Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Garden (汕頭話讀本之花園) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Garden (汕頭話讀本之花園)

  1. 1. Lesson XV. garden.

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Lesson XV. garden.

  • 【花園】(Hue-hn̂g) A flower garden.
  • 【草埔】(Tshaú-pou) A lawn.
  • 【花】(Hue) Plants or flowers.
  • 【蕊】(Lúi) A bud.
  • 【月記】(Guéh-kì) Rose.
  • 【芳葉】(Phang-hiéh) Geranium or scented leaves.
  • 【茉莉】(Bák-lĩ) Jasmine.
  • 【菊花】(Kek-hue) Chrysanthemum.
  • 【茶花】(Tê-hue) Camellia.
  • 【蓮花】(Nôiⁿ-hue) Lotus.
  • 【茅】(Moⁿ) Ferns.
  • 【刺】(Chhì) Thorns.
  • 【草】(Tsháu) Grass.
  • 【榕樹】(Sêng-chhiū) Banian.
  • 【樹枝】(Chhiū-ki) A branch.
  • 【園籬】(Hn̂g-lî) Hedge.
  • 【地界】(Tī-kài) Boundary.
  • 【鋤頭】(Tṳ̂-thâu) A hoe.
  • 【糞耙】(Pùn-pê) A garden-rake.
  • 【糞箕】(Pùn-ki) Baskets for removing rubbish.
  • 【塗糞】(Tôu-pùn) Refuse.
  • 【滑】(Kút) To hoe.
  • 【種】(Chèng) To plant.
  • 【㧕】(Liú) To dig.
  • 【白發】(Péh-huat) Weeds.
  • 【欉】(Tsâng) A classifier of a tree.
  • 【摘】(Tiah) To pluck.

  • 【沃花的儂在底塊】(Ak-hue–kâi-nâng tõ tî-ko?) Where is the gardener?
  • 【叫伊猛猛來沃花】(Hàm i méⁿ-méⁿ lâi ak-hue) Tell him to look sharp and come and water the plants.
  • 【花攏總皺皺】(Hue lóng-tsóng jiôu-jîou) The plants are all dried up.
  • 【酷㩼日無沃】(Hoh-tsōi jít bô-ak) They have not been watered for several days.
  • 【有的欲死了】(Ũ-kâi àiⁿ-sí–lō) Some of them are withering.
  • 【此欉死了。㧕掉】(Chí–tsâng sí lō, liú-tiòu) This one is withered, dig it out.
  • 【在彼有刺。着去掘掉】(Tõ-hié ũ chhì, tiéh khṳ̀ kút-tiòu) There are thorns there, you must go and hoe them away.
  • 【掘了挈糞箕抔掉】(Kút-lióu khiéh pùn-ki put-tiòu) After hoing them get baskets and remove them.
  • 【此欉花底誰種的】(Chí-tsâng hue tî-tiâng chèng–kâi?) Who has planted this plant here?
  • 【是我種的】(Sĩ uá chèng–kâi.) I planted it.
  • 【彼欉是白發的】(Hṳ́–tsâng sĩ péh-huat–kâi) That one is a weed.
  • 【白發的勿。挽掉】(Péh-huat–kâi màiⁿ, mán-tiòu) I don’t want any weeds, pull it up.
  • 【草埔攏總是樹葉】(Tsháu-pou lóng-tsóng sĩ chhiū-hiéh) Leaves are all over the lawn.
  • 【挈糞耙去耙淸潔】(Khiéh pùn-pê khṳ̀ pê chheng-khih) Get the garden-rake and rake it clean.
  • 【茶花有開花亞未】(Tê-hue ũ khui-hue a-būe?) Have the camellias begun to blossom?
  • 【未。有蕊定定】(Būe, ũ lúi tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ) No, there are only buds.
  • 【若是開伊的花是雅在】(Nāⁿ-sĩ khui i kâi hue sĩ ngiá-tsãi) If the flowers blow they will be very pretty.
  • 【排瞑起欲食着摘花擺放牀頂】(Pâi-mêng-khí àiⁿ-chiáh tiéh tiah-hue pái pàng tshn̂g-téng) Every morning at breakfast you must pluck some flowers and place them on the table.