English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / H | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / H

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habit, si̍p-so̍k; khì-si̍p. see CUSTOM. habituated, kùiⁿ-sìⁿ; si̍p-kùan; kùan-liēn. habit becomes second nature, si̍p-kùan sêng-tsṳ̃-jiên.

habitable, hó-khiã-khí; khiã-khí–tit. habitation, tshù.

hack, to, tok; siah.

hades, im–han; im-hú; àm–thâu.

haemorrhage, lâu–hueh; hueh lâu.

haemorrhoids, thĩ; hueh-thĩ. external, gūa-thĩ. internal, lãi-thĩ.

haft, pèⁿ.

haggard, sán-sou; sán-kut lo̍h-ne̍k; sit-hêng sit-sek.

hail, pha̍k. hail falling, lo̍h-pha̍k.

Hainan, Hái-lâm.

hair, môⁿ. of head, thâu-môⁿ. of body, khóu-môⁿ. of a mole, kì-môⁿ. lose one’s, thut-môⁿ; lut-môⁿ. hairy, seⁿ-môⁿ. on end, thâu-môⁿ kiah–khí. hair-pin, thoi; tshah-thoi; pang-tsam; thâu-thoh. to comb the, siu-thâu-môⁿ. in disorder, thâu-môⁿ zṳ̂-zṳ̂; tháu-zṳ̀-môⁿ; tháu-sùaⁿ. unplait the queue, tháu-piⁿ. plait the queue, pĩⁿ-piⁿ. hair brush, môⁿ-sueh. haircloth, bé-búe-chiⁿ. a haircloth cushion, bé-búe-tiẽn.

halberd, pê-thâu; chhe. prongs of, gé.

hale, tsàn-kiẽn; khin-kiāⁿ.

half, pùaⁿ. one, che̍k-pùaⁿ; che̍k-pôiⁿ; che̍k-ûe; che̍k-kue̍h. half-moon, gue̍h îⁿ-che̍k-pùaⁿ. half-way, pùaⁿ-lōu; pùaⁿ-thû. half-cooked, pùaⁿ-chheⁿ-se̍k; m̄-thàng-sim; khiū. half-done, tsò kàu-pùaⁿ-kue̍h.

hall, tn̂g; thiaⁿ. of justice, kong-tn̂g. of assembly, hũe-tn̂g. of audience, kim-luân-tōiⁿ; tì-tōiⁿ; gṳ̄-tōiⁿ. examination hall, kháu-īⁿ; kháu-tiêⁿ. examination hall (for Kujin examinations), kòng-īⁿ.

halliards, lu̍t-soh.

halloo, kûiⁿ-siaⁿ hàm.

halo, lunar, gu̍eh īn. solar, ji̍t īn.

halt, hiah; hiah-tiām; khiã-tiām; hiah-kha; thêng-kha; thêng-hiah; suah-hiah; thêng-pōu; chí-pōu. lame, kúai-kha; nńg-nîⁿ; nńg-kha; chhiãng-a-chhiãng; kũai-a-kũai.

halter, bé-lâng-soh.

halve, pun-kue̍h; pun-pôiⁿ; pun-tùi-pôiⁿ; tsò-nõⁿ-hūn; nõⁿ-hūn-pun.

ham, húe-thúi; chit-thúi.

hamlet, hieⁿ-lí; hieⁿ-tshng; hieⁿ-lí-kiáⁿ; sié-hieⁿ-tshng; saⁿ-ke-tshng.

hammer, thûi; thih-thûi; tshâ-thûi. claw-hammer, kiah-teng-thûi.

hamper, to, tsó; tsó-gāi. basket, kheng.

hamstring, kuah-kha-kṳn.

hand, chhiú. right, iũ-chhiú; chiàⁿ-chhiú. left, tsó-chhiú; tò-chhiú. hand in hand, sie-khan-chhiú. palm of, chhiú-tói; chhiú-chiéⁿ; pa-chiéⁿ. back of hand, chhiú-pûaⁿ; chhiú-pùe. fingers, chhiú-tsóiⁿ. a raw hand, chheⁿ-chhiú; m̄-se̍k-chhiú. an old hand, láu-chhiú; se̍k-chhiú. both hands, sang-chhiú. to present anything with both hands, sang-chhiú khan-hôiⁿ–nâng. hand down, thûan; liû-thûan ãu-tō. hand over, kau; kau-hôiⁿ; kau-tài. hand one to his sedan chair, khan–i chiẽⁿ-kiē. handbreadth, che̍k-pa-chiéⁿ tōa. handcuffs, chhiú-khàu. to put on ditto, só-chhiú-khàu. handful, che̍k-tẽⁿ; che̍k-na̍k. double ditto, che̍k-phóng. handicraft, chhiú-gōi; chhiú-tūan; chhiú-kang. handkerchief, chhiú-kṳn; chhiú-pòu. handkerchief (ornamental), chhiú-phè. hand-writing, chhiú-tshau; pit-chiah. hand-mill, oi-lâng.

handle, pèⁿ. of vessel, hĩⁿ; kũaⁿ. to handle a valuable thing carefully, khiēⁿ-sièⁿ.

handmaid, pĩ; nńg-pĩ; chhiah-kha. (very common term, but objectionable), tsáu-kúi.

