English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / W | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / W

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wadding, mîⁿ; mîⁿ-hue. wadded coat, ji̍p-mîⁿ-hiûⁿ. to put in wadding, phou-mîⁿ; ji̍p-mîⁿ.

waddle, to, phiáng-a-phiáng; kûa-a-kûa.

wade, to, ẽ-tsúi. over a river, ẽ-kùe-khoi.

wag, to, iê. wag-tail, tih-tĩm-tim.

wager, sie-su; siang-tóu. let us wager, lâi-tóu–chē. to write a wager, siá-tóu-tsn̄g.

wages, kang-chîⁿ; kang-tsṳ; kang-kè. see SALARY.

wagon, chhia.

wail, khàu; ai-khàu; thî-khàu. for the dead, khàu-sí-sng. for death of son, khàu-kiáⁿ.

waist, ie; pùaⁿ-ie; sin-ie. to gird the, hâ-ie; sok-ie. waistcoat, tah-pùe; kah-kiáⁿ.

wait, tán; hāu; thẽng; thêng; thãi; thẽng-hāu. a little, tán–chē; hâu–chē. we are waiting for you, Sir, hāu-kè. to wait on, ho̍k-sṳ̃; kṳn-sûi; sĩ-tsái. waiters, tsáu-tn̂g; chìn-tôu; kṳn-pan.

waken, to (transitive), hàm-chhéⁿ; kiè-chhéⁿ; kiaⁿ-chhéⁿ; tsak-chhéⁿ. (intransitive), gu̍t-chhéⁿ; chhéⁿ; chhéⁿ–khí-lâi. wakeful, gu̍t-m̄-lo̍h; bõi-gu̍t.

walk, kiâⁿ. to and fro, kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀. on foot, pōu-kiâⁿ; pōu-lién. go for a, khṳ̀-thit-thô; khṳ̀-kîn-kiâⁿ; khṳ̀-sùaⁿ-pōu. walking-stick, kuái-chiãng; kuái-thûi.

wall, chhiêⁿ. a, che̍k-pang-chhiêⁿ. city-wall, siâⁿ; siâⁿ-chhiêⁿ. the great wall, buān-lí chhiâng-siâⁿ. a dividing, keh-piah. to fall down as a, pang. to build, see BUILD.

walnut, hu̍t-thô.

wand, a, chhiū-pie; chhiū-lêng; tek-lêng; che̍k-ki-tshûe.

wander, iû; tshut-iû; chiu-liû. far, ién-iû. in poverty and distress, liû-lî sit-só; lâu-lî sit-só. out of the way, kiâⁿ-tāⁿ-lōu; tsáu-tshò lōu-thû; sit-lōu. wandering thoughts, huàng-sim; sim tsa̍p; sim seⁿ-tsa̍p-liãm.

wane, as moon, gue̍h chiãm-chiãm-sòi; gue̍h chiãm-khui; gue̍h tsho-tsho-sòi.

want, (wish), àiⁿ. (lack), khueh; khiàm.

wanton, siâ-îm; hàuⁿ-phiâu; hàuⁿ-sek; hùang-îm.

war, kau-chièn; kau-piaⁿ; ke-húe kau-chiap; sie-thâi. man-of-war, piaⁿ-tsûn; chièn-tsûn; kuaⁿ-tsûn.

ward, to off, tói-tiāu; tí-tiāu; tú-gṳ̃; gṳ̃-chí; tú-tiām; gṳ̃-tiām; tháⁿ-tiāu.

wardrobe, saⁿ-tû; saⁿ-kūiⁿ; i-sieⁿ.

warehouse, tsàng-pâng; hùe-pâng; hùe-tshng; tsàng-koiⁿ.

warm, sie. weather, chhiẽⁿ-sie. weather (mild), un-hûa; lúan-khì; hûa-lúan. warming-pan, chhiú-lôu; húe-thang. to warm oneself at the fire, chieh-húe.

warn, kéng-kài; khǹg-kòi; that-chhéⁿ; that-phùa; thàu. to take warning, na̍p-kài; tsṳ̃-kéng.

warp, the, keⁿ; pòu-keⁿ. and woof, keⁿ-hūi. to warp, as boards, khiau; khiau-siâ.

warrant, a, phiè; pâi-phiè; chhe-phiè. to issue, tshut-phiè. to, pau-niáⁿ; pau-pó; tam-sêng.

