A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tok | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tok

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  • To chop; to cut with a large knife and a downward stroke.

  • màiⁿ tok tîeh chíu;

    do not chop your hand.

  • kĭen kàu tok khih to̤;

    it is so hard as to break a piece out of the knife when chopping it.

  • An overseer; a superior; to oversee.

  • cóng-tok;


  • cí kâi thî-tok sĭ lêk lō kâi a sĭ cúi-su kâi?

    Is this commander one who directs the military or the naval operations of the province?

  • thî-tok hâk-cèng;

    the provincial director of examinations.

  • ŵt-hái-kwn kàm-tok;

    the collector of customs at Canton.

  • hô̤-tok sĭ kẃn-lí n̂g-hô̤ kâi cóng-tok;

    the River commissioner is one who attends to all matters connected with the navigation of the Yellow River.

  • châu-ūn cóng-tok;

    the Commissioner in charge of the Grand Canal.

  • tok piaⁿ khṳ̀ kio i cìen;

    lead the troops out to bat tle with him.

  • ka-kī chut lâi tok tīn;

    himself came out to head the troops.

  • tī-tîang tó̤ tok kang?

    Who superintends the work?

  • i kà-tok khṳ̀ ngîam căi;

    he gave the strictest instruction concerning it.

  • tok-ceh kíaⁿ-tĭ hùe màiⁿ thèng cò̤;

    admonish the children not to act carelessly.

  • ka-kī tok phōiⁿ hùe-mûeh;

    himself looks after the goods.

  • phài nâng tó̤ tok-lí;

    depute some one to attend to it.

  • Sincere; honest; to be important, real or great; to regard seriously.

  • i ío tok-sît;

    he is the more reliable.

  • i phêng-sù tok sìn cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    he formerly had implicit confidence in that sort of thing.

  • kàu pēⁿ tok kâi sî-hāu cū khṳ̀ hàm i a-hiaⁿ lâi;

    when his ailment became serious, they went and called his brother.

  • i kâi pēⁿ sĭ ngûi-tok;

    his disease is eminently dangerous.

  • To chop fine;

    to mince; to hash with a chopping knife; to cut up fine by chopping with two knives.

  • tok chùi cē;

    hash it finer.

  • tok cò̤ nêk-chò̤;

    chop it up into hash.

  • i khṳt cèng nâng tok cò̤ nêk-cìeⁿ;

    he was hacked into mince-meat by the populace.

  • tok nêk îⁿ;

    meat balls.

  • tok-nêk-chò̤;


  • cêk ē to̤ tok lô̤h khṳ̀ cò̤ nŏ̤ kûeh;

    chopped in two by one stroke of the knife.

  • To beat down hard as a threshing floor; to ram down the earth; to erect.

  • tok bé-thâu;

    make a jetty.

  • tok toi;

    make a dike.

  • tok tîo cîeh lî;

    to build a stone wall.

  • sin tok kâi phàu-thâi;

    the newly made fort.

  • To work in gems;

    to cut precious stones.

  • khuaⁿ nē tio khuaⁿ nē tok;

    slowly cut and polish.

  • gêk put tok cū put sêng khì;

    an unwrought gem is of no use.

  • Solitary, alone, isolated, by one’s self; widowed or childless; left alone; one’s own consciousness or what is only felt by himself; one of; only; yet.

  • nî lău, bô̤ kíaⁿ, kìe-cò̤ tôk;

    when old and child-less one is said to be lone.

  • tôk mâk;

    one eyed.

  • tôk kha;

    one legged.

  • tôk kha, tôk chíu, cò̤ m̄ lâi;

    cannot do it single handed.

  • tôk kâi phīⁿ khang;

    loss of the dividing cartilage in the nose.

  • tôk ciah hĭⁿ;

    has only one ear.

  • kùa tôk ciah hĭⁿ-kau;

    wears a single earring.

  • tôk-cṳ̆ cêk nâng;

    all by himself.

  • tôk cŏ̤, bô̤ lîo;

    sit alone and without companions.

  • tôk lâk, lâng thî;

    cannot brace it up with only the strength of one individual.

  • tôk ki tṳ̄ cò̤-nî cîah?

    How can one eat with a single chopstick?

  • toaⁿ tôk sĭ i tīaⁿ;

    it is no one but him.

  • tôk-tôk sĭ úa cū àiⁿ;

    I am the only one who wants it.

  • chûn tôk cío;

    my lone self.

  • phah tôk chèng;

    fire a single gun.

  • i pang tn̂g, tôk sĭen, sĭ tăi kùi keh;

    he has square intestines and a single kidney and is a man of extraordinary powers.

  • cŏ̤ tôk khàng;

    sit alone on the divan.

  • tôk-kak;

    solitary, single.

  • To drive or push out; to expel, to order away, to exorcise; out going.

  • kúaⁿ-tôk;

    evict; drive out.

  • tôk chut gūa hng;

    ejected and driven away.

  • íⁿ-keng pun úa tôk tīo khṳ̀;

    has already been ejected by me.

  • i a-pĕ cêng pín-tôk kùe kâi;

    one whom his father has disinherited and turned out of doors.

  • teng-teng tôk-tôk;

    to gad about.

  • cí kâi tī-hng ío cíe teng-tôk;

    there is but little running to and fro in social intercourse here abouts.

  • cí pńg sĭ jîp tôk phŏ;

    this is the memorandum of what is daily brought in and sent out; the day book of a merchant.

  • i sĭ toaⁿ-toaⁿ bōi jît-tôk a sī ŭ bōi thò̤-hùe?

    Does he sell what he daily buys or does he take in and sell on commission?

  • A large triangular standard carried before a chief; a banner.

  • cì tōa tôk-kî;

    offer sacrifice to the great standard.

  • îaⁿ sang-káng cū îaⁿ kŭa ki tōa tôk-kî chut lâi;

    if people go out in procession with the gods during autumn, they carry out the great banners.

  • The hollows in land; used figuratively for the depressions in the face.

  • úa thóiⁿ i kâi sìang-măuⁿ ngâk-tôk hun mêng, lóng-cóng cìe sìeⁿ;

    I see that the heights and hollows of the face are plainly distinguished and all according to the original.

  • i kâi mīn-tîeⁿ ngó-ngâk sì-tôk lóng-cóng bô̤ kô̤ hó̤ hîam;

    his features are all faultless.

  • Venereal disease.

  • pĭen-tôk;

    venereal ulcers.

  • hṳ̂-kháu pĭen-tôk;

    gaping venereal ulcers.

  • To profane; to desecrate; to treat with contumely.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ siet-tôk sîn-mêng;

    doing thus, he may bo considered as having blasphemed the gods.

  • kuaⁿ phoi tàⁿ “bô̤ îong tôk chíaⁿ”;

    the magistrate’s decision was this “No appeals which are an abuse of privilege will be allowed”.