English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / L | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / L

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label, hō-phiâu; jī-hō; gūa-phiâu; thiap-ma̍k.

labour, lâu-sim; lâu-la̍t; ēng-kang; bûa-lâu; bûa-la̍t; lâu-khóu. day-labourer, chhiẽⁿ-kòu. in labour, lîm-phûn; àiⁿ-seⁿ-kiáⁿ; hun-mién. difficult, seⁿ-m̄-tshut; lân-súaⁿ; nge̍k-súaⁿ.

lace, mãng-se. gold, kim-si-tòa.

lacquer, iû-tshat; tshat.

lad, nôuⁿ-kiáⁿ; hãu-seⁿ-kiáⁿ.

ladder, thui; lâu-thui. one, che̍k-tieⁿ-thui. steps of, thui-chí; thui-kèⁿ. go up, chiẽⁿ-thui; peh-chiẽⁿ-thui.

ladle, tsúi-kóng; khat-kóng. use, ēng-kóng lâi-ié-tsúi.

lady, a-niêⁿ; niêⁿ-niêⁿ; a-náiⁿ. (wife of mandarin), thài-thài. (still higher), hu-jîn.

lag, behind, lo̍h-ãu; tùe-m̄-tie̍h; m̄-chìn-tsôiⁿ.

lake, ôu; chek-tsúi-ôu.

lamb, iêⁿ-kiáⁿ; mîⁿ-iêⁿ-kiáⁿ. unborn lambs, sometimes eaten, iêⁿ-tho.

lame, kuái-kha. (less severe), hièn-kha. walk, kiâⁿ-lōu kuái-a-kuái.

lament, khàu; ai-khàu; tháu-khùi; hûan-ló. lamentable, khó-sieh; khó-liên; chhi-tshám; chhi-liâng.

lamp, teng; teng-chhiū; teng-khêng; teng-húe. hanging, tiàu-teng. hand-lamp, chhiú-teng. lamp-light, teng-ẽ. lamp-wick, teng-sim. to light, tiám-teng; liám-teng; chiẽⁿ-teng; khui-teng. blow out, pûn-kùe; tshue–kùe; lâu–khí.

lampoon, bô-thâu-thiap; ki-chhiáu.

lance, chhieⁿ. lancet, khui-tshng-to.

land, tī; suaⁿ; tshân-hn̂g. land from a boat, chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ; khí-tsúi. on land, suaⁿ-téng. pay land tax, uân-niêⁿ; na̍p-niêⁿ. owner of, tshân-tsú. landing-place, lōu-thâu.

landlord, tshâi-tsú. (of house), tshù-tsú. (of land), tshân-tsú. (of inn), tiàm-tsú; tiàm-ke.

landmark, tī-kài; kài-chie̍h; chie̍h-pi; tī-kài-pi. to look out for landmarks when at sea, thóiⁿ-suaⁿ-mn̂g; kam-suaⁿ-mn̂g; jīn-suaⁿ-thâu.

landscape, kuang-kéng. to paint, ūe-kéng-tī; ūe-suaⁿ-tsúi.

lane, hāng. a, che̍k-tiâu-hāng.

language, ūe; ūe-kù; ngân-gṳ́; thóu-thâm; im-gṳ́. written, bûn-jī. see COLLOQUIAL.

languid, khùn-tõaⁿ; phî-kũan; bô-cheng-sîn; bô-sîn-khì.

lank, bô-mih-ne̍k; sán; kut-thâu khià-khià.

lantern, teng-lâng; po-lî-teng. to carry (with rod attached), khiâ-teng-lâng. to carry (hanging from the hand) ,kũaⁿ-teng-lâng. hang many lanterns for congratulation, tiàu-teng. on high bamboos, when in trouble, chiẽⁿ-thiⁿ-teng. ornamental, in street, chiẽⁿ-teng-tû. carry after the idols, iâⁿ-teng. feast of lanterns, ngûan-siau-mêⁿ.

lap, sit in one’s, tsõ tõ-kha–thâu.

lard, tṳ-lâ; tṳ-iû. to melt, luah-lâ. to fry in lard, chien-lâ.

large, tōa; khuah-tōa; kûiⁿ-tōa; tōa-bó-kâi; lō-ho. large-hearted, hái-liãng; liãng-tōu khuan-khuah.

largess, siéⁿ-mue̍h; khèng-siéⁿ; tãi-siéⁿ; pù-si; pù-sì. (to soldiers), khàu-siéⁿ.