warrior, ióng-sṳ̃.

wart, a, tsùe; hṳ̂-lâng-tsùe.

wash, sói. wash-stand, mīn-tháng-kè; mīn-phûn-kè. a washerman, sóiⁿ-saⁿ-nang. to wash iron dust, tôa-thih-sua; sói-thih. to wash with gold, tōu-kim; liū-kim; tsṳ́-kim. wash-hand basin, mīn-phûn; mīn-tháng.

wasp, n̂g-phang; hóuⁿ-thâu-phang.

waste, to, tak-nn̄g; hùi-tiāu; hṳ-hùi. time, phau-hng-tiāu sî-hāu; tak-nn̄g-tiāu sî-hāu; hṳ-iẽn ji̍t-chí; hṳ-tōu kuang-im; sit-lo̍h sî-hāu. to use wastefully, phah-phún-ēng. a waste place, khuàng-iá; khuàng-tī; khuàng-pou; pou-iá; phau-hng.

watch, a, sî-pie. to wind a, khui-sî-pie.

watch, of the night, keⁿ; keⁿ-kóu; keⁿ-tiám. the first, an-keⁿ. to beat the, khà-keⁿ; sûn-keⁿ; chiéⁿ-keⁿ. the man who does this, keⁿ-hu. though the thief comes only in one watch, we must be on guard all night, tsò-tsha̍t che̍k-keⁿ, chiéⁿ-tsha̍t che̍k-mêⁿ.

watch, to, thóiⁿ-siú; chiéⁿ; siú. as sentry, sûn-hûang. watchful, m̄-káⁿ-gu̍t; kéng-chhéⁿ. watchword, àm-hō. to appoint a, phah-àm-hō.

water, tsúi. to water, ak-tsúi. water flowers, ak-hue. water-caltrops, nôiⁿ-kak. water-course, tsúi-kau. watercress, tsúi-khṳ̂n-tshài. water-engine, tsúi-chhia. water-fall, pak-pòu-tsúi; pak-pòu-tsûaⁿ. water-lily, nôiⁿ-hue. water-mill, tsúi-bō. water-pail, tsúi-tháng. water melon, si-kue. watering-pot, sũan-tháng; ak-tshài-tháng. waterspout, lêng kauh-tsúi. watery, tâm-tâm lok-lok-chhieh; kà-kà; seⁿ-tsúi; lóng-lóng.

wattles, tek-tsa̍h; tek-ûi.

wave, éng; hái-éng; po-éng. to wave a flag, i̍t-kî. the flag waves in the wind, kî iãⁿ-huang.

waver, to, siẽⁿ-thâu bô-tiāⁿ; būe-ũ kuat-ì; būe-chêng phah-tiāⁿ tsú-ì; phah-sǹg būe-tiāⁿ.

wax, la̍h. candle, la̍h-chek. to wax thread, sùaⁿ kia̍p-la̍h. in the ears, hĩⁿ-sái.

way, lōu; tãu; thû; lōu-thû; lōu-tãu; lōu-thâu; lōu-kèⁿ. on the, lōu-chiēⁿ; lōu-téng; lōu–kò. to lead the, tshūa-lōu; ín-lōu; kāng-lōu; kiau-lōu. to be in one’s, hûang-gāi. to be in the way, tìn-tò; tìn-tiāu tī-hng. half-way, pùaⁿ-lōu; lōu-pùaⁿ-kue̍h. do it this way, chièⁿ-seⁿ-tsò. what way, ēng sĩ-mih huang-huap. which is the right, tùi tî-tiâu-lōu kiâⁿ chiàⁿ-tie̍h. get out of the, kiâⁿ-khui; kiâⁿ-bûa. to get out of one another’s, sie-pī. lose one’s, kiâⁿ-tāⁿ-lōu; kiâⁿ-tshò-lōu.

we, (excludingthe person addressed), ûn. (including person addressed), nán.

weak, nńg-jia̍k; bô-la̍t; phu̍h. tea, po̍h-tê; tãⁿ-tê. weakening, sún-cheng-sîn. in weak health, sin-hūn phàⁿ; sin-hūn lám.

wealth, chîⁿ-tshâi; chîⁿ-ngṳ̂n; tshâi-pe̍h. wealthy, pù; ũ-chîⁿ. to become, huat-tshâi.