handsome, ngiá; hó-thóiⁿ; seⁿ-phâi-chhiâng; seⁿ-lâi kah-phah. woman, múiⁿ-jîn; chhiàu-kè; ũ-tsṳ-sek.

handy, piẽn-chia̍p; khin-piẽn; khin-kha khùe-chhiú. (convenient), kah-pān.

hang, oneself, tiàu-ãm; tiàu-ãm sí. strangle, ká-sí; liū-sí.

hang, hang up, tiàu. hang upon, kùa. hang down, súi–lo̍h-lâi. *clothes to dry or air (with bamboo rod put through), phua̍h, nêⁿ. ears of grain hanging down, chhek-sūi thūi-thâu.

hank, of thread, che̍k-tshâng-sùaⁿ.

hanker, lùan-mōⁿ; sim-lùan put-siá; lùan-lùan put-siá; sim kù-kù tõ-mōⁿ.

haphazard, thèng-tsãu-hùe; tú-tie̍h-tshái.

happen, ũ; tú-ngõ; ngõ–tie̍h; ngóu-ngõ; ngóu-hông; sek-ngõ. when did it happen, tiâng-sî-ũ. how did it happen, tsò-õi.

happily, tsãu-hùe; hẽng-tit; ũ-hẽng; tãi-hẽng; hẽng-ngõ; zû-ngũan; ha̍h-siẽⁿ.

happy, huaⁿ-hí; khùai-la̍k; khùai-ì; kùe-ì; sóng-khùai; thiàng-ì. omen, kit-tiãu. happiness, hok; hok-khì; hiáng-hok; ũ-hok; hok-chheⁿ kióng-chiè.

harass, bûa-lūi; ngia̍k-sái; khó-khek; jiáu-tõng; kan-khóu; kùe-jiáu. harassing thoughts, iu-lâu.

harbour, káng-kháu; hái-kháu. resentment, hûai-hṳ̃n m̄-siau; khieh-hṳ̃n; uàn-hṳ̃n m̄-kói. thieves, o-tsha̍t; o-tshâng.

hard, tōiⁿ; ngẽ; kien-tōiⁿ; kien-ngẽ; khiàng-khiàng-tōiⁿ. heart, ngẽ-sim; sim kien-ngẽ; thih-chie̍h sim-kuaⁿ; sim zû-thih-chie̍h; sim ngúan-ngẽ. harden iron, thih ngàn-tsúi; thih chhih-tsúi.

hardly, lím-lím; siè-siè; khat-khat; kṳ́n-kṳ́n.

hardship, kan-khóu; kan-lân; hũam-lān; bûa-lān.

hardy, tsàn-kiẽn; tsàn; kiāⁿ; kiāⁿ-tsàn; nãiⁿ-gō nãiⁿ-kûaⁿ.

hare, thòu.

harelip, khih-tshùi; phùa-tûn.

harem, imperial, keng-kìm; ãu-keng. women’s apartments in general, kui-pâng; chhim-kui.

harlot, chhiang-kĩ; láu-kṳ́; khiàu-búe; hue-niêⁿ; sau-phûa; tng-chhiang. mistress of harlots, sṳ̄-thâu-phûa.

harm, hāi; hām-hāi; sieⁿ; sieⁿ-hāi; hûang-gāi. there is no harm in it, bô-hûang; bô-bī; bô-siang.

harmless, láu-si̍t; m̄-hāi-nâng; bõi-lĩ-hāi.

harmony, siang-hûa; hûa-mo̍k. connubial, hu-chhi hûa-hâi. harmonious sounds, siaⁿ-im thiâu-hûa; nâng-siaⁿ tsôi-tsôi; i̍m-ūn siang-hûa.

harmonize, kiâⁿ-hûa; khǹg-hûa.

harness, horse’s, tsuang-bé kâi-ho̍k-sek; tsuang-pàng-bé kâi-mue̍h. armour, thâu-khue chièn-kah.

harp, khîm. to play, tôaⁿ-khîm; thâng-khîm.

harpoon, pie; hṳ̂-pie. to, pie-hṳ̂.

harrow, pê; thih-pê. to, pê-tshân. one, che̍k-tieⁿ-pê.

harsh, kùe-ngiâm; khek-po̍h. khó-khek; ngiâm-khek. rule, ngia̍k-chèng. taste, sng-siap; khóu-siap.

hart, te̍k; te̍k-kóu.

harvest, tang-thâu. to take in, kuah-tiũ; siu-tang; siu-kè-sek; siu-sêng. potatoe, ku̍t-huan-kuah. sugar-cane, tsám-chià.

hash, tok tshùi-tshùi; sap tshùi-tshùi; tok-ne̍k-tshò.

hassock, phû-thûan; pài-tiẽn; kha-ta̍h.

haste, kip; kín; kín-kip; méⁿ-méⁿ; khùe-khùe; sok-sok; chiet-sok; tshong-tshong. (bustle), huang-mâng.

hasty, kín-sèⁿ; sim-sèⁿ kín; sèⁿ kip; sim-sèⁿ pek; kōi-kōi seⁿ-khì; phòng-phiẽ sim-sèⁿ.