lark, peh-lêng-chiáu.

larva, thâng-nñg; thâng-kóiⁿ; tshṳ.

larynx, âu-lêng; ngẽ-âu; âu-lâng-kńg.

lascivious, tham-sek; phiâu; tham-îm.

lash, piⁿ. to, tsang-piⁿ phah; piⁿ-phah.

lassitude, khùn-tõaⁿ; kũan-tõaⁿ; phî-kũan; bô-cheng-sîn.

last, suah-búe; kiâu-búe; mua̍t. night, tsa-mêⁿ; tsa-mêⁿ-àm. month, chiēⁿ-kâi-gue̍h. year, kū-nîⁿ; khṳ̀-nîⁿ; úang-nîⁿ. month, chiēⁿ-kâi-gue̍h. at last, kiáu-búe; búe-búe. from first to last, tsṳ̃-sí kàu-tsong; tshông-thâu kàu-búe. first and last the same, sí-tsong zû-it. the last day, mua̍t-ji̍t. breathe one’s last, khùi tñg.

last, to, nãiⁿ; nãiⁿ-kú; tōiⁿ. lasting well, õi-nãiⁿ.

last, shoe, ôi-hùn.

lastings, ú-lêng; ú-môⁿ; ú-tn̄g; ú-se.

latch, ie̍h-kúi.

latchet, ôi-tòa.

late, mān; ùaⁿ; chhî. too, khah-mān; kùe-ùaⁿ. in day, ji̍t ùaⁿ; ji̍t àm. in the night, keⁿ chhim. my late father, uá kâi-soiⁿ-kháu; uá kâi-soiⁿ-hũ. my late grandfather, uá kâi-tsóu-kháu. your late father, soiⁿ-tsun. too late for dinner, hù-m̄-tie̍h chia̍h.

lately, chí-kṳ̃n-sî; chí-kṳ̃n-ji̍t; kṳ̃n-ji̍t; kúi-ji̍t-tsôiⁿ; sù-ji̍t-tsôiⁿ; soiⁿ sù-ji̍t; būe-kú; soiⁿ-bô-kú.

lathe, chhia-pûaⁿ; chhia-tshn̂g.

latitude, tī-hūi-tōu.

lattice, hõng-ngán-theng.

laudable, hó-o-ló; kham-kai hó-o-ló.

laugh, chhiè. laugh aloud, hā-hā-chhiè; chhiè kàu hā-hā-kiè. with mouth wide open, chhiè kàu tshùi li̍h-li̍h. laugh till one can laugh no more, tâng-õi-chhiè, chhiè kàu-bõi-chhiè. pot laughing at kettle (literally, bed-bug laughing at tree-bug), ba̍t-sat chhiè chie̍h-pūi. laughable, hó-chhiè; khó-chhiè.

launch, tsûn pàng-lo̍h-tsúi. steam-launch, húe-tsûn-kiáⁿ.

lavender, water, hue-lōu-tsúi.

lavish, lâng-hùi; hṳ̂-hùi; phah-phún-sái; chhia-chhíⁿ; chhia-hûa.

law, huap; lu̍t-huap; lu̍t-lī; huap-tōu. keep, siú-huap. break, huãm-huap. lawful, ha̍h-huap. lawless, bô-huap; nge̍k-huap.

lawsuit, kuaⁿ-si. to have a, phah-kuaⁿ-si; sie-kò.

lawyer, (confidential adviser of mandarin), sṳ-iâ. (one who writes legal documents), sõng-sṳ.

lawn, a, tsháu-tiêⁿ; tsháu-pou.

lax, khah-khuan; thài-khuan; pàng-sang; khah-khuaⁿ.

lay, down, pàng. oneself down, tó; khùa-ie; khiau-ie; gu̍t–lo̍h-khṳ̀. on top, tha̍h-tõ-téng; thia̍p-tõ-téng. by, khǹg-bûa; siu-bûa; siu-khṳ̀-khǹg. aside, pàng-khui; tṳ̂-khṳ̀. out, phou-pâi; pâi-pí. eggs, seⁿ-nñg. the table, pâi-toh; pái-tshn̂g; pái-ti̍h toh-sia̍h. on colour, tsng-sek; tsuang-sek. lay out money, sái-chîⁿ. hands on, àn-chhiú; hūaⁿ-chhiú. hands on (seize), lia̍h.