wean, keh-nĩⁿ; tñg-nĩⁿ; pàng-nĩⁿ.

weapon, piaⁿ-khì; ke-húe; kan-kho; pâi-chhieⁿ.

wear, to wear clothes, chhēng-saⁿ. wear a hat, tì-bō. wear a ring (armlet), kùa-chhiú-hûan. wear a finger-ring, kùa-chhiú-tsat. wear holes in one’s clothes, chhēng-phùa saⁿ-khòu. as (for example) grind-stone, siám-si̍h; siau-si̍h. worn out, chhēng-kàu-phùa; lau-se; thiau-se; phùa-mo̍hⁿ.

weary, khùn; kha sng; kha sng, chhiú nńg.

weather, thîⁿ-sî; thiⁿ; thiⁿ-khì. mild, thiⁿ-sî un-hûa; thiⁿ-sî thiâu-hûa. hot, thiⁿ-sî zua̍h. fair, thiⁿ-sî chêⁿ. weather-beaten, mīn pha̍k-ou; huang khau-ou. weather-cock, sũn-huang-kî; tiāⁿ-huang-tsam; huang-sìn-kî.

weave, keⁿ-pòu; chit-pòu. weaver’s beam, te̍k-sim.

web, of cloth, che̍k-phit-pòu; che̍k-kui-pòu. spider’s, ti-tu-si. the spider makes his web, ti-tu keⁿ-si; ti-tu kit-mãng; ti-tu thòu-si. web-footed, ũ-ah-tôi.

wedding, a, hun-in. wedding-chair, sin-niêⁿ-kiē; hue-kiē. see MARRY.

wedge, chiⁿ; tshâ-chiⁿ; thih-chiⁿ. to wedge, chiⁿ; chiⁿ-kín; chiⁿ-soih. to open with wedges, chiⁿ-khui.

Wednesday, lói-pài-saⁿ; pài-saⁿ.

weed, a, tsháu. to, khau-tsháu; mán-tsháu. sea-weed, hái-soi.

week, one, che̍k-kâi lói-pài; chhit-ji̍t.

weep, to, khàu; lâu-ma̍k-tsap.

weevils, tsù-iêⁿ; tsù-kak-iêⁿ.

weigh, to, téng. to (with steelyard), chhìn. to (with balances), phêng. weights, chhìn-thûi; lî-téng-thûi; lî-chhìn-thûi; tô-chí; phêng-chí. of a clock, sî-cheng-thūi. what is the weight, ũ-jie̍h-tãng; téng-jie̍h-tãng. weighty, tãng. to weigh anything in the hand, chhìn jie̍h-tãng; chhìm jie̍h-tãng. anchor, po̍ih-tèng; chhia-tèng; khie̍h-tèng. a matter, chim-chiak; phah-sǹg; pheⁿ-phah; phah-pheⁿ.

welcome, to, hí-chiap; huan-ngêng.

well, in health, nâng hó; sin-chiēⁿ zû-zuán; sóng-khùai; khùaⁿ-ua̍h; uaⁿ-jiên; phêng-an; thiâu-hûa. written (as composition), pit-ba̍k hó; pit-tói hó. written (as characters), jī ngiáⁿ; ngiáⁿ-jī; õi-khiâ-pit; õi-siá-jī; jī tuan-khái; jī siù-se̍k. made, tsò-lâi kang-hu. cooked, sa̍h-se̍k; pû-mîⁿ. known, tshut-miâⁿ; hién-miâⁿ; tù-miâⁿ. bred, hiáu-lí; ũ-ke-kà; hiáu-kui-kṳ́; ũ-lói-huap. dressed, chhēng-hó-saⁿ. are you well, lṳ́ ũ-phêng-an, mé. well done, hó-tsãi. well, well, no more of that, pã–liáu. quite well (after illness), tshûan-zú.

well, a, chéⁿ. well-curb, chéⁿ-nûaⁿ; chéⁿ-khuan. to sink a, khui-chéⁿ; liú-chéⁿ; tshuan-chéⁿ; ku̍t-chéⁿ. well-rope, pua̍h-tháng-soh. mouth of well, chéⁿ-tshùi; chéⁿ-mīn. well-sweep, tiàu-o.

west, sai. east and west, tang-sai. southwest, sai-lâm.