hat, bō. one, che̍k-téng-bō. put on or wear, tì-bō. take off, pak-tiāu-bō. felt, chiⁿ-bō. straw, tsháu-bō. hat-box, bō-a̍p. hat-stand, bō-kè. hatter, tsò-bō sai-pẽ.

hatch, hatch eggs, pū-koi-kiáⁿ. hatch eggs (artificially), ún-ah-kiáⁿ. hatchway, tshng-mn̂g; tshng-kháu. to open, khui-tshng. cover of, tshng-mn̂g-khàm; tshng-mn̂g-khàiⁿ.

hatchet, póu-thâu.

hate, lóu; lóu-hṳ̃n; uàn-hṳ̃n; uàn-chhiû; ù. hateful, khó-ù; khó-lóu; khó-cheng khó-ù; tshūa-nâng-lóu.

haughty, kiau-ngãu; thóiⁿ-nâng m̄-khí; bô-lói-mãuⁿ; ma̍k-khang khuah.

haul, rope, khan-soh; chhiû-soh; túi-soh. up a boat, kng-tsûn chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ. up a sail, po̍ih-phâng; liū-phâng. down, lo̍h; pàng; liū-lo̍h; túi-lo̍h. close-hauled, tsài-liâu.

haunt, a cave, tiàm-suaⁿ-khang. a man, kúi lêng-tîⁿ nâng; jiáu-tîⁿ. haunted (house), tshut-kúi; m̄-chheng-khih.

haunch, thúi-thâu; kha-thúi.

have, ũ. have you ũ a-bô; khá chêng-ũ–méⁿ. I have not, bô; m̄-chêng-ũ. have finished, tsò-hó–liáu; íⁿ-keng-tsò; tsò-liáu. have you ever eaten an orange, kaⁿ lṳ́ pat-chia̍h a-m̄-pat. I have not, m̄-pat; tsṳ̃-liáu m̄-pat. have you had dinner, lṳ́ chia̍h-pn̄g a-būe. I have dined, chia̍h-pá–liáu; chia̍h–liáu; phien–liáu. have you been to the market yet, lṳ́ chêng chiẽⁿ-chhĩ–būe. not yet, būe-chêng.

hawk, liáu-eng-pô.

hawker, sié-seng-lí; koiⁿ-thiau kâi seng-lí; koíⁿ-thiau lo̍h-hāng; iê-kóu.

hay, pha̍k-ta-tsháu. haystack, tsháu-khṳ̂n.

hazard, thèng-tsãu-hùe; phòng-tsãu-hùe; kiâⁿ-hiám hiau-hẽng; hiau-hẽng. hazardous, huang-hiám; ngûi-hiám; m̄-ún-tǹg; m̄-thó-tàng.

hazy, mông-bū; mông-in; im-bū; in-bū; bū-bū; hûn-bū; huat-bū; huat-mông.

he, i; hṳ́-kâi-nâng.

head, thâu; thâu-khak. head off, tuah-tńg. head-dress, thâu-tshah; tsang; tá-tsang. wind, nge̍k-huang; thêⁿ-thâu-huang; tùi-thâu-huang. headache, thâu-khak thiàⁿ; thâu-khak kok-kok-kiè. band, hâ-jiàu-se; hia̍h-ûi; hia̍h-tsôiⁿ-ûi. head man, thâu-nâng; tso̍k-tiéⁿ; pó-chiàⁿ. of a firm, tsō-suaⁿ; hâng-tsú. heady, thèng-tàⁿ thèng-ûi. headlong, tshou-kip. headstrong, chip-áu; kien-phiah. hang down the head, thâu hẽ-hẽ. lift up, thâu iâng-iâng; thâu-khak tièⁿ-phû. cut off, tsám-thâu.

heal, ui; ui-pēⁿ; tî-pēⁿ; ui-tî. entirely, ui-tshuân-zú. as a wound, tshng-kháu seⁿ-bûa; sieⁿ-kháu seⁿ-bûa.

health, phêng-an; bô-iãng; uaⁿ-jiên; khin-sang; pìn-sin zû-zuán. injure, sieⁿ-sún–tie̍h sin-hūn. healthy appearance, chia̍h-khṳ̀ hó.

heap, a, tun; che̍k-tun; che̍k-tu. heap up, tun-mue̍h; tun-chek; tha̍h–khí-lâi.

hear, thiaⁿ; thiaⁿ-kìⁿ. I don’t hear, thiaⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ. hard of hearing, hĩⁿ lâng. hearsay, hong-bũn; zṳ́-bũn; thiaⁿ-kìⁿ nâng-tàⁿ. hear but pay no attention, lāu tùi-hĩⁿ–kò kùe.

hearken, hearken secretly, tá-thèng; thàm-thiaⁿ. hearken secretly (as eaves-dropper), thau-thiaⁿ.

heart, sim; sim-kuaⁿ; sim-thâu; sim-tn̂g; sim-tī; sim-tshâng. (disposition), sim-sèⁿ. (the affections and desires), sim-chhêng. having no heart for anything, ià-ià ien-sîn ien-sîn. heart-ache, sim-kuaⁿ thiàⁿ. beating, sim-kuaⁿ pok-pok-thiàu; sim-kuaⁿ phû-phû-tshúan. with the whole, tsuan-sim. with one, che̍k-sim; tâng-sim; tsôi-sim. heartless, bô-sim; bô-nâng-chhêng. heartburn, ūi-kháu m̄-siau. to affect the heart, tõng-sim. to keep one’s heart from evil thoughts, siu-khî hùang-sim.