layer, three, saⁿ-têng; saⁿ-în. in layers, che̍k-têng che̍k-têng.

lazy, tõaⁿ; lán-tõaⁿ; iû-chhiú hàuⁿ-ôiⁿ.

lead, în. pencil, în-pit. weights, tô-chí; în-thūi. white, în-hún. pour in lead, kùan-în.

lead, to, ín; khan; tshūa; kiau; tòa. leader, niáⁿ-thâu; thâu-ma̍k; tsóng-tòa.

leaf, of tree, chhiū-hie̍h. book, chheh-hie̍h. turn over leaves of book, chhe-hie̍h iãuⁿ–kùe-lâi; chhe-hie̍h hien–kùe-lâi. of door, sìⁿ; pôiⁿ; phìⁿ. double leaved door, sang-phìⁿ-mn̂g. gold-leaf, kim-po̍h.

league, mêng-ieh.

leak, lāu. mend a, lia̍h-lāu; póu-lāu.

lean, to, úa; khùa.

lean, sán; sòu; sán-sòu; bô-ne̍k.

leap, thiàu; thiàu–khí-lâi. on one, as tiger, tà–khí-lâi; teng–khí-lâi. leap-frog, thiàu-it-tshṳ́.

learn, o̍h; ha̍k-si̍p; liēn-si̍p. by heart, tha̍k kàu-õi-liām; tha̍k kàu-pat-liām; tha̍k-se̍k. writing, o̍h-siá-jī. learned, phak-ha̍k; ũ-ha̍k-mn̄g; ha̍k-mn̄g chhim; chhim-phak; pá-ha̍k. learning, ha̍k-mn̄g.

lease, to, sùe; tsou-sùe. a written, khòi.

least, siãng-sòi; tsùe-sòi; tsùe-mûiⁿ. in the least, hâu-lî; sut-kiáⁿ; se-su-kiáⁿ. not in the least, pẽng-bô; bô che̍k-sut-kiáⁿ. at the very least, siãng-kiám.

leather, phûe; se̍k-phûe. to dress, se̍k-phûe. shoes, phûe-ôi.

leave, lī; lī-khui; lī-pie̍t; sie-pie̍t. off, kài; keh; kói; hiah. to take, sî-pie̍t; chiãm-pie̍t. behind, pàng-tiāu; ka-lau̍h; khì-tiāu. behind (at death), zũi-lo̍h. loath to leave, siá-m̄-tit; siá put-tit-khṳ̀. leavings, só-tshûn.

leaven, kàⁿ-bó. to leaven, lo̍h-kàⁿ; khí-kàⁿ; phû-kàⁿ; huat-kàⁿ.

lecture, sueh-tsṳ; káng-tsṳ; káng-tãu.

ledger, tsóng-phõu.

lee, side, huang-ẽ-pôiⁿ. make leeway under sail, kài.

lees, tsau; tái.

leech, hôu-khî.

leek, kú-tshài. flowers of, kú-tshài-hue.

left, side, tsó-pôiⁿ. hand, tsó-chhiú; tò-chhiú. over, tshûn; sīn.

leg, kha. one, che̍k-chiah-kha. of mutton, iêⁿ-thúi.

legacy, zũi-ngia̍p; zũi-chîⁿ.

legal, ha̍h-huap; lu̍t-huap só-tsún.

legend, kóu-thûan. (written), kóu-tn̄g. fabulous, huang-thâng.

legerdemain, tsò-pá-hì; tsò-pa-hì; tsò-hì-su̍t; tién-chhiú-huap; chia-ngán-huap.

leggings, khòu-thúi; khòu-thàu.

legible, hó-tha̍k; jī hīn-hīn; jī thóiⁿ-tit-tshut.

legume, tāu.

leisure, ôiⁿ; bô-sṳ̄; chheng-ôiⁿ. leisurely, mān-mān.

lend, chieh; chieh–pun-nâng. money on interest, seⁿ-chîⁿ. lender, tièⁿ-tsú; pàng-tièⁿ.

leopard, pà.

leprosy, thái-ko; tōa-huang; mûaⁿ-huang.

less, kiám; kèng-chié; m̄-kàu. make, tṳ̂-kiám. become, siau-si̍h.

lesson, say, liām che̍k-hûe-tsṳ. take a lesson from anything, tsṳ̄-kéng.