wet, tâm. wet with rain, ak-tie̍h-hõu; ak kàu-lok-lok. damp, chhiẽⁿ-ĩm; tâm-ĩm; lùn-lùn. wet-nurse, niⁿ-bó.

whale, khêng-hṳ̂.

wharf, bé-thâu.

what, tî-kâi; sĩ-mih-sṳ̄; sĩ-mih-mue̍h; tsò-nîⁿ. what man, sĩ-mih-nâng; tî-tiâng. what cause, sĩ-mih uân-kù; in-ũi tsò-nîⁿ. what a fool you are, lṳ́ chièⁿ-ngà. what is it like, tsãi-seⁿ-iēⁿ. what, then, are you going to do, taⁿ, àiⁿ tsò-nîⁿ-mue̍h. what did you say, lṳ́ tsò-nîⁿ-tàⁿ. what he says, i-só-tàⁿ.

whatever, put-lũn; tãi-hûam; tãi-hũam; sûi-piẽn.

wheat, be̍h.

wheel, lûn; lín; lín-chîⁿ; khah-chîⁿ; chhia-lûn. rim of, chhia-lûn-kîⁿ. spokes of, chhia-lûn-tsam. wheel-barrow, chhiú-chhia; léng-chhia.

wheeze, he; he-siaⁿ; hm̄-hm̄-kiè; âu-thâu kō-kō-kiè.

when, tiâng-sî; tî-sî; tî-tiâng-sî; tî-kâi sî-hāu; sĩ-mih sî-hāu. when David was king, Tãi-phek tsò-uâng tiâng-sî; Tãi-phek tsò-uâng kâi-sî-hāu. when he comes we are going, i lãi ún chiũ-àiⁿ-khṳ̀. when…then, sûi-sî…sûi-sî; liên-sî…liên-sî. when you confess I will let you go, lṳ́ che̍k-ē-jīn uá chiũ-pàng lṳ́-khṳ̀.

whence. tshông-tî-kò-lâi; iû-tî-kò-lâi; tõ-tî-kò-lâi.

whenever, put-lũn tiâng-sî. whenever I think of it tears come into my eyes, sim che̍k-ē-siẽⁿ, ma̍k-tsap chiũ-àiⁿ-lâu.

where, tî-kò; tõ-tî-kò. where I was born, uá tshut-sì kâi-ūi-tshṳ̀; uá tshut-sin kâi-tī. wherever, put-lũn tî-kò; put-lũn hô-tshù.

wherefore, in-ũi tsò-nîⁿ; ũ sĩ-mih-uân-kù; sĩ-mih uân-kù; sĩ-mih sṳ̄-kù. see THEREFORE.

whether, or, ho̍k…ho̍k. whether he is willing or not I am going, m̄-kuán i huaⁿ-hí m̄-huaⁿ-hí, uá tsóng-sĩ àiⁿ-khṳ̀.

whetstone, bûa-to-chie̍h; bûa-chie̍h.

which, tî-kâi; tî-che̍k-kâi. which is it, tî-che̍k-kiãⁿ-sĩ. which is he, tî-che̍k-nâng-sĩ. the words which he spoke, i só-tàⁿ kâi-ūe.

while, a, che̍k-sî; khùn-kiáⁿ; siap-sî. while thinking, hṳ́-tsûn tõ-siẽⁿ. while a cash remains he will gamble, tshûn-kâi-chîⁿ siãng àiⁿ-khṳ̀-pua̍h; sui-sĩ tshûn-kâi-chîⁿ huân-liáu àiⁿ-khṳ̀-pua̍h. while I was speaking he arrived, uá chiàⁿ-tõ-tàⁿ-ūe kâi-sî-hāu, i chiũ-kàu. while, tng…kâi-sî-hāu.

whimper, hiuⁿ-hiuⁿ-kiè; hngh-hngh-kiè; hng-hng-kiè.

whip, a, bé-piⁿ. to strike with a, pũaⁿ; hiuh; sut; piⁿ-phah. mosquito whip, máng-pũaⁿ. lash of whip, piⁿ-soh.

whirlpool, tsúi ká-tsn̄g; tsúi ká-pūn; suân-lâu-tsúi.

whirlwind, káu-kâⁿ-huang; suân-huang.

whiskers, hôu-chhiu.

whisper, to, phak tõ-hĩⁿ-khang-kháu tàⁿ-ūe; tàⁿ àm-chẽⁿ-ūe; sî-so-kiè.