hearth, tsàu; húe-lôu. cricket, tsàu-koi.

heat, húe-khì; jie̍t-khì; zua̍h-khì. to heat over a flame, nãⁿ; hang. water, hiâⁿ-sie-tsúi; un-sie-tsúi; pû-sie. food, tim-sie. red-heat, sie âng-âng.

heave, anchor, khí-tèng; khie̍h-tèng; po̍ih-tèng; chhiû-tèng. a sigh, tháu-khùi.

heaven, thiⁿ; thien. in heaven, tõ-thiⁿ-téng. all under heaven(used for China), thiⁿ-ẽ. justice of, thien-lí. heaven-daring, táⁿ pau-thiⁿ. swear by, chí-thiⁿ mêng-sī; tng-thiⁿ chiù-tsūa.

heavy, tãng. heavy load (on shoulder), tãng-tàⁿ. *heavy load (in boat), tãng-tsāi. heavy heart (feeling of responsibility), sim-kuaⁿ-thâu teh-tōa-chie̍h. heavy heart (sad), iu-ut. heavy sleep, gu̍t tsùi-tsùi; u̍t chhim-chhim. heavy sleep (also used for death), tōa-gu̍t.

hedge, chhì-phè; chhì-lî; chhì-ûi; hn̂g-lî; hn̂g-kài. (of cactus), hue-uãng-lî.

heed, take, kṳ́n-sín; tsṳ́-sòi; sié-sim. any one, thiaⁿ-nâng-tàⁿ. heedless, tshou-sim; bô-ēng-sim. heedless (careless work), ló-tshó.

heel, kha-ãu-teⁿ. of shoes, ôi-teⁿ. on woman’s shoe, kia̍h-thô. down at the heels, ta̍h-tó-teⁿ. take to one’s heels, tsáu.

heifer, gû-kiáⁿ; gû-eⁿ.

height, what is the, ũ-jie̍h-kûiⁿ; jie̍h-kûiⁿ.

heir, sṳ̂-tsṳ́; ãu-sṳ̂. apparent, thài-tsṳ́. heirless, tso̍h-sṳ̂; bô-ãu. heritage, zûi-ngia̍p. to fall heir to one’s father’s property, sêng-chiap pẽ-ngia̍p. fall heir to the throne, kì-chiap sṳ̂-ūi; téng-sêng uâng-ūi; teng-ki; chiet-ūi.

hell, tī-ge̍k. to go to, tîm-lûn tī-ge̍k; lo̍h-tī-ge̍k.

helm, tõa; búe-tõa. take the, lia̍h-tõa; hūaⁿ-tõa. unship, in shallow water, pài-tõa. raise higher, chhèng-tõa. shaft of, tõa-thâu. blade, tõa-siám. put up the, tháu. put down the, khan. helmsman, tãi-kong. tiller, tõa-gê. tiller-ropes, tõa-lêng.

helmet, thâu-khue; thih-mâuⁿ.

help, pang-tsõ; sie-hũ; hũ-tsõ; pang-chhiú; tô-lông; siang-pang; pang-tsān. help up, hû–i khí–lâi; khan-hû; khan-thî; khan-kũaⁿ. help to get office, thî-pua̍t. help in difficulties or dangers, kiù-chì; chín-kiù; chín-chì; si-chì. help! help!, kiù–a! kiù–a; kiù-miāⁿ! kiù-miāⁿ. to call for, hàm-kiè-kiù. no help for it, bô-pōu. no help but to, bô-nãiⁿ-hô; bô-khó nãiⁿ-hô; put-tit-íⁿ; bô-ta-uâ; bô-ta i-ûa. help a man to prosper, chhiâⁿ-nâng-hó. helpless, bô-kiù; chĩn-thâu-lêng.

helter skelter, sì-sùaⁿ; lũan-tsáu; sùaⁿ-tsáu; phî-phê-kiè tsáu.

helve, póu-thâu-pèⁿ; póu-pèⁿ.

hem, to, chih-tsūe; chih-pòu-piⁿ. to (all before sewing), chih-pòu-tsūe. (to stitch very loosely), nn̂g-saⁿ-tsūe. (sew finely), thīⁿ-saⁿ-tsūe. the (of a garment), saⁿ-kṳ.

hem, clear the throat, khãm-sàu.

hemp, mûaⁿ; iû-mûaⁿ. seed, mûaⁿ-chí; mûaⁿ-jîn. hemp-seed oil, mûaⁿ-iû; phang-iû.

hen, koi-bó. young, koi-nùaⁿ; koi-nùaⁿ-kiáⁿ. hen-house, koi-liâu; koi-lâng. hen-roost, koi-tiâu; koi-chhi. henpecked, koi-bó-thî; koi-bó phah-si̍t-thî.

hence, gone, bô-tõ; khṳ̀–liáu. therefore, kù-tshṳ́; só-íⁿ; sǹg-lâi; in-tshṳ́. henceforth, tshông-kim íⁿ-ãu; tsṳ̃-kim íⁿ-ãu; tshóng-tshṳ́ íⁿ-ãu.

