A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sue | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sue

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  • Wearing away, like a garment; diminished; cut off; small; fading, growing old, declining, decaying, unprosperous; to deteriorate; adversity, misfortune.

  • i cí-hûe tó̤ sue;

    she is now failing in health.

  • i kâi ke tó̤ sue-pāi;

    the family is going to rack and ruin.

  • i hīn-khek sue-mûiⁿ lío;

    they have not thriven of late.

  • i heng-ŭang, i sue-mûiⁿ;

    one thrives and the other does not.

  • sue mûeh;

    a feeble old creature.

  • cò̤ mih sṳ̄ li khûe-sue khûe-sue nē;

    is very feeble and awkward in all she does.

  • hía sĭ sue tĭo;

    is a sign of declining powers.

  • saⁿ sue lâk ŭang;

    the ups and downs of life.

  • nî cē lău le cn̂g kâi sue-thue;

    in old age one’s vigor is all gone.

  • i cē sue cū ŭ kâi sue īeⁿ;

    being old, she has a faded look.

  • ngŵn-khì sue;

    natural force abated.

  • ceng-hueh sue;

    the blood impoverished.

  • i àiⁿ sue lio;

    it is about to dwindle away.

  • màiⁿ khṳ̀ mak sue i;

    do not go and make it look old by soiling it.

  • mûeh sue;

    handle and thus give it a worn appearance.

  • i kâi sue khẃn, m̄ hó̤ căi;

    he has a feeble look, and appears ill.

  • i chī tîeh hùaⁿ kâi sue-ke-kíaⁿ;

    she is rearing up a lot of sons who will be the ruin of the family.

  • cē thiaⁿ cū sue;

    I grew faint in hearing it.

  • thóiⁿ to̤ sue le;

    looking at it makes me feel weak.

  • tang hṳ́ hûe cū khi-thâu sue;

    began from that time to decline.

  • i io sue ka-lô̤ nē;

    he is far from being debilitated.

  • i ka-lô̤ nē;

    his vigor is far from diminishing.

  • mak-sue i kâi mîaⁿ-sek;

    tarnish his reputation.

  • bô̤ kùe sue le;

    no wonder he is unprosperous.

  • hìeⁿ sue kúi! tùi-tùi i m̄ to;

    such a luckless scamp as I am, I went there just when he was absent.

  • sue kàu kêk cū pûah tńg heng;

    when thinks have reached their worst they must begin to improve.

  • To guard the frontiers.

  • sùe tŏ̤ pien-kwn kò̤ kâi piaⁿ;

    soldiers posted on the frontiers.

  • sùe-cut sĭ ŭ tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi khî, khî cē kàu, sin kâi sùe-cut cū lâi thòi, hṳ́ kâi sùe-cut tńg khṳ̀;

    soldiers guarding the frontiers have a fixed period of service, when their time is up new ones are sent to supersede them, and the old ones return.

  • The rent for houses or land; taxes in kind; duties on goods; to pay duty.

  • cí kâi ēng sùe hìang a míen?

    Must this pay duty?

  • tîeh sùe, ŭ hìang;

    it must pass through the custom-house, there is duty to be paid on it.

  • àiⁿ khṳ̀ kue sùe ŭ sĭm-mih kui-kṳ́ mē?

    In taking it through the custom-house, is there any particular usage to be followed?

  • sùe-kẃn;

    the custom-house.

  • i kâi chù sĭ sùe kâi;

    his house is a rented one.

  • kâi gûeh sùe jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?

    How much per month does he pay for the rent?

  • chù-sùe;


  • sùe-bŭ-si;

    the Commissioner of Customs.

  • sùe phò;

    hire a shop.

  • hìang-hẃn kâi sùe-bŭ;

    the business at the custom-house.

  • Commander-in-chief.

  • ngŵn sùe; cìang sùe;

    a generalissimo.

  • hó̤ cò̤ cìang, m̄-hó̤ cò̤ sùe;

    he will do for a general, but not for a generalissimo.

  • khùa sùe;

    act as generalissimo.

  • khùa sùe ìn;

    hold the seal of the commander-in-chief.

  • Years.

  • nî cong sùe mŏ̤ⁿ;

    the end of the year.

  • bw̄n-sùe;

    the Emperor.

  • choiⁿ-sùeⁿ;

    the heir-apparent.

  • thài-sùe;

    the return of the same branch character in the cycle, or twelve siderial years.

  • hŭam tîeh thài sùe;

    meet adverse influences in the cycle of twelve.

  • hṳ́ kâi tī-hng kim-nî hŭam tîeh sùe phùa;

    that region meets this year with adverse influences from the planet Jupiter (twelve of whose courses make the great year).

  • sùe chṳ̀;

    the order of the year according to the cyclic characters.

  • Wanting; deprived.

  • sùe-put-tit;

    cannot do without it.

  • sùe-put-tit tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    that is indispensable.

  • sùe-put-tit tîeh lâi khṳ̀;

    it is indispensable that I go.


  • Weak; feeble, as from long sickness; incapable.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh sûe-sûe nē;

    he appears very feeble.

  • cì cē bô̤, cū cn̂g kâi sûe lô̤h khṳ̀;

    as soon as the will power fails, the whole force gives way.

  • bô̤ mih châi-chêng kâi nâng, cîⁿ cē bô̤ cū sûe;

    he is a person of but little intellectual ability, and as soon as his money is gone he will be incapable of action.

  • i khṳ̤t i khó kàu cn̂g kâi sûe-sûe, m̄ ká tin-tăng;

    she was harassed by him until she was wholly worn out, and could do nothing.

  • tó̤ gūa kháu thóiⁿ tîeh to bú-bú, kàu hṳ́ lâi cē kìⁿ tîeh i bó cū sûe-sûe;

    when away from home he appears very blustering, but as soon as he is in the presence of his wife he is a perfect milksop.

  • Disappointed; cast down.

  • i sûe-sûe nē tńg khṳ̀;

    he went back greatly disappointed.

  • cò̤ pàng kò̤ sûe-sûe;

    sat there looking greatly dejected.

  • úa thóiⁿ tîeh i cí-hûe sûe-sûe, kâi sĭ cò̤-nî?

    I see that he now appears much cast down, what is the reason for it?

  • To mope; to drag along; slow-going.

  • kîaⁿ, m̄ tîeh kîaⁿ méⁿ cē, sûe-sûe nē căi tit kàu?

    If you are going, why don’t you go faster, for at that slow rate of progress how are you ever to get there?

  • kîaⁿ khṳ̀ sûe-sûe;

    moping along.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i sûe-sûe khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ kîaⁿ, nā sĭ i bô̤ hiah, cêk jît īa kîaⁿ ho̤h cōi lō;

    he appears to move along very slowly indeed, but if he does not stop, he will go a long way in a day.