whistle, to, tshùi pûn ki-kû. a, ki-kû. to blow a, pûn ki-kû.

white, pe̍h. of an egg, nñg-chhêng; nñg-pe̍h; nñg-phûe. of the eye, ma̍k-chiu pe̍h-jîn. ants, pe̍h-hiã. to whitewash, sueh-pe̍h; hún-pe̍h; sueh-hún-tsúi; sói-hue-tsúi.

whitlow, tsńg-kah-tsu; seⁿ tsóiⁿ-búe-tsu.

whizzing, sound, hiuh-hiuh-kiè.

who, tî-tiâng; sĩ-mih-nâng. whosoever, put-lũn tî-tiâng; hũam-sĩ-mih-nâng.

whole, tshûan; kàu-kâi; chiâⁿ-kâi; chiâⁿ-kò; ka-nn̂g-kâi; tsn̂g-kâi; hãm-kâi; kan-chẽng; lóng-tsóng. the whole, che̍k-khài; che̍k-chhiet; tsò-che̍k-ē; tsn̂g-kâi. family, ha̍p-ke; ha̍h-ke; tshûan-ke. life, che̍k-seⁿ; che̍k-sì-nâng; tsong-sin. day, tsong-ji̍t; thàng-ji̍t. heart, tsuan-sim; chĩn-sim. whole body wet, che̍k-sin tâm.

wholesale, house, hâng; bōi-chiàⁿ-khí; tsò-chiēⁿ-pûaⁿ. to buy, bói-chiēⁿ-pûaⁿ.

whore, see PROSTITUTE.

why, tsò-nîⁿ; sĩ-mih uân-kù; sĩ-mih sṳ̄-kù; sĩ-mih sṳ̄-chhêng; ũi sĩ-mih-sṳ̄.

why so, hô-pit chièⁿ-seⁿ. why, hiá.

wick, teng-sim.

wicked, ak; pháiⁿ; siâ; hiong-ak.

wicker, basket, tîn-nâⁿ. basket (with divisions), tîn-siāⁿ.

wide, khuah; khuah-tōa; khuah-khǹg; kuang-khuah; khuan-khuah; khùaⁿ; khuan-khùaⁿ. to widen, liú-khuah; tsha̍k-khuah; khui-khuah; chhiâⁿ-khuah; mue̍h-khuah.

widow, kúa-hũ; siú-kúa. who refuses to marry again, chiet-hũ; siú-chiet. widower, sit-ngóu.

wife, chhi; bóu; hũ; lãi-nâng; ke-lãi; ke-ãu; ke-kùan. take a wife, see MARRY. your wife, lẽng-chiàⁿ; tsun-só; lãi-tsõ; tsun-hu-jîn; tsun-lãi; hiên-só. my wife, lãi-nâng; lãi-tsuat; tsuat-keng. [if she has a son fer husband will call her so-and-so’s mother.] my good wife (addressing her), hiên-chhi. wife and children, chhi-tsṳ́; bóu-kiáⁿ. to take a second wife, tshūa-jī-nâng. legal wife, chiàⁿ-chhi; tek-chhi; tsháu-thâu. first wife, huat-chhi; ngûan-phùe. wife’s brother, chhi-kũ. wife’s sister, chhi-î.

wig, ké-môⁿ; ké-thâu-môⁿ.

wild, iá. beast, iá-siù. growing wild, suaⁿ seⁿ; pe̍h-huat; tsṳ̃-seⁿ. fowl, tsúi-chiáu. goose, hái-gô.

wilderness, khùang-iá; tsháu-iá.

will, chì; sim-chì; chì-khì; tsú-ì. will you or will you not, lṳ́ àiⁿ a-màiⁿ; lṳ́ àiⁿ–mé. I will go, úa pit-àiⁿ-khṳ̀. he will not do it, i m̄-hàuⁿ-tsò; m̄-khéng; m̄-ngũan. will this do, chí-kâi hó–mé. it will do, õi–tsò-tit; khó-íⁿ.

will, a, zũi-tsṳ; zũi-tsok.

wilful, kù-ì; chip-ì.

willing, khéng; hàuⁿ; huaⁿ-hí; ngũan; kam-sim chhêng-ngũan; kam-ngũan; tshut-pńg-sim.