herald, sài; pò-sìn; pò-sie-sit.

herbage, tsháu; tsháu-ba̍k; hue-tsháu.

herbal, hue-ba̍k-phóu; ie̍h-sèⁿ-chheh; pńg-tsháu. herbalist, ie̍h-tshâi sin-seⁿ.

herd, khûn. a whole, chiâⁿ-khûn. to, chiéⁿ-cheng-seⁿ.

here, tõ-chí-kò; tõ-chí; chièⁿ-thâu; chí-kâi ūi-tshṳ̀; chí-kâi tī-hng. up here, tõ-chí-téng. down here, tõ-chí-ẽ. hereabouts, tõ-chí tsôiⁿ-ãu; kṳ̃n tõ-chí-kò. come here, lâi; kiâⁿ-bûa–lâi. hereafter, tshṳ́-ãu; ãu-lâi; chiang-lâi; ãu-ji̍t; ẽ-ji̍t; ẽ-hûe; tsong-su.

hereditary, property, zũi-ngia̍p; zũi-súaⁿ. disease, zũi-pēⁿ. office, sì-si̍p; si̍p-ìm.

heresy, ĩ-tuan; siâ-kà; siâ-sueh; ĩ-tãu; siâ-tãu.

heretofore, hiàng lâi; tshông-tsôiⁿ; tshông-tsá; chiēⁿ-tńg; tsṳ̃-lâi.

heritage, zũi-ngia̍p; tsóu-zũi; tsóu-thûan kâi-ngia̍p. paternal, pẽ-zũi.

hermit, tãu-sṳ̃. of literary or official person, living in seclusion, ṳ́n-kṳ. hermitage, tsháu-liâu.

hernia, thut-kṳn-thâu; siáu-chhiâng-khì.

hero, hâu; kie̍t; eng-hiông. heroine (military), nńg-chiàng.

hesitate, chhî-gî; būe-ũ che̍k-kuat; būe-kuat-ì. talk in hesitating way, tàⁿ-ūe sīm-a-sīm.

hew, khám; lòi-khui; phoh.

hiccup, phah-oh-kiáⁿ; thiu-oh-kiáⁿ; khou-oh-kiáⁿ.

hide, tshâng; khǹg; tshâng-khǹg; tshâng-miⁿ; khǹg-miⁿ; khǹg-bûa; siu-tshâng; ṳ́n-tshâng; khǹg-ba̍t; tshâng-ne̍k; ṳ́n-ne̍k. hide oneself, pì-ba̍t; pì-bûa; ṳ́n-pì; tiàm-bûa; iám-siám; siám-bûa; siám-miⁿ. (make oneself invisible by magic), siám-sin. hide one’s faults, chia-iám; iám-kài; iám-sek; khàm-bûa. hide and seek, aⁿ-ma̍k tsáu-tiàm.

hide, a, phûe-sek; chheⁿ-phûe; gû-phûe. to dress a, se̍k-phûe.

hideous, iá-iēⁿ; khó-ùi; chhi-gî; lõu-ak; chhiú-ak; chhiú-lõu; ke̍k-lõu.

higgle, sṳ-niêⁿ khah-thiám; ngi-ngai.

high, kûiⁿ; kau. high antiquity, siãng-kóu. high hill, kûiⁿ-suaⁿ; kau-suaⁿ. high station, kau-ūi; kau-kuaⁿ. high price, kùi; kau-kè; kè-chîⁿ tsōi. high wind, huang méⁿ; huang tōa. high water, lâu-tsúi tĩⁿ; tsúi tōa; tiê tōa. on high, tõ-chiēⁿ; tõ-téng. the highest, chì-siãng; tõ-téng-téng; siãng-téng. prize highly, kùi-tõng; kèng-tõng; thóiⁿ-tõng. high-spirited, hâu-khì. in the highest degree, siãng; chì; tsa̍p-hun; kàu-ke̍k; kàu-ke̍k–tshù.

highway, kuaⁿ-lōu; tōa-lōu. highwayman, hiáng-bé-tsha̍t; tso̍ih-lōu-tsha̍t; tso̍ih-lōu chhiéⁿ-kiap.

hill, suaⁿ. pass, suaⁿ-niáⁿ. to cross hills, pûaⁿ-suaⁿ kùeⁿ-niáⁿ. hillock, suaⁿ-tu-léng. hillock (gentle slope), suaⁿ-pou. hilly road, khi-khu.

hilt, kiàm-pèⁿ; kiàm-thâu.

hind, te̍k-bó.

hinder, tsó; tsó-chí; tsó-keh; tsó-khiē; khiē-tsũ; tam-koh; at-chì; iap-chì. hindrance, huâng-gāi; thua-thūi. what is to, ũ-sĩ-mih huâng-gāi. nothing to, bô-huâng; bô-huâng bô-gāi.

hinder, part, búe-ãu; pùe-ãu. hindermost, ãu; lo̍h-ãu; suah-búe; kiáu-búe.

hinge, mn̂g-khũ. (foreign), ia̍p-tia̍p.

