A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / theh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / theh

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  • Naked; stripped; denuded.

  • thong sin thǹg kàu theh-theh, tó̤ sói-êk;

    completely undressed, bathing.

  • khṳ̂ châk pak kàu teh-theh khṳ̀;

    stripped naked by robbers.

  • to bŏi jûah, cò̤-nî pak kàu līo-līo-theh?

    As it is not hot why are you stripped stark naked?

  • A dwelling, a residence; a site.

  • chù-thêh;

    dwelling houses.

  • châng thêh;

    fields and dwellings.

  • tô̤h tī kâi jit àiⁿ jîp theh?

    What day has been selected as a lucky one for moving into the house?

  • ke-thêh phêng-ang;

    the household are all well.

  • tìn thêh;

    protect the house, as a deity does.

  • i chíaⁿ tieⁿ hû tó̤ tìn thêh;

    she asked for a charm to protect the house from evil influences.