willow, liú; liú-chhiū. weeping, si-liú; sûi-si-liú.

wince, sok-bûa; kiu-bûa.

wind, huang. a gust of wind, che̍k-tsûn-huang; che̍k-tsūn-huang. fair wind, sũn-huang. gentle wind, huang li-li. adverse wind, nge̍k-huang; thêⁿ-huang; tùi-huang; phah-huang. high wind, huang tōa. wind lighter, huang iáu-sie̍h. wind gone down, huang tiām; huang chẽⁿ. to catch the wind, hâⁿ-huang. windpipe, ngẽ-âu.

wind, to (as thread), în; tîⁿ; tsāng. wind the queue round the head, khûan-piⁿ; phûan-piⁿ; wind the queue round the head (at the back of the head), tá tsang-kiáⁿ-lô. a clock, khui-sî-cheng. a winding road, lōu uan; lōu uan-khek; i-uan khit-khek.

window, theng. a sliding one, theng-thuah. shutters, theng-mn̂g. stanchions, theng-chí.

wine, (spirituous liquor), chiú. (grape), phû-thô-chiú. flagon, chiú-pân; chiú-tsun. cup, chiú-pue; chiú-cheng; chiú-tsúaⁿ; chiú-chiak, chiú-au. shop, chiú-tiàm; chiú-phòu. press, chiú-tsa̍h.

wings, si̍t. to flap the, phah-si̍t. to dress, tshńg-si̍t; tshóiⁿ-si̍t. to clip the, chién-si̍t.

wink, nihⁿ-ma̍k. to wink at a thing, tèⁿ-tsò m̄-tsai.

winnow, pùa-bí; pùa-chhek. tray used to, pùa-ki. fan used to, huang-kūiⁿ. to, in fan, ká-chhek.

winter, tang; tang–thiⁿ; chhìn–thiⁿ. clothing, kûaⁿ-saⁿ; hân-i. cap, kûaⁿ-bō. solstice, tang-tsoih; tang-chì.

wipe, to wipe (with dry cloth), chhit. to wipe (with wet cloth), zṳ̂.

wire, thih-sùaⁿ; tâng-sùaⁿ; ngṳ̂n-sùaⁿ.

wise, hiên; ũ-tì-hũi; kau-mêng; ũ-kièn-sek; ũ-tì-sek; ũ-tshâi-tì; ũ-tshâi-ha̍k.

wish, àiⁿ; ngũan; ngũan-mōⁿ; siẽⁿ-mōⁿ; siẽⁿ-àiⁿ; him-iẽn; it–tie̍h. according to one’s wish, zû-ì; zû-ngũan.

wit, ki-khá; sim-khiàu méⁿ; ua̍h-phuah; lêng-ki èng-pièn. frightened out of one’s wits, kiâⁿ-kàu-kông; kiaⁿ-kàu-ngo̍h.

witch, thóiⁿ-siàⁿ-phûa; loo̍h-sîn-phûa. (spiritualist medium), tshai-kou-î. witch-craft, siâ-su̍t; bû-su̍t; huap-su̍t; iau-su̍t.

with, to carry with one, tòa-tõ-sin. talk with you, kāng-lṳ́ tàⁿ-ūe. walk with you, kāng-lṳ́ tsò-pû-kiâⁿ; kiau-lṳ́ tsò-pû-khṳ̀; kah-lṳ́-khṳ̀. agrees with this, kāng-chí-kâi siang-ha̍h. with a pen, ēng-pit; tsang-pit; chiang-pit; khiâ-pit. with the hand, tsang-chhiū. with respect to, lũn; lũn-ki̍p; chì-i; tàⁿ-kàu; lũn-kàu.

withdraw, to, thò; thò-sî; sî-siā; sià-sṳ̄; thò-cheh.

wither, to (as flowers), kou-ta; ta; ta-ki; siā.

within, tõ-lãi; lãi-mīn; tói-mīn; lãi–tang; lãi–teng; lãi-thâu. within a month, m̄-chiẽⁿ kâi-gu̍eh; put-tshut kâi-gu̍eh; tõ-che̍k-gu̍eh-lãi; tõ-chí-gu̍eh-tói. within doors, tõ-mn̂g-lãi; tō-ke-lãi; tõ-tshù-lãi. within a step of death, hiám-hiám-sí; tsu̍ah-se-su chiũ-sí.