hint, àm-chí. to give a, phah-àm-hō; tak-thâu; tiám-thâu.

hips, kha-tshng; kha-tshng-póiⁿ.

hire, kòu; kiè; hàm. a house, sùe-tshù. a cow, sùe-gû. a field, tsoh-nâng-tshân. hired, chhiẽⁿ-nâng-lòu. a man’s hire, kang-chîⁿ; kang-ta̍t; kang-kè.

hiss, si–chē-kiè; si-si-kiè.

historiographer, sṳ́-kuaⁿ.

history, kok-sṳ́; sṳ́-kì; sṳ́-tsṳ; sṳ́-kuán; kàm-sṳ́. of a person, lâi-le̍h; lí-le̍h; tshut-si̍t. historical and statistical account, e.g. of Ch’ao-chow, Tiê-chiu-chì.

hit, phah–tie̍h. with an arrow, tòng–tie̍h.

hither, kàu-chí-kò.

hitherto, tshông-lâi; phêng-sù; khí-soiⁿ; phêng-ji̍t; hiàng-ji̍t. see HERETOFORE.

hive, phang-siū; phang-tàu; phang-tû.

hoard, tun-chek; chek-thiok. wealth, chek-tshâi; tun-kim chek-ge̍k.

hoarfrost, sng.

hoarse, bô-siaⁿ; âu-lêng bô-siaⁿ; sau-siaⁿ; siaⁿ m̄-liãng.

hoary, head, thâu-môⁿ soh-soh-pe̍h.

hobble, kiâⁿ-lōu chhĩm-a-chhĩm; kũai-a-kũai.

hobgoblin, kúi; kúi-kùai; iau-chiaⁿ; siàⁿ-nâng-mue̍h.

hod, pùn-ki.

hoe, tṳ̂-thâu.

hog, tṳ. hog-sty, tṳ-lô. hoggish, o-tso; ue-tsue; tṳ-iēⁿ káu-sièⁿ.

hoist, po̍ih-khí; liū. flag, liū-kî; tshah-kî. sail, po̍ih-phâng; seng-phâng; liū-phâng; khí-phâng.

hold, anything in the hand, chhiú-khie̍h. from going away, lia̍h. pencil, khiâ-pit. reins, khan-bé-soh. hold up (a person), khan; hû-khí. hold up clothes, tsah-phû; kiáu-phû; put-phû. in the mouth (as dog), kâⁿ. in the mouth (as man), kam. one’s tongue, tiām-tiām; màiⁿ-tàⁿ-ūe. under the arm, ko̍ih tõ-koh-ẽ. contain, tshō. one catty, tshō-che̍k-kṳn. will not hold it, tshō-m̄-tit; tshō-m̄-khṳ̀; tshō-m̄-lâi. this room will hold 100 people, chí-che̍k-koiⁿ-pâng hó-tshâng che̍k-peh-nâng; chí-che̍k-koiⁿ-pâng hó-iông che̍k-peh-nâng; chí-che̍k-koiⁿ-pâng hó-tsõ che̍k-peh-nâng; chí-che̍k-koiⁿ-pâng hó-khiã che̍k-peh-nâng. of ship, tsûn-tshng.

hole, khang. to make a hole, khui-khang. knock out, phah-khang; tshuan-khan. dig a hole, liú-khang. to chisel a hole, tsha̍k-khang. bore, uai-khang; ui-khang. bore (with gimlet, &c), tsǹg-khang. full of holes, tshang-tshang.

hollow, khang; khang-khak (oppos. tsa̍t-thâu); khang-phàⁿ (opp. tsa̍t-tōiⁿ); to hollow out, liú-khang; ui-khang-khak. of the hand, chhiú-sim-tói.

Holland, Hô-lân-kok.

holy, siàⁿ. Spirit, Siàⁿ-Sîn. holiness of life, siẽn-hẽng; ngân-hẽng chheng-kiet.

holiday, thih-thô-ji̍t; ôiⁿ-ji̍t; iû-ôiⁿ-ji̍t, ôiⁿ-kang-ji̍t; chheng-ôiⁿ-ji̍t; uaⁿ-ôiⁿ-ji̍t.

homage, kiong-kèng. to the emperor, chhiâu-pài. by tributary princes (includes tribute), chhiâu-kòng.

home, ke; tshù. at home, tõ-tshù; tõ-lãi; tõ-ke-lãi; tõ; tõ–kò. go home, hûe-ke; khṳ̀-tshù; tńg-khṳ̀-tshù; kui-ke; tńg-tshù. go home (if merely going inside), khṳ̀-lãi. home made, pńg-tī-tsò.

homicide, suah-nâng; thâi-nâng. a, hiong-chhiú.

hone, bûa-to-chie̍h.

honest, tong-kãu; láu-si̍t; tong-hõu; phok-si̍t; tong-ti̍t, sêng-si̍t; pe̍h-ti̍t; chiàⁿ-ti̍t; chiàⁿ-keng; kong-tãu.

honey, phang-bi̍t; bi̍t. honey-comb, bi̍t-phoh; bi̍t-tsa; bi̍t-phièn.

hong, hâng; hâng-kháu. merchant, iêⁿ-siang.

