To kick.
thak tó̤;
kick over.
cang kha khṳ̀ thak i;
kicked him.
khṳt bé thak tîeh;
kicked by a horse.
i kâi ău kha ŏi thak nâng;
he is apt to kick at people with his hind legs.
ìn íⁿ-keng ka-lâuh, khṳt i kâi kha cē thak cū khí lâi;
when the shuttle-cock had fallen, he sent it up again by a kick.
i khṳt i thak sí khṳ̀;
she was killed by a kick from him.
htak kîu;
play foot-ball.
i kìⁿ tîeh i tîeh thak hia;
whenever she sees him she must bend the knee.
i nŏ̤ nâng thâk kha lío khuang-phìen i;
the one gave the other a hint by a little kick and both combined to befool him.
thak m̄ khui sin;
could not kick it away.
To stop up, to plug up, to cork up.
chūe kò̤ cháu-cúa kio i thak tìaⁿ;
get a piece of brown paper and plug it up.
hṳ́ kâi khang tîeh chūe kò̤ cîeh lâi thak cìaⁿ thak tit cŭ;
must get a stone to stop up that hole with and then it will remain stopped.
cúi lâk li tōa, hía-suaⁿ-thô thak lô̤h khṳ̀ cū khṳt i pûn tīo;
the force of the stream is considerable, and if you stop it up with earth it will be swept away.
kò̤ mîⁿ ùn îeh thak-pàng hĭⁿ-khang-kháu;
a bit of cotton dipped in medicine and put in the ear.
jûe kò̤ cháu-cúa thak i kâi phīⁿ-khang;
rolled up a paper pellet and plugged up his nostril.
To pick at or dig at.
thak khí;
pick the teeth.
a tooth-pick.
khîeh ki mûeh khṳ̀ thak, cē thak i cū chut lâi;
take something and pick at it and as soon as you give it a dig it will come out.
sĭ i thie-thak kàu i seⁿ khì;
he has kept picking at her till she is vexed.
i īa màiⁿ thie-thie thak-thak to bŏi seⁿ sṳ̄;
if he were not always harping on it, no disturbance would have risen.
to knock about; to waste uselessly; to treat carelessly; to fail in showing proper respect towards.
màiⁿ cau-thak tīo mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
do not put things under useless wear and tear.
i to sĭ hìeⁿ-seⁿ cau-thak i;
that is the way he knocks it about.
tŏng-put-tŏng, cū cau-thak nâng;
whatever else he does not do, he gives people occasion to be vexed with him.
To pole a boat on the mud or in very shallow water.
cûn cē thak khui cū ŭ huang;
as soon as the boat is shoved off there will be wind.
tîeh khîeh ki cíeⁿ khṳ̀ thak cìaⁿ ŭ lâk;
must take an oar to thrust into the mud, then you can make your strength effective.
A nomadic tribe anciently dwelling on the northwest.
a term of contempt for the Mongols.
chìo kùe thak-kíaⁿ, màiⁿ thīn i;
they are more powerful than Mongols, do not molest them.
To stop up the mouth; a stopper.
a bottle-stopper.
câng cúi-mîⁿ-châ lâi thak cìaⁿ bŏi sîap khì;
stop it up with a cork, then it won’t lose its strength.
kò̤ thak, thak lío, pôih m̄ chut;
having put in the stopper, I cannot pull it out.
chūe kò̤ lâi thak;
get something to stop it up with.
To read aloud; to study.
thâk cṳ, thâk si, thâk keng;
to read essays, poems, and rituals.
cwn sim thâk cū kōi pat;
give your whole mind to the study of it, and you will easily learn it.
sim cù-cù lâi thâk cū khùe-khùe pat;
if you study intently you will learn quickly.
cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ tīam-tīam thâk;
study uninterruptedly.
thâk khah kùe cū àiⁿ seⁿ mâuⁿ-pēⁿ;
if you study too hard you will be ill.
àm-cĕⁿ thâk;
read in retirement.
thâk sòin siaⁿ;
read in a low tone.
thâk tōa siaⁿ cē;
read louder.
thâk sêk-sêk;
read it till it is thoroughly learned.
tùe i kâi chùi búe thâk;
read it after him.
tùi thâk kùe lío;
have already compared it with the other copy, by following this with the eye while the other was read aloud.
kin-nî tŏ̤ tī-kò̤ thâk?
What are you studying this year?
To drip.
khṳt i thâk ta cē;
let it drip dry.
bí cìm lío khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ khṳt i thâk tīo cúi;
after soaking the rice let it gradually drip till all the water drips out.