lest, mién; sái-kàu-mín; khióng-ùi; khióng-phàⁿ; kiaⁿ-ùi; ṳ̃-hûang; ṳ̃-mín.

let, hṳ́; ṳ́; hàuⁿ; tsún. a house, sùe-tshù pun nâng. into, ji̍p. down, pàng-lo̍h. go, pàng. me see, pun-uá-thóiⁿ. let us go, lâi-khṳ̀. let him do it, thèng-i khṳ̀-tsò; kui-i khṳ̀-tsò; thãi-i khṳ̀-tsò. off a gun, pàng-phàu; khui-chhèng. off crackers, phah-phòng-phiẽ. let not one remain, màiⁿ-tshûn che̍k-kâi. let the request be granted, tsún i-só-khiû. let alone, chhiú màiⁿ-thãng; kṳ̀-i-khṳ̀.

letter, sìn; tsṳ-sìn; phoi-sìn. one, che̍k-tieⁿ-jī; che̍k-kò-sìn; che̍k-huang-sìn. to send, kià-phoi; kià-sìn. letters, jī. of alphabet, jī-bó. a man of, ũ-ha̍k-mn̄g.

lettuce, chheⁿ-tshài.

leucorrhoea, pāi-pe̍h; pe̍h-tòa.

levee, chhiâu-kìⁿ.

level, pêⁿ. place, pêⁿ-tī; pêⁿ-pou. to level, phêⁿ-pêⁿ; phah-pêⁿ; thúaⁿ-pêⁿ.

lever, thih-chhiâng; phûe-chhiâng.

levy, taxes, thiu-sùe; siu-niêⁿ; tui-niêⁿ. troops, khí-piaⁿ; tiãu-piaⁿ; teng-piaⁿ.

lewd, siâ; îm; hàuⁿ-sek.

lexicon, jī-tién. (small), jī-lūi.

libation, kuàn-tī.

libel, bô-thâu-thiap. to, ka̍k-thiap-kiáⁿ; tah-thiap-kiáⁿ.

liberal, khuan-hông tãi-liãng; lêng-iông-nâng; ũ-tōu-liãng. with money, khang-khài; tōa-khang tōa-khài; khuang-khài.

liberate, pàng; sek-pàng; pàng-i-khṳ̀. liberty, tsṳ̃-tsú; tsṳ̃-lí; tsṳ̃-iû. you are at liberty, sûi-lṳ́ tsú-ì; bô-nâng khu-sok.

libidinous, tham-sek; hàuⁿ-phiâu; îm-io̍k.

library, tsṳ-pâng.

license, give a, tshut-pâi. take out, niáⁿ-pâi; sùe-pâi.

licentious, kùe-tōu; siâ-phiah; bô-huap-tōu; huàng-ûi zuãn-tsò.

lichen, chheⁿ-thî; chheⁿ-thai; chhiêⁿ-thai; chhiêⁿ-i.

lichi, nôiⁿ-kúeⁿ. dried, nôiⁿ-kúeⁿ-kuaⁿ.

lick, chĩ. the old cow licks its calf, lãu-gû chĩ-tok.

lid, khàm. of pot, ue-kùa. of frying-pan, tiáⁿ-khàm.

lie, tàⁿ-ké-ūe; tàⁿ-ké; pe̍h-chia̍h pe̍h-tàⁿ; sueh-huáng; tàⁿ hṳ-ké kai-ūe. a lie, pe̍h-chiáⁿ-ūe; tōa-ūe; hṳ-ké; huang-thâng; bô-iáⁿ-ūe; bô-iaⁿ bô-chiah kâi-ūe.

lie, down, tó–loo̍h-khṳ̀ gu̍t. with, tsò-pû-gu̍t. in ambush, mâiⁿ-ho̍k; bih-tiām; bih-bûa.

lieutenant, lieutenant-governor, bú-īⁿ; bú-thâi.

life, miāⁿ; sèⁿ-miāⁿ. present, kim-sì; tõ-seⁿ; seⁿ-tsôiⁿ. future, lâi-seⁿ; sí-ãu. life and death, seⁿ-sí. life-time, che̍k-sì-nâng; che̍k-seⁿ-nâng; tsong-sin. all one’s life-time, chĩn-che̍k-sì. regardless of life, m̄-kù-miāⁿ; m̄-kù sèⁿ-miāⁿ. lifeless, bõi-ua̍h; sí–liáu; pùaⁿ-seⁿ pùaⁿ-sí. to see life, kìⁿ–kùe sì-chhêng. take life, suah-miāⁿ. long, tn̂g-miāⁿ; tn̂g-siū.