Hongkong, Hiang-káng; kûn-tōa-lōu.

honour, tsun-kùi; thí-mīn; iông-hûa. to, kèng; tsun-kèng; kèng-tõng; kiong-kèng. to obey is better than to honour, kiong-kèng put-zû tshông-mẽng. honour father and mother, hàu-sũn pẽ-bó; kiâⁿ-hàu pẽ-bó. honoured sir, tsun-kè.

honorary, khang-hâm.

hood, soh-bō.

hoof, tôi.

hook, kau. fish-hook, hṳ̂-kau; tièⁿ-kau. hooked nose, phīⁿ kau-kau.

hoop, khou; tháng-khou.

hoot, tuah-nâng; tuah-siaⁿ.

hop, to, thiàu.

hope, hi-mōⁿ; mōⁿ; ngiáng-mōⁿ. hopeful, ũ-mōⁿ. hopeful (promising), hó-mōⁿ. hopeless, bô-mōⁿ; tso̍h-mōⁿ; mín-mōⁿ. having too high hopes, chhia-mōⁿ.

horary, characters, twelve, tsa̍p-jī sî-sîn.

horde, che̍k-khûn-nâng; khûn-táng.

horizon, thiⁿ-kha. horizontal, hûeⁿ; pêⁿ.

horn, kak. cow’s horn, gû-kak; deer’s horn, te̍k-kak. (young, used for medicine), te̍k-zông. shoe-horn, ôi-chhiau.

hornet, n̂g-phang.

horoscope, sì-thiãu; poih-jī. to look up one’s, lũn-poih-jī; thóiⁿ-sì-thiãu.

horrible, khó-ùi; khó-kiaⁿ; tshūa-nâng-kiaⁿ; kiaⁿ-ĩ; hãi-ĩ.

horror, kiaⁿ-kũ kâi-hêng-mãuⁿ; kiaⁿ-kũ kâi-iēⁿ-sièⁿ; kiaⁿ-khiū. see HORRIBLE.

horse, bé. one, che̍k-chiah-bé. horse-shoe, bé-tôi-thih. horse-hair, bé-búe. horse-dealer, bé-hùan. horseman, khiâ-bé. ride on horseback, khiâ-bé. horse-comb, bé-siu; bé-pìn. horse-cloth, bé-phũe.

hospitable, kãu-thãi nâng-kheh.

hospital, ui-kúan.

host, tshù-nâng; tsú-jîn.

hostage, to give or take a, ēng-nâng tsò-tǹg.

hostility, uan-ke; m̄-hûa; chhiû-khiah; hièn-khiah. cause of, hũa-kṳn; hũa-in.

hostler, bé-hu. (very slighting), bé-tsháu-nôuⁿ.

hot, zua̍h; sie. hot weather, thiⁿ-sî zua̍h; pek-zua̍h; zua̍h-ta̍k. hot sun, ji̍t-thâu jie̍t; ji̍t-thâu méⁿ; ji̍t-thâu âng; ji̍t-thâu ham-ham-âng. hot water, sie-tsúi. hot water (boiling), kún-tsúi. hot-headed, ũ-sèⁿ; phòng-phiẽ sim-sèⁿ; sim-sèⁿ kín-kip. spell of hot weather in cold season, khieh-sie̍h.

hotel, kau-lâu-kúan; tiàm-phòu.

hour, Chinese hour, sî-sîn. foreign hour, che̍k-tiám-cheng. half an hour, pùaⁿ-tiám-cheng. quarter, che̍k-khek-cheng. hourglass, tâng-hû tih-lāu. hourly, múeⁿ-tiám-cheng; sî-sî khek-khek.

house, tshù. a, che̍k-koiⁿ-tshù; che̍k-tsō-tshù. school-house, tsṳ-che. dwelling-house, nâng-ke. your (polite), kùi-hú. my (polite), tsháu-sià. house-breaker, mêng-húe phah-kiap; tōng-mn̂g-tsha̍t; siàng-mn̂g-tsha̍t. house-manager, tng-ke; hūaⁿ-ke. house-maid, chhiah-kha. house-rent, tshù-tsou; tshù-sùe; kúan-tsou. household, ke-so̍k. household goods, ke-tsṳ; ke-si mue̍h-kiãⁿ. household servants, ke-jîn.

hovel, tsháu-tshù; tsháu-liâu.

hover, īn. (bird, ready to dart), khip-sin.

how, tsãi-seⁿ; tsò-nîⁿ; zû-hô. how dare, tsò-káⁿ. how many, jie̍h-tsōi; kúi-kâi; jia̍k-kan; ki-to. how far, jie̍h-hñg. how many times, jie̍h-tsōi-ē; kúi-hûe; kúi-pái; kúi-tńg; kúi-hãng; jie̍h-tsōi-tshṳ̀. how large, jie̍h-tōa. how old, jie̍h-tsōi-hùe; tshun-chhiu jie̍h-tsōi; jie̍h-tōa; jie̍h-lãu; kùi-keⁿ. how to do, tsò-nîⁿ-mue̍h. not know how to do it, tsò m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀. how shall I do, zû-hô sĩ-hó; tsò-nîⁿ chiàⁿ-hó. how is this, sṳ̄-sĩ-tsò-nîⁿ. how did it happen, tsò-õi. how did it happen (also expressing incredulity), tsò-ũ. how can it be otherwise, tsò-m̄-sĩ. how can that be accounted filial piety, chièⁿ seⁿ iau-hó kiè-tsò hàu. how can this be right, khí-ũ tshṳ́-lí. how can we get it, tsãi-tit-tie̍h. how much more, hô-khùang. how fast, méⁿ-tsãi.

