A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / tien

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  • To stumble, to trip.

  • kīaⁿ lío tien-a-tien;

    went stumbling along.

  • cîah cíu cùi lío tien-a-tien;

    got drunk and staggered.

  • tien lio cŭang tīo nâng kâi mûeh;

    stumbled and spoiled some one’s things by falling against them.

  • hṳ́ kâi kha cē tien cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    my feet having tripped I fell down.

  • Upset; overthrown; inverted.

  • i kâi sṳ̄ lío tien-tien tau-táu;

    what he does is left topsy-turvy.

  • cîah lău le, lău-tien-táu;

    in old age one get things wrong end foremost.

  • i cí-hûe sĭ tien-lîen khùn-khó kâi sî-hāu;

    this is a time when is embroiled and in difficulties.

  • i cí kúi nî tien-lîen căi;

    he has been distracted by troubles for several years.

  • mih sṳ̄ tien-tien lîen-lîen;

    everything at sixes and sevens.

  • Rare and costly.

  • tien pó̤;

    precious things.

  • tien bī;


  • tien sieh;

    a treasure.

  • suaⁿ tien hái bī;

    dainties from land and sea.

  • tien siu peh bī;

    dainties of a hundred flavors.

  • tien tŏng;

    to esteem highly; to treat very ceremoniously.

  • A canon, a standard; authentic records; ordinances; statutory; constant; to consider.

  • jī-tién;

    a dictionary.

  • tíen síu put lêng sî tit ceh;

    the one in charge cannot set aside the responsibilies of his office.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ ṳn-tién i ;

    that is doing him a kindness.

  • cía sĭ tŏng tién kâi sṳ̄;

    this is an act of mercy.

  • kháu-kà sĭ chîo-thêng kâi tăi tíen;

    the examinations are a favor bestowed by the authorities.

  • To open out; to exhibit; to display.

  • i sĭ tó̤ tíen pún-nía kâi;

    he is displaying his ability.

  • thóiⁿ i tíen sĭm-mih pún-sṳ̄ chut lâi;

    see what ability he displays.

  • hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ tíen lâk;

    tell him not to make a display of his prowess.

  • i tó̤ tíen-sì-thâu, ŭ jît cóng tîeh tíen-phìu;

    he is displaying his power, but he will some day display it to his own hurt.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ i kâi châi-chêng cn̂g kâi m̄ hó̤ tíen;

    he has thus no opportunity to display his talents.

  • To advance money; to pay for another; a cushion.

  • tĭen m̄ chut;

    is not able to advance the money.

  • tĭen tit chut;

    is able to advance the amount.

  • pûe tĭen;

    advance money to make up for a loss.

  • tĭen tit phû tîeh tĭen kàu kàu;

    if he has the wherewithal to do it with, he must advance the whole sum required.

  • íⁿ tĭen;

    a chair cushion.

  • khàng tĭen;

    cushion for a divan.

  • pài tĭen;

    cushion to kneel upon.

  • Lightning; electricity; electric.

  • lûi-kong tĭen-bó̤;

    the god of Thunder, and the goddess of Lightning.

  • tĭen-sùaⁿ;

    telegraph wires.

  • tĭen-sùaⁿ pò̤;

    a telegram.

  • tĭen-khì;


  • chin-chĭeⁿ tĭen kuang îap-cē-sih;

    like a flash of lightning.

  • khà tĭen-pò̤;

    to telegraph.

  • cih tîeh tĭen-pò̤;

    received a telegram.

  • tĭen-húa îap-îap-sih;

    it lightens.


  • The rear of an army, as district from the van, especially when it flees in battle.

  • sĭ i tó̤ tĭen-ău;

    he brings up the rear.

  • tîeh khìang ke hùe cìaⁿ tĭen ău;

    those who would venture to bring up the rear must be powerful in arms.

  • To offer libations.

  • khṳ̀ cì-tĭen;

    go to offer sacrifices and pour libations.

  • cì lío cū tĭen cíu;

    after the sacrifice is offered the libation is poured.

  • tĭen ngî;

    money sent as an offering to mourners.

  • i chut pìn ŭ jîeh cŏi nâng pái tĭen;

    on his issuing the notice of the death many persons offered a present and joined the funeral procession.