lift, khie̍h-khí; khie̍h-phû; hû-phû; hû-khí; kng-phû; kiah. a screen, hien-liâm; kiah-liâm. one’s clothes, piáu-phû; tsah-phû; túi-phû. the head, thâu-khak tièⁿ-taⁿ. with lever, kiãu-phû; kiãu-khí. off a lid, iãuⁿ-khàm; khàm iãuⁿ-phû. up a child, phõ–khí-lâi.

light, kng; kuang; kuang-mêng. of sun, ji̍t-kng. a lamp, liám-húe; tiám-húe, liám-teng; tiám-teng; chiẽⁿ-teng. a fire, khí-húe; to̍h-húe. light-house, teng-lâu; teng-thah. come to light, huat-tsoh.

light, in weight, khin. light and easy, khin-kōi. clothing, chhēng-po̍h. wind, huang khin; huang-kiáⁿ li-li. in colour, chhién-sek; sek chhién-tãⁿ. light-fingered, saⁿ-chiah-chhiú. lighten, pûaⁿ-khin; phêⁿ-kiám. to lighter, poh-hùe. make light of anyone, thóiⁿ-khin; thóiⁿ-m̄-chiẽⁿ-ma̍k; lia̍h-tsūaⁿ; khin-buãn; bú-buãn.

lightning, tiẽn-húe; lûi-húe. it lightens, lûi-kong nihⁿ-ma̍k; tiẽn-húe ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

like, chhin-chhiẽⁿ; húang-sṳ̃; siang-sṳ̃; kṳ̃n-sṳ; siãu; tâng; tshah-chhi̍h chhin-chhiẽⁿ. it is like (simile), chhin-chhiẽⁿ; khó-pí; phì-zû; tǹg–kùe; hāi–kùe. do like him, o̍h i-kâi-iēⁿ; uàⁿ i-kâi-iēⁿ; hãu i-kâi-iēⁿ. make, it like this, chiè chí-kâi-iēⁿ tsò.

like, to, hàuⁿ; ngũan; kam-ngũan; chhêng-ngũan; tèng-ì; ha̍h-ì; zûi-ì; sieh.

likely, tōa-mīn-sĩ; tōa-pùaⁿ-sĩ; poih-káu-siaⁿ; tsōi-hun; iak-liãng; iak-bó-liãng; káⁿ-sĩ; gî-sĩ.

likeness, sièⁿ; hí-sîn; siáu-ngiá; mīn-mãuⁿ. there is a strong likeness, siãu-tsãi.

likewise, iā; iā-sĩ; kiam-kũa; siãng-chhiáⁿ; iũ.

lily, peh-ha̍h-hue. water-lily, nôiⁿ-hue.

limbs, the four, sì-thói; sì-thí; sì-chiⁿ.

lime, hue. burn, sie-hue. slack, huat-hue; huat-hue-pôu. mix, chhiau-hue. sift, thai-hue. sifted, hue-kiáⁿ. refuse, hue-thâu. kiln, hue-iê. debris of shells for making lime, sap.

limit, hãn; kài-hãn; hãn-liãng; tōu-hãn; hãn-chí. pass the limited time, kùe-hãn-khî.

limp, to, chhiãng. adj., nńg; lùn.

limpid, chheng; chheng-chẽng.

line, to draw a, ue̍h. of book, hâng; tsūe; tiâu. dividing-lines. jī-keh. to make such, phah-jī-keh; ūe-jī-keh. you are reading the wrong line, lṳ́ thóiⁿ-tāⁿ-hâng; lṳ́ thóiⁿ-tāⁿ-tsūe. carpenter’s ink-line, ba̍k-táu-sîn. to strike it, tōaⁿ-sîn. lines on the palm of the hand, chhiú-tói-hûn.

line, a coat, chhiam-lí. lining, lí. lined coat, koih-niûⁿ.

lineage, lâi-le̍h. (genealogical record), tso̍k-phóu.

linen, tiũ; tiũ-pòu; mûaⁿ-pòu. yarn, tiũ-sùaⁿ; tsòi.

linger, tam-tûa; chhî-mān; thû-mān; thiû-thû; in-tîⁿ.

linguist, thong-sṳ̄; hûe-ūe.