however, hûang-liáu; hûan-iáu.

howl, háuⁿ-háuⁿ-kiè; háuⁿ-chē-kiè.

hubbub, thèng-jiáng.

huckster, koiⁿ-thiau kâi-seng-lí; lōu-tàⁿ seng-lí; tsò seng-lí-kiáⁿ.

huddled up, sie-chìⁿ sie-ko̍ih.

hue, sek. five hues, ngóu-sek; ngóu-tshái.

hug, sie-phõ; sie-lám.

huge, tōa; tōa-tsãi; tōa kàu-koh-iēⁿ; tōa kàu-khî.

hulk, or hull, tsûn-khak; tsûn-sin; tsûn-tháng.

hull, rice, cheng-bí; lak-bí.

hum, of insects, ng-ng-kiè; hng-hng-kiè; hiⁿ-hng-kiè.

human, life, nâng-seⁿ; nâng-miāⁿ. human life is like a dream, nâng-seⁿ jia̍k-māng; phû-seⁿ jia̍k-māng. relations, jîn-lûn. strength, nâng-la̍t. affairs, jîn-sṳ̄. feelings, nâng-chhêng. kind, nâng-lūi. the human heart is never satisfied, nâng-sim put-tsok.

humane, ũ-nâng-chhêng; õi-tsò-nâng; tshṳ̂-sim; ũ-jîn-ài.

humanity, jîn-tek; jîn-ài.

humble, khiam-sùn; khiam-sòi; tsṳ̃-khiam; tsṳ̃-pui; tho-khiam; khiam-jiãng; khiam-tek; khiam-sim; hṳ-sim; hṳ-khiam; khiam-hiã; khiam-pui. my humble opinion, ngô-kièn; phí-kièn.

humbug, la-kè; phièn-nâng; kuang-nâng.

humid, tâm; tâm-sip; sip-khì. humming-bird, kim-sai-chiáu.

humour, sèⁿ-chhêng. ill-humour, phiah-pēⁿ; àu-àu; ou-àu ou-àu; pũ-pũ àu-àu; pũ-àu pũ-àu. out of humour, sim-sèⁿ pãu-pek. accommodate oneself to the humour of others, lia̍h–tie̍h nâng kâi-phiah-pēⁿ. humorous, hàuⁿ-tshu; hàuⁿ-peh-ge̍h; hàuⁿ-chhiè-thâm.

humpbacked, ku-ie; ie hau-hau; hau-ie. (more slight), ie hâu-hâu.

hundred, che̍k-peh.

hunger, tóu khùn; tóu iau. I am hungry, uá tóu õi-khùn. die of, gō-sí. endure, nãiⁿ-gō.

hunt, phah-la̍h. the wild boar, phah-suaⁿ-tṳ.

hurdle, keh; tiãm; ôu. (bamboo fence), tek-lî.

hurl, a spear, pie-chhieⁿ; tong-chhieⁿ. stones, ka̍k-chie̍h. hurricane, huang-thai. (spring gale), pò-thâu.

hurry, to, piàⁿ-méⁿ. hurry up, méⁿ–chē; piàⁿ-méⁿ–chē. in a desperate, huang-mâng; tsò-sṳ̄ hih-huh-kiè; mâng-kip; mâng-pek. do hurriedly, tshó-lia̍k-tsò; chhìn-tshái-tsò. don’t be in such a, tshāi–chē; tshāi-tshāi–nē; ûn-ûn–nē.

hurt, sieⁿ; sieⁿ-hāi. are you hurt, õi-sieⁿ-tie̍h, mé; õi-pua̍h–tie̍h tî-kò, mé. one’s feelings, sieⁿ-chhêng; sieⁿ-chhêng sit-ngĩ. hurtful, lĩ-hāi.

husband, ang; jî-sài; jî-hu; hu-sài; hu-kun; chiãng-hu; tōa–nâng.

husbandman, tsoh-tshân-nâng; tshân-hu; lông-hu; tsoh-tshân-ko. husbandry, lông-sṳ̄; tsoh-tshân; keⁿ-tsoh; chèng-tsoh.

hush, up, sai-khia-hûa; sai-ẽ-hua; sai-hûa; hún-sek; chia-bûa; chia-iám; chia-sek.

husk, khak. (chaff), tshou-khng. to husk rice, oi-lâng; oi-chhek.

hustle, sie-oi sie-léng; sie-chìⁿ sie-léng.

hut, tsháu-liâu; suaⁿ-liâu.

hymn, sîn-si.

hyperbole, tàⁿ-kùe-ke; kùe-tsōi; tàⁿ khah-thài-kùe; tàⁿ khah-kùe-sĩm.

hypocrite, ké-hó; ngũi-siẽn; ngũi-kun-tsṳ́; kháu sĩ; sim hui.

hypothesis, pí-huang kâi-ūe; kiá-zû kâi-ūe.