A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / song | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / song

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  • Slack, lax, easy; disheveled; loose.

  • i kâi thâu-mô̤ⁿ phô̤ng-phô̤ng song-song;

    her hair is all flying at loose ends.

  • song i cek ē cē;

    let him off easily this time.

  • hăng-song cē, màiⁿ khah kín;

    slacken it a little, do not draw it too tight.

  • cí kâi huap khah song;

    this law is too lax.

  • song-khùai;

    at ease, comfortable.

  • song-tŏng;

    in easy circumstances.

  • To rise abruptly above the general level.

  • i kâi phiⁿ khah kau-sóng;

    her nose is too prominent.

  • pât kò̤ li phùe-kah m̄ kùe kìe cò̤ ko hong tôk sóng;

    whatever rises disproportionately above its surroundings is called an isolated peak.

  • sóng kàu kûiⁿ-kûiⁿ khí khṳ̀;

    stretches up to a great height.

  • The pine.

  • kam-sông-hieⁿ;

    spikenard, the perfume obtained from the Nardostachys jutamansi*.

  • hĭa sông;

    a plant, like liverwort, found growing on the roofs of old houses.

  • sông cak;

    fine joints of pine sprigs, used in medicine.

  • To contend before rulers about property; to demand justice; litigation; pleadings or wranglings before the courts; law cases; the sixth of the 64 diagrams, denoting disagreement.

  • sŏng-sṳ;

    a lawyer; a pettifogger.

  • sŏng-sṳ pó;

    an old withered lawyer.

  • lîah sŏng kùn;

    a lawmonger, a shyster.

  • jîp sek sŏng a būe?

    Have they announced a cessation of the prosecution yet?

  • tio-sŏng;

    aggressive in litigation.

  • i kâi ūe sŏng căi;

    he is very contentious.

  • líang ke in-ūi sṳ̂-sŏng kâi sṳ̄ phùa tīo tōa-bó̤-mûeh cîⁿ;

    the two parties have spent a great amount of money in litigation.

  • To praise publicly; to eulogize; panegyric.

  • ko̤-sŏng i kâi kong-ṳn;

    extol his goodness.

  • nâng-nâng ko̤ kong sŏng tek;

    every body lauds his merits.

  • To hum; to read in a murmuring tone; to croon over; a droning way of reading.

  • sŏng si;

    to croon a hymn.

  • sŏng keng;

    recite the liturgy.

  • ko̤-sŏng;

    to chant.