link, liēn-hûan; liēn-khou; sang-lau-khou. linked together, siang-liên-hûan; sang-lau-hûan.

linseed, mûaⁿ-chí; iû-mûaⁿ-chí.

lint, pòu-zông.

lintel, mn̂g-bâi.

lion, sai.

lip, tûn; tshùi-tûn; tshùi-lîm-phûe; tshùi-lîm-tûn. bite the lips slightly, kam-tûn.

liquify, iêⁿ; siau-iêⁿ.

liquor, tsúi; thng. spirituous, chiú.

lisp, tōa-chi̍h.

list, tiâu-ma̍k; hùe-liāu-toaⁿ; tshâi-liāu-toaⁿ; tsa̍p-mue̍h-toaⁿ; ma̍k-lo̍k. to check by a, kiám-tiám.

listen, thiaⁿ. secretly, àm-chẽⁿ-thiaⁿ; thàm-thiaⁿ; thau-thiaⁿ; tá-thèng. attentively, ēng-sim lâi-thiaⁿ; sié-sim-thiaⁿ; kṳ́n-sim-thiaⁿ; tsṳ́-sòi-thiaⁿ; tsuan-sim-thiaⁿ. to advice, thiaⁿ–nâng khǹg-kòi; thiaⁿ-tshông.

listless, bô-cheng-sîn; phî; phî-kũan; phî-khùn; phî-tõaⁿ.

literal, chiè-jī-mĩn.

literati, tha̍k-tsṳ-nâng.

literary, ũ-ha̍k-mn̄g. composition, bûn-chieⁿ. degree, kong-miâⁿ. character of a place, bûn-hong. graduate, bûn-o̍h; bûn-siù-tsâi.

literature, (scholarship), ha̍k-bûn. ancient, kóu-bûn. modern, sî-bûn. god of, bûn-chhiang.

litharge, bi̍t-thôu-cheng.

litigate, phah-kuaⁿ-si; sie-kò.

litter, iâng-kiē.

little, sòi; chié; se-su; se-su-kiáⁿ; se-kiáⁿ; lân-ló; sut-kiáⁿ; tiám-kiáⁿ; tshoh-kiáⁿ-niⁿ; ni̍hⁿ-ni̍hⁿ-kiáⁿ; lân-su; su-su-kiáⁿ. little by little, chiãm-chiãm. a little, tshó-lia̍k; chhiáu-chhiáu. wait a little, tán–khùn-kiáⁿ; khiã-tiām–chē; chhiáⁿ-thẽng–chē. see SMALL.

liturgy, khî-táu-sek; khî-táu-bûn. to chant, liām-keng.

live, seⁿ; ua̍h. at a place, khiã-khí; kṳ-tsũ; tiū. from hand to mouth, sî-thàn sî-chia̍h.

livelihood, sṳ̄-ngiap; chia̍h-ēng. to work for, thàn-chia̍h.

lively, ua̍h-phuah; khiàu-thâu méⁿ.

liver, kuaⁿ. enlarged, kuaⁿ tōa.

lizard, chîⁿ-lêng.

load, a man’s, che̍k-tàⁿ. of boat, che̍k-tsāi. to carry a, taⁿ-tàⁿ; tsài-mueu̍h. to load a vessel, hẽ-hùe; lo̍h-hùe. on the mind, sim-lãi chhin-chhiẽⁿ taⁿ-tãng-tàⁿ.

loadstone, hiap-chie̍h.

loaf, wheaten, mīⁿ-pau; che̍k-kò mīⁿ-pau.

loam, thôu-ne̍k; jiâu-tī.

lobe, of ear, hĩⁿ-tûi.

loathe, lóu; iàm; ù; iàm-tsūaⁿ; ià. loathsome, chhi-gî.

lobster, lêng-hê.

lock, só-thâu. foreign, ie̍h-kúi; iêⁿ-só; huan-só-thâu. the door, só-mn̂g. of a gun, chiáu-kiáⁿ; chiáu-thâu; chiáu-kha. of canal, tsúi-tsa̍h.

lockjaw, gê-kuan kã-kín; gê-khí kã-kín.

locust, huâng-thâng.

lodge, hiah; khiã-khí. a night, hiah-mêⁿ. lodging, hiah-tiàm; kheh-tiàm. hire a lodging, sùe-tshù kià-kṳ.

loft, lâu; lâu-koh; pùaⁿ-lâu; lâu-téng.

lofty, kûiⁿ; kau.

