A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thai | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / thai

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  • hăi-thai;

    the fetus, the embryo; the pregnant womb.

  • i ū hâi-thai;

    she is pregnant.

  • câp gûeh hăi-thai cêk tn̄g kâi sin-khó;

    the tenth month of pregnancy is a continuous suffering.

  • A cyclone; a whirlwind.

  • huang-thai;

    a typhon.

  • àiⁿ-cò̤ huang-thai;

    there is going to be a gale.

  • ngŏ̤ tîeh tōa huang-thai;

    met a typhoon.

  • A sieve; to sift.

  • thai bí;

    to sift rice.

  • bí-thai;

    a sieve for sifting rice.

  • that khah lang;

    the sieve is too coars.

  • thai khah bâk, thai m̄ chut;

    the sieve is too fine, and does not sift it.

  • thai-táu;

    a floud sieve.

  • thai-táu khuang, thai-táu se;

    the rim, and the bottom of the sieve.

  • îeh thai;

    a sieve to sift medicines.

  • tê thai;

    a strainer in a tea-pot.

  • tŏ-pùn thai;

    a sieve for sifting ashes.

  • thái-ko̤;


  • thái-ko̤ phûa;

    a leprous crone.

  • thái-ko̤ lîo;

    a lazar-house.

  • cía sĭ cù kut thái;

    this is a leprosy that destroyes the bones.

  • Large, exalted.

  • thài-suaⁿ;

    a lofty mountain in the west of Shantung, which gives fame to Tai-ngan-fu.

  • úa i cò̤ thài-suaⁿ;

    depends on him to back him up.

  • An intensive adverb implying extreme; a term of respect.

  • thài-thài;

    her ladyship.

  • ŭ lău thài-thài a bô?

    Has his Excellency a wife?

  • ṳ́ ŭ kìⁿ kùe a-thài mē?

    Have you seen Madame?

  • thài hu-jîn tŏ̤ ke tèng;

    her ladyship is at home.

  • thài-cṳ́;

    the heir-apparent.

  • thài sṳ, thài hù;

    the highest and the next the highest in rank among the teachers of the prince.

  • thài páu;

    chief among statesmen.

  • hûang-tì kâi a-pĕ thò̤ ūi ău cheng-cò̤ thài-sĭang-ûang;

    after the father of the emperor has resigned the throne he is called the Grand Duke.

  • m̄-hó̤ cò̤ khah thài kùe;

    do not over do it.

  • kàu i sĭeⁿ hùe le thài chî ló;

    when he had repented it was too late.

  • cí kâi li thài kùe, cí kâi li put kîp;

    the one is too much by far, and the other is not sufficient.

  • kuaⁿ-hú kâi jī-nâng saⁿ-nâng

  • nâng cheng-hu i cò̤ î-thài;

    the second and third wives of officers are addressed as Madame.

  • thài kong, thài phûa;

    lău thài îa, thài má; are appelations of the parents of men of repute.

  • thài sĭang láu kun;

    an honorable name for the founder of Tauism.

  • To carry between two or more persons on a pole; to put forward.

  • poih thâi kīe;

    a sedan with eight bearers.

  • cò̤ kàu poih-thâi;

    promoted to an office which permits one to be carried by eight chair-bearers.

  • kau-thâi chĭ-kè;

    raise the current price.

  • thâi kṳ́;

    to reccommend.

  • i cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ úa thâi-kṳ́ i kâi;

    it was I who recommended him for this.

  • put sek thâi-kṳ́;

    ignore his sponsor.

  • cí kâi nâng m̄ hó̤ thâi-kṳ́;

    it is not best to nominate this person.

  • thâi-kṳ́ m̄ khí;

    not equal to the recommendation.

  • A lookout; an observatory; a fort; a staging; a stand; a watchman’s post over a gate; a title of respect to officers.

  • tok kâi phàu-thâi;

    build a fort.

  • khí hì-thâi;

    put up a platform for theatrical performances.

  • hì tiang-sî khai thâi?

    When does the performance begin?

  • cía sĭ sin khai thâi kâi;

    this is newly opened.

  • cì-thâi, bú-thâi, hŵn-thâi, ngîak-thâi, tău-thâi;

    the five highest civil officers of a province.

  • thî-thâi, tìn-thâi, hîap-thâi;

    the three highest military officers in a province.

  • hìen thâi;

    the high provincial officers.

  • láu-hiaⁿ-thâi, láu-cek-thâi;

    a respectful form of adress to a middle-aged or old man.

  • A theatre; a stage; a table.

  • sin khai-thâi kâi hì;

    a newly formed company in a theatre.

  • tiang-sî àiⁿ khai-thâi?

    When is the grand opening to take place?

  • i khai-thâi tōa căi;

    his outlays are immense.

  • To slaughter; to kill; to put to death; to cut in pieces; to fight.

  • thâi nâng;

    to commit murder.

  • sie thâi;

    fight with intent to kill each other.

  • thâi thóiⁿ tī-tîang îaⁿ;

    fight and see who will conquer.

  • thâi i m̄ kùe;

    could not overcome him in fighting.

  • i khṳt i thâi sí khṳ̀;

    she was slain byhim.

  • thâi sí nâng tîeh sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;

    must make compensation for a life destroyed.

  • thâi pĕ suah bó̤ cṳ chîu;

    a mortal enemy.

  • thâi gû;

    to butcher cattle.

  • thâi koi;

    kill a fowl.

  • thâi thâu cŭe;

    a crime whose punishment is decaptitation.

  • kìⁿ nâng cū thâi;

    killed every one he saw.

  • thâi m̄ lô̤h chíu; chíu ńng, thâi m̄ lô̤h;

    could not bring myself to kill it.

  • Eminent; exalted; your honor.

  • lău thâi;

    Great Sir.

  • lău hiaⁿ thâi;

    Exalted Sir.

  • thâi ké;

    Your Honor.

  • sam thâi;

    three stars in the feet of the Great Bear.

  • thâi-phó būe cêng chíaⁿ kà;

    His Excellency has not yet announced the time for the Examinations.

  • To wait for or upon; to await; to expect; to treat; to behave toward.

  • thăi úa lâi;

    wait till I come.

  • chíaⁿ thăi úa;

    please wait for me.

  • thăi kàu mùaⁿ-khí;

    wait till to-morrow.

  • kẃn-thăi;

    to treat well or ill; to behave to.

  • kẃn-thăi i cò̤ nâng-khek;

    treat him as if he were a guest.

  • lâi khṳ̀ hṳ́ kò̤ sie thăi;

    wait for each other at the rendezvous.

  • thăi khah hú, cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    had too long to wait, and went off.

  • Air, gait, bearing.

  • hṳ́ kâi thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ kâi mĭⁿ-thāi;

    that one appears to have seductive ways.

  • sío-jîn kâi thāi;

    the manners of a boor.

  • sío-jîn hṳ̀ kio-ngău kâi thāi;

    the hauteur of a plebeian; the air of a parvenu.