A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tiu | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tiu

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  • To cast away or throw aside.

  • tiu tīo i;

    throw it away.

  • tiu tīo pàng kò̤ lío cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    threw it down and went off leaving it there.

  • màiⁿ khṳ̀ tiu i kâi líen;

    do not go and blast his reputation.

  • táng i khṳt pât nâng tiu líen;

    wait for his reputation to be blasted by some one else.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ tiu tīo bó, tiu tīo kíaⁿ, kio căi;

    his thus casting off his wife and children is most unjustifiable.

  • tiu tit khui;

    can discard it.

  • To flog; to chastise; to whip.

  • cang khue-tîn tíu kàu i kìe m̄ káⁿ;

    take a rattan and whip him till he says he won’t do so again.

  • A tally; a tillot.

  • siah tîu;

    whittle out tallies.

  • siu tîu;

    take the tallies.

  • tek-tîu;

    bamboo splints which serve as tallies.

  • cêk peh tàⁿ cò̤-nî káu-câp-káu ki-tîu?

    How is it that there are but ninety nine tallies, when there have been a hundred loads brought?

  • Thin, soft silk.

  • tîu tn̄g phò;

    a silk shop.

  • húang tîu;


  • mîⁿ tîu;

    a stuff made of mixed cotton and silk.

  • kóiⁿ tîu;

    coarse silk serge.

  • âng tîu;

    plain thin red silk.

  • lêng tîu;

    thick fine pongee.

  • pêh tîu;

    plain white silk.

  • hîuⁿ àiⁿ kah sù-tîu lí;

    am going to put a lining of plain silk in the wadded tunic.

  • China-grass, a plant like a nettle, a species of flax, from which grass-cloth is made.

  • úa àiⁿ ēng tĭu lâi cò̤ so̤h, màiⁿ ēng mûaⁿ;

    I wish to have the rope made of China-grass, not of hemp.

  • ēng tĭu kṳn khṳ̀ pû cúi cîah;

    take the roots of China-grass, steep them, and drink the infusion.

  • tîu-pò;


  • ìuⁿ tĭu, cho tĭu;

    fine and coarse grass-cloth.

  • pêh tĭu, o tĭu, lâm tĭu;

    white, black, and blue grass-cloth.

  • pńg sek tĭu;

    unbleached grass-cloth, having its natural yellowish color.

  • tĭu hâng;

    a ware-house where grass-cloth is bought and sold at wholesale.

  • cí cho̤h tĭu àiⁿ ceh cò̤ còi;

    am going to splice these fibers, making them into thread ready for weaving.

  • keⁿ tĭu-pò;

    weave grass cloth.

  • mîⁿ tĭu;

    cotton and linen

Rice when growing in the field.

  • pò tĭu;

    to transplant young rice.

  • kuah tĭu;

    to harvest rice.

  • tĭu kó̤-cháu;

    rice straw.

  • kū nî kâi cá tĭu îaⁿ kùe câp gûeh tang kâi tĭu;

    last year the rice of the early crop was better than that harvested in the tenth month.

  • phah kâi tĭu tîaⁿ;

    make an area for drying paddy.

  • tĭu-thâu;

    stubble from the rice fields.

  • múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ kâi tĭu-phîe ngía căi;

    the growing rice everywhere is very beautiful.

  • nín kò̤ kâi tĭu kuah a būe?

    Is the rice harvest gathered yet at your place?

  • tĭu-sūi;

    heads of rice.

  • tĭu-kó̤;

    rice stalks.

  • tĭu-sūi tōa kah pá, tĭu-kó̤ khṳt i thūi kàu ût lô̤h khṳ̀;

    the heads of the rice are large and full, so that the stalks are dragged down flat by their weight.

  • cía cúi ŏi cìm tīo náng kâi tĭu a bŏi?

    Is it likely that this freshet will submerge and spoil our rice?

  • siu khí tĭu lío cū sṳ̆-lí lâi cèng bêh;

    when the rice is gathered in, we prepare to plant the wheat.

  • Daytime.

  • pêh tĭu chíeⁿ-kiap;

    carried it off in broad daylight.

  • i sĭ sît-căi pĭ tĭu cak mêⁿ;

    he really turns day into night.