log, che̍k-tiâu-sam; tshâ-thâu.

loins, ie. gird, hâ-ie; hâ-ie-tòa. to shampoo, tûi-ie.

loiter, tam-thû; tam-tôa; hûa-tôa; tau-lâu.

lonely, to̍k-kṳ; sok-mo̍k; kou-chiau; kou-sok; tiām-tiām soh-soh; bô-phũaⁿ.

long, of measure, tn̂g. of time, kú. way, lōu hñg; lōu-thâu hñg.

long, to, luân-mōⁿ; sṳ-mõⁿ; it–tie̍h. great longing, khuah-mōⁿ.

longevity, chhiâng-siū; tn̂g-miāⁿ; siū-nguân tn̂g.

longitude, keⁿ-sùaⁿ. and latitude, keⁿ-hūi.

look, thóiⁿ. take a, thóiⁿ-che̍k-ē; thóiⁿ-che̍k-ma̍k. up, tièⁿ–khí-lâi thóiⁿ. down, thóiⁿ-kẽ; phak–lo̍h-lâi thóiⁿ. back, ut-tńg-thâu thóiⁿ; hûe-thâu thóiⁿ. askance, siâ-ma̍k-thóiⁿ. after, kuan-thóiⁿ; kuan-siú; thóiⁿ-siú; chéⁿ. over (many items), kiám-tiám. over (cursorily, as book or letter), tshó-lia̍k-thóiⁿ. looker-on, phâng-piⁿ-thóiⁿ kâi-nâng. looking-glass, mīn-kiàⁿ. lookout turret, mōⁿ-lâu. look up a dictionary, chhê-jī-tién.

loom, weaver’s, chit-kui; keⁿ-pòu-kui; kau-kui; pòu-kui.

loop, for button, niúⁿ-phàng. loop-hole, chhèng-khang.

loose, sang; sang-khùaⁿ. to, kói; pàng; sek-pàng. to get loose, lut–khṳ̀. to loosen, pàng-sang; pàng-khùaⁿ; kói-khùaⁿ; kói-phàⁿ; kói-lēng. dissolute, hùang-tãng; bô-tsat-tōu; hùang-tsòng.

lop, off, branches, tsám-chhiū-ki.

loquacious, tsōi-ūe; tsōi-tshùi; tshùi tsōi; hàuⁿ-tàⁿ-ūe; ki-tshùi siauh-siauh-kiè zû kuah-tsúa-to.

lord, tsú.

lose, sit; sit-lo̍h; sàng-tiāu; m̄-kìⁿ; zũi-sit. a battle, thâi-su; pāi-tīn; chièn-pāi. the way, kiâⁿ-tāⁿ-lōu; kiâⁿ-tshò-lōu; tsáu-tshò lōu-thû; m̄-pat-lōu. one’s pains, uáng-hùi cheng-sîn; uáng-hùi kang-hu; thû-hùi sim-la̍t; thû-lâu bô-kong. time, sit-sî; hṳ-iẽn nîⁿ-gue̍h; hṳ-iẽn ji̍t-sî. courage, sàng-táⁿ; táⁿ lo̍h; phùa-táⁿ. heart, lî-sim; sim lî. flavour, hiàⁿ-khì; sia̍p-khì; tsáu-khì; tsáu-bī. colour, lo̍h-sek; thò-sek. in gambling, pua̍h-su. capital, si̍h-pńg; khui-pńg; khui-si̍h; khui-khòng; m̄-kàu-pńg.

lot, of ground, che̍k-kò-tī; che̍k-phiâⁿ-tī. of people, ke-ke-nâng. contented with one’s lot, siú-hūn uaⁿ-mẽng; tsai-tsok. cast, or draw, lots, thiu-chhiam; khieh-khau; po̍ih-chhiam; lok-chhiam; pua̍h-pue.

lotion, ie̍h-tsúi. to apply a, sói-ie̍h-tsúi; chhiù-ie̍h-tsúi; buah-ie̍h-tsúi; tah-ie̍h-tsúi. to apply a (cooling), sueh-liâng; ù-liâng.

lottery, iêⁿ-pie; hue-hũe. to try, phah-iêⁿ-pie; teh-hue-hũe; phah-hue-hũe. ticket, iêⁿ-pie-tsúa; hue-hũe-phoi. to win in a, phah–tie̍h. Manilla, Lṳ̃-sòng-pie.

lotus, nôiⁿ-hue.

