten by him.
  • 【伊分儂刣】(I pun–nâng thâi) He was killed.
  • 【分底誰刣】(Pun tî-tiâng thâi?) Was killed by whom?
  • 【是分伊刣亞毋是】(Sĩ pun i thâi a m̃-sĩ?) Was he kileld by him or not?
  • 【伊分雷公敲死】(I pun lûi-kong khà-sí) He was struck to death by lightning.
  • 【伊袂分儂騙】(I bõi pun–nâng phièn) He cannot be deceived by people.
  • 【伊的名聲乞儂呵咾】(I kâi miâⁿ-siaⁿ khoih–nâng o-ló) His name is praised by the people.

The Progressive Form is formed by the use of the word 在 tõ (in the act of) and 欲 àiⁿ (want.)

  • 【小兒在耍】(Nouⁿ-kiáⁿ tõ sńg) The boys are playing.
  • 【我在寫字】(Uá tõ siá-jī) I am writing.
  • 【阿孥在哭】(A-nôuⁿ tõ khàu) The child is crying.
  • 【伊呾伊欲去】(I tàⁿ i àiⁿ-lâi) He says he is coming.
  • 【伊欲轉去】(I àiⁿ-tńg–khṳ̀) He is going home.

comparison of adjectives.

the comparative degree.

The words employed in the comparative degree are 愈 zú, 敬 kèng, (more) 稍 ióu, (a little) 過 kùe, (over) 贏 iâⁿ (to be superior, to defeat,) and 輸, (to be inferior, to be defeated.)

  • 【愈㩼愈好】(Zú-tsōi zú-hó) The more the better.
  • 【此個稍大】(Chí–kâi ióu-tūa) This is a little larger.
  • 【伊有愈㩼我】(I ũ zú-tsōi uá) He has more than I.
  • 【此個敬長過彼個】(Chí–kâi kèng-tn̂g kùe hṳ́-kâi) This is longer than that.
  • 【汝的好。我的愈敬好】(Lṳ́–kâi hó, uá–kâi zú-kèng hó) Yours is good, (but) mine better.
  • 【伊會走猛過我】(I õi-tsáu méⁿ-kùe uá) He can run faster than I.
  • 【伊行猛過伊走】(Lṳ́ kiâⁿ méⁿ-kùe i tsáu) You walk faster than he runs.
  • 【潮州府會贏過汕頭亞袂】(Tiê-chiu-hú õi iâⁿ-kùe Suaⁿ-thâu a-bõi?) Is Ch’ao-chow-fu better than Swatow?
  • 【汝寫的字贏我的】(Lṳ́ siá kâi jī iâⁿ uá kâi) Your writing is better than mine.
  • 【伊作事贏汝】(I tsò-sṳ̄ iâⁿ lṳ́) He does things better than you.
  • 【汝無用。輸伊】(Lṳ́ bô-ēng su i) You are no use, and are surpassed by him.
  • 【汝會走贏伊嗎】(Lṳ́ õi tsáu-iâⁿ i mē?) Can you over take him in running?
  • 【袂。我輸伊】(Bõi, uá su i) No, I am behind him in running.

the superlative degree.

The words employed in the superlative degrree are 上 siãng and 上頂 siãng-téng (supreme); the latter generally refers to the qualities of goods, viz.—

  • 【有上大的嗎】(Ũ siãng-tūa–kâi mē?) Have you the largest one?
  • 【此個就是上大的】(Chí–kâi chiũ-sĩ siãng-tūa kâi) This is the largest one.
  • 【我欲上頂好的】(Uá àiⁿ siãng-téng-hó–kâi) I want the best (quality.)

[1] This word is so unaccented, that it is always sounded lō instead of lióu, when it comes after a Double hyphen.
[2] In every case ũ may be omitted if preferred.
[3] Chiàⁿ-àiⁿ is nearly the same as the auxillary verb will, and is employed thus, e. g. I tiang-sî chiàⁿ-àiⁿ lâi? when will he come? that is to say, he is not coming now, but when will he come? and the answer is I khiã-tiām chiàⁿ-àiⁿ lâi, He will come bye and bye, that is to say, he will come, but not before the time when he intends to come.