without, tõ-gūa; gūa-mīn; gūa-thâu. without money, bô-chîⁿ; khueh-chîⁿ. without fear, bô-só-ùi. *better without it(, put-zû-bô kèng-hó; su-kùe-bô; lêng-tsò-bô. cannot do without it, bô chiũ-m̄-tsò-tit; chhiet-iàu tie̍h-ũ.

withstand, tí-tng; tang-tsũ; tng-tsũ; tùi-te̍k; khàng-kṳ̃; khàng-nge̍k; sie-káu-ke̍h.

witness, a, kan-chèng; thih-kan-chèng. an eye-witness, chèng-kìⁿ; chhin-ma̍k thóiⁿ–kìⁿ. to bear, tsò-kan-chèng; tsò-chèng-kìⁿ. false, buáng-chèng. to suborn false witnesses, bói-chèng.

wizard, tâng-ki; tâng-sin; tsò-bû-su̍t; tsò-kuat-su̍t; tsò-huap-su̍t.

woe, tsai-hũa; hũa-tsai; khiông-khóu; hũa-huãm.

wolf, tshâi-lâng.

woman, tsṳ-niêⁿ; nńg; hũ-jîn; hũ-jîn-nâng; a-má-nâng. [tsa-bóu not used in Hoo city, and vulgar.] an old woman, lãu-tsṳ-niêⁿ; lãu-ḿ; lãu-sím-pô. woman’s work, nńg-kang; tsṳ-niêⁿ-kang; hũ-kang.

womb, tho.

wonder, to, khî-ĩ; kuài-ĩ; thóiⁿ-khî. wonderful, khî-ĩ; khî-kuài; kuài-ĩ; tshut-khî; koh-iēⁿ; ĩ-sṳ̄; khî-sṳ̄; chin-khî-sṳ̄; kuài-sṳ̄.

wonted, kùiⁿ-sìⁿ; phêng-siêⁿ; siêⁿ-sṳ̄; siêⁿ-so̍k.

wood, ba̍k; tshâ; sam; chhiū-ba̍k. building materials of, tshâ-sāi; sam-sāi. a wood, chhiū-nâⁿ; chhiū-lîm. wood-yard, sam-chhiáng; sam-phòu; sam-hâng.

woof, hūi. warp and, keⁿ-hūi.

wool, iêⁿ-môⁿ. woollen cloth, nîⁿ.

word, ūe; ngân; gṳ́. written, jī. to speak words, tàⁿ-ūe. I wish to asy a word to you, uà àiⁿ kāng-lṳ́-tàⁿ che̍k-kù-ūe. to keep one’s, chiè i-kâi-ūe khṳ̀-kiâⁿ. to break one’s, sit-sìn; sit-ieh; chia̍h-ngân. words and actions, ngân-hẽng. in a single word, tsóng–tsṳ. to speak a good word for one, kṳ́-chìn che̍k-kù. the Word of God, Siãng-tì kâi-tãu; Siàⁿ-tsṳ; Siàⁿ-kiaⁿ.

work, kang; kang-hu; khang-khùe. to work, tsò-kang. at work, ēng-kang. contract for, mãuⁿ-kang. needle-work, tsam-kang. to work clay, chhip-thôu. a scull, iẽ-lóu. to work by the day, lũn-ji̍t tsò-kang. workman, sai-pẽ; kang-jîn. workmanship, kang-hu. fine, cheng-kong; cheng-khá; iùⁿ-kang.

world, sì; sì-kài; sì-kan; âng-tîn; thiⁿ-ẽ. (this dusty weary world), tîn-sì. all the, phóu-thiⁿ-ẽ; phóu-thiⁿ-kha-ẽ; thong-thiⁿ-kha-ẽ; buān-kok. this, tshṳ́-sì; kim-sì; iâng–kan; iâng-sì. the next, lâi-seⁿ; lâi-sì; im–kan; àm–thâu. the next (all mean one’s next appearance in this world), ãu-sì. ignorant of the, m̄-hiáu sì-bũ. this changing world, iâm-liâng sì-kài. since the world began, khai-phek íⁿ-lâi; khai-tshàng íⁿ-lâi. worldly affairs, sì-bũ; sì-chhêng.

worm, a, thâng. earth-worm, kãu-ún. in the intestines, kam-thâng. in books, tsù-thâng. worm-eaten, tsù-tiāu; khòi-tiāu.