loud, tōa-siaⁿ. noise, tōa-ē-hiáng. thunder, lûi kia-leh; lûi phah-kia-leh.

louse, sat-bó. breed, seⁿ-sat-bó; seⁿ-sat. comb out, pìn-tiāu sat. catch, lia̍h-sat. crush with nails or teeth, tak-sat.

lounge, ôiⁿ-iû; ôiⁿ-sin; ôiⁿ-u̍t; chheng-sũi; ôiⁿ-mîn; tham-tõaⁿ.

love, to love, ài; ài-sieh; thóng-ài; siang-ài. to love (and respect), kèng-ài. (substantive), jîn-ài; chhêng-ài; ṳn-ài. love blindly and over-indulge, ne̍k-ài. beloved, tit-nâng-sieh; tit-tóng. lovely, khó-ài. love-letter (bad meaning), chhêng-tsṳ. love-sick, chie-si-pēⁿ; siang-sṳ-pēⁿ; siang-sṳ-pĩn; ou-âng-pēⁿ. love virtue, hàuⁿ-siẽn; la̍k-siẽn hàuⁿ-tek.

low, kẽ. low in stature, ói; kẽ-kẽ; ói-sòi. high and low, kûiⁿ-kẽ; kau-ti. low water, tsúi khó; tsúi ta; lâu khó-ta-ta. low people, hiã-pín; hiã-tsūaⁿ. low people (very mean), hiã-liû. voice, sòi-siaⁿ. reading in a low voice, thiâm-ngîm chẽⁿ-tha̍k.

lower, to, lo̍h; pàng-lo̍h. (as with rope), tūi-lo̍h. sail, hẽ-phâng; lo̍h-phâng; heh-phâng.

lowly, in mind, khiam-sùn. in rank, pui-tsūaⁿ. lowlands, phêng-nguân.

loyal, tong-sim; tong-ngĩ. minister, tong-chhîn.

luck, tsãu-hùe; hó-sî-ūn; huang-tsúi hó. what luck of late, kṳ̃n-sî kuang-kéng tsãi-seⁿ. lucky day, kit-ji̍t; hó-ji̍t-chí; siãng-kit ji̍t. to choose such, thóiⁿ-ji̍t; to̍h-ji̍t; siâng-to̍h kit-ji̍t. how lucky, tsãu-hùe; hiau-hẽng; hó-tshái.

ludicrous, hó-chhiè.

luggage, hêng-lí; hêng-tsuang; pau-kó sieⁿ-láng.

lukewarm, lā-lûn-sie; un-un. in mind, bô-néⁿ bô-zua̍h; sim tãⁿ-tãⁿ.

lumber, tshâ-sāi; sam-sāi; tshâ-liāu. to lumber up a place, tìn-tiāu tī-hng; hũn-tsa̍p tī-hng.

luminous, õi-kng; huat-kng; hâu-kng; tâng-tâng-kng.

lump, a, che̍k-kò. to lump or take together, tsò-che̍k-ē. in lumps, chiâⁿ-kò; kit-chiâⁿ-kò.

lunatic, tien-khuâng; siáu; tùe-gu̍eh-siáu. (quiet), huat-tien. (violent), huat-khuâng.

lunch, tiám-sim; chia̍h-ji̍t-tàu; chia̍h-pùaⁿ-kùa; chia̍h-tǹg-kiáⁿ.

lungs, hùi; phàⁿ-kuaⁿ. disease of, hùi-pēⁿ; sieⁿ-hùi; lãi-siang; hṳ-sún. inflammation of, hùi-húe.

lurk, tiàm; mâiⁿ-ho̍k tiàm-miⁿ; bih; bih-bûa.

lust, io̍k; sṳ-io̍k; ne̍k-io̍k; mu̍eh-io̍k; îm-io̍k; sek-io̍h. (fire of), io̍k-húe. arouse lustful desire, khí-io̍k; to̍h-io̍k. lustful, tham-io̍k; tsòng-io̍k; hàuⁿ-sek; tham-îm.

lustre, hâu-kng; ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

lustring, kìn. flowered, hue-kìn.

lute, khîm.

luxuriant, mõng-sẽng; phò-phò; ap-ap.

luxurious, chhia-tsòng; chhia-míⁿ; îm-i̍t; kiau-la̍k; chhia-îm; hàuⁿ-chhia-hûa.

lye, kiⁿ; kiⁿ-tsúi.