A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thio | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thio

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  • To go before; to step over; to release from Purgatory, as Buddhists do.

  • thio-seng;

    to promote over others, to overslaugh other officers.

  • peh-jît thio-seng;

    promoted openly to a position above those who had been his superiors in office.

  • pàng i khṳ̀ thio seⁿ;

    let him live on.

  • thio tō i kâi lêng-hûn míen jîp tī-gêk;

    when released from purgatory, his soul need not enter hell.

  • To take the responsibility; to guarantee; to warrant.

  • i chíaⁿ tī-tîang chut lâi thio sṳ̄;

    he asked some one to take the responsibility of the affair upon himself.

  • úa kio i thio-sêng;

    I will stand sponsor for him.

  • i thio-sêng m̄ khí;

    he is not able to give security to this amount.

  • sĭ cí koi phò thio jīn;

    this is the shop which warranted the goods.

  • i sĭ koiⁿ-thio mòng-êk kâi nâng;

    he is a huckster.

  • sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang thio kâi?

    Who is the responsible party in the cast?

  • úa thio i jît ău m̄ káⁿ cū sĭ;

    I will guarantee that he will not hereafter do so again.

  • Far off; remote; cut off from constant intercourse.

  • khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́-kò thio-thio lō thâu;

    to go there is a very long journey.

  • lō tîo thio-thio, káng choiⁿ lí hn̆g;

    a long journey, of fully a thousand miles.

  • cêk lō thio-thio;

    a long road to travel.


  • The tossing of a vessel on the water.

  • éng cē lâi cûn cū tó̤ thìo;

    as soon as the waves rise the vessel pitches.

  • cûn iô-ît căi, cn̂g kâi tó̤ thìo;

    the boat is very uneasy, and is all the time pitching and rolling.

  • To surpass; to excel; to go before.

  • i kâi châi-chêng sît-cāi thìo khûn;

    his abilities are above the common run.

  • i chú tîeh thìo-téng;

    he has taken a place in the first rank of graduates.

  • i ŏi khui thio hō̤ kâi keng;

    he can draw bows that are above the regular degree of stiffness.

  • To leap, to jump, to skip, to dance, to hop about, to palpitate, to throb; to reach across.

  • thìo lô̤h lâi;

    jump down.

  • thìo-mŏng;

    to dance and gesture as an actor does.

  • tô̤ kâi sì cū thìo kùu khṳ̀;

    rallied his force and jumped across.

  • thìo khí khṳ̀;

    leaped up.

  • chíu mŏng, kha thìo;

    brandish the arms and hop about.

  • huaⁿ-hí kàu tó̤ thìo;

    skipped for joy.

  • sim-kuaⁿ-thâu pok-pok-thìo;

    the heart palpitates.

  • kîaⁿ to m̄ kîaⁿ, cò̤-nî tó̤ thìo;

    does not go along, but keeps hopping about.

  • hṳ̂ thìo tŏ̤ cúi mīn;

    the fish leap on the surface of the water.

  • i kâi phûn sĭ cò̤ cò̤ kap-pô̤ thìo;

    his grave is made with a scalloped front, with an outline like the course of a leaping frog.

  • khṳt i thìo-cáu khṳ̀;

    he bolted off.

  • thìo kùe kau;

    spring across a ditch.

  • i khì kàu khṳ̀ thìo khoi;

    she was so vexed that she went and jumped into the river.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ ûn-chāi, chûh-chûh thìo;

    does not do things in a smooth and easy way but keeps skipping to and fro.

  • khì kàu tó̤ thìo;

    jumped up and down from rage.

  • tò̤ thìo;

    leap backwards.

  • cíaⁿ thìo;

    leap forward.

  • i cē thìo cū cĭeⁿ chù-téng;

    he mounts upon the roof at a leap.

  • thìo-pang;

    a board laid as a foot-bridge from one point to another; a gangway from the shore to a boat.

  • tîeh phah thìo-pang cìaⁿ ŏi tit khí;

    must lay a plank across and then we can get on boad.

  • phah thìo tîeh phah ún-ún;

    if you lay a temporary foot-bridge you must make it firm.

  • To classify statements; to set down items in order; to arrange in sections.

  • Cía sṳ̄ àiⁿ cò̤-nî thîo-thîn?

    How is this matter to be lucidly set forth?

  • íⁿ-keng soiⁿ thîo-thîn hó̤-hó̤ lío;

    have already arranged the items, sections or statements in such order as to make the subject clear.


  • To harmonize; to blend; to restore the peace; to adjust; to mix or compound; to tame; to temper; to regulate; to moderate; to tune; to find the tone of a character; to spell; to combine initials and finals according to tone, as in forming Chinese characters.

  • lṳ́ kâi sin-hūn tîeh cai thîo-íang;

    you must nurse your health.

  • àiⁿ thîo-lí lâi tit huap;

    will regulate it according to a system.

  • i tńg khṳ̀ chù tó̤ thîo-ui;

    he has gone home for medical treatment.

  • i mîaⁿ-ke pheng-thîo chài bŭ;

    she is skillful in cookery.

  • chíaⁿ kong-chin lai thîo-chú;

    invite arbitrators to decide on the matter of settling the affair.

  • thîo-hì;

    lewd dalliance.

  • phêⁿ ceh m̄ thîo;

    the tones do not harmonize.

  • thîo kàu i kâi hîⁿ hûa cìaⁿ hó̤ tôaⁿ;

    tune the viols till they accord and then play.

  • i kâi khì-hueh m̄ thîo-hûa;

    his system is generally deranged.

  • cía sĭ cîah lío m̄ sio kâi mâu-pēⁿ, tîeh cîah i sio-thîo;

    this trouble arises from indigestion, and he must take something to assist digestion.

  • A pillar; a support.

  • cîeh thĭo;

    a stone column.

  • thĭo kha;

    the base of a pillar.

  • thĭo tún;

    the plinth.

  • thĭo sin;

    the shaft.

  • thĭo téng;

    the capital.

  • ke thĭo;

    a pillar of the family.

  • chù thĭo;

    a pillar of a house.

  • m̄ hó̤ cò̤ êⁿ īa hó̤ cò̤ thĭo;

    what will not do for a main beam, may do for a prop.

  • i kâi lâk ŏi tho̤h êⁿ ūaⁿ thĭo;

    his strength is such that he can raise the beam to change the supporting pillar.

  • sì thĭo;

    the year, month, day and hour of birth.