wormwood, în-tîn; în-tîn khóu-chhì.

worse, kèng-m̄-hó; zú-m̄-hó; zû-kèng m̄-hó; kèng-sĩm; kèng-hāi; zú-sí. sickness, pēⁿ kèng-tãng. daily growing worse, che̍k-ji̍t kìⁿ-ji̍t-tãng.

worship, to, pài; kũi-pài; kèng-pài; kèng-hõng, go to worship, khṳ̀-lói-pài. to worship idols, pài-sîn; pài-lãu-iâ; pài-tshâ-sîn; sāi-lãu-iâ. ancestors, pài-a-kong; pài-tsóu; pài-ke-sîn.

worst, ke̍k-ak; siãng-ak; chì-ak; siãng-téng m̄-hó.

worsted, zông-sùaⁿ. stockings, kãu-ún-bue̍h; hôu-khî-bue̍h.

worth, what is it, ta̍t jie̍h-tsōi-chîⁿ; kè-ta̍t jie̍h-tsōi; sĩ-mih-kè. not worth a single cash, m̄-ta̍t kâi-chîⁿ; put-ta̍t che̍k-bûn. is it worth the trouble, m̄-tsai póu-tit-kùe kang-la̍t, mé.

worthless, bô-ēng; bô-iah; m̄-tèng-ēng. (of people), hiã-téng. fellow, siáu-jîn.

worthy, kham-kai. he is worthy to receive it, kham-kai hó-tit-tie̍h; pńg-téng hó-tit–tie̍h.

wound, to, sieⁿ; phah-sieⁿ; sieⁿ–tie̍h; sún-sieⁿ; sieⁿ-sún. with a knife or sword, to-sieⁿ. with shot, chhèng-sieⁿ. wounded, õi-sieⁿ; siũ-sieⁿ. a wound, chhieⁿ-kháu; sieⁿ-kháu.

wrangle, sie-cheⁿ; sie-à; sie-jiáng; jiáng kàu kî-kâ-kiè; jiáng kàu kũang-kũang-kiè.

wrap, to wrap, pau; phah-pau. wrap round, tîⁿ; tsāng; hâ. wrapper for books, thû-su; chheh-pòu.

wrath, see ANGER.

wreak, to, vengeance, soh-hṳ̃n; sia̍p-hún.

wreck, phùa-tsûn; pua̍h-phùa-tsûn; tiam-phùa-tsûn; pua̍h-tiāu-tsûn.

wren, chheⁿ-thî; thiau-liâu.

wrench, tsũn; tsũn-tshúa. off, tsũn-tiāu.

wrestle, sie-khím sie-mán; tòu-la̍t; tòu-la̍t pí-bú; lám-kau-pua̍h; pua̍h-kau.

wretched, khóu-miāⁿ; chhi-tshám; khiông-khóu; sin-chiēⁿ kan-khóu.

wriggle, tsũn-a-tsũn; kũan-a-kũan. (as worm), thâu-hìⁿ búe-hìⁿ.

wring, to, tsũn. dry, tsũn-ta.

wrinkled, jiâu. face, mīn-phûe kâu-jiâu; mīn jiâu-jiâu. wrinkles, niàuⁿ-hûn; chhi̍p-niàuⁿ; chhi̍p-jiâu.

wrist, the, chhiú-uán. bones of, chhiú-ma̍k.

write, to, siá; siá-jī. in a book, siá; kì. an essay, tsò-bûn; tsò-bûn-chieⁿ. a book, tù-tsṳ. to write out from a copy, tshau; piâⁿ. writing materials, bûn-pâng sì-pó; pit-ba̍k tsúa-īⁿ.

writhe, to, kũan-a-kũan; tsũn-a-tsũn; thâu-hìⁿ búe-hìⁿ.

wrong, m̄-tie̍h; m̄-sĩ; put-sĩ; m̄-tùi; tshò; tāⁿ; tsha-tshò; tsáu-tsua̍h. to wrong one, hāi; uan-khut; uan-uáng; uáng-khut; khui. to receive, siũ-khui; chia̍h-khui; siũ-uan-khut. to redress a wrong for any one, kāng–nâng sin-uan; thòi–nâng sin-uan.

wrought, iron, se̍k-thih.

wry, tshúa; m̄-chiàⁿ. yam, tōa-tsṳ̂.