A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / so̤h | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / so̤h

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  • A cord; a rope; twine or coarse thread; to twist.

  • cêk tîo so̤h;

    a rope.

  • cía so̤h ho̤h tōa tîo;

    this rope is a large one.

  • cîⁿ kǹg so̤h;

    the string on which cash is strung.

  • pûah tháng so̤h;

    the ropo attached to a drawing bucket.

  • tèng so̤h;

    an anchor line.

  • thih so̤h;

    an iron chain.

  • cía so̤h khah sòi tîo, ŏi tn̆g;

    this chain is too small, and will break.

  • cûn-thâu so̤h;

    a boat rope.

  • tháng-thâu so̤h;

    a rope fastened to a water bucket.

  • phoi-taⁿ so̤h;

    a porter’s rope.

  • piⁿ búe so̤h;

    the coarse silk in the end of the queue.

  • âng cang so̤h;

    a woman’s hair-string.

  • so̤h-kíaⁿ;

    a small rope.

  • tōa so̤h;

    a cable.

  • lîo-kíaⁿ so̤h;


  • pâk so̤h;

    to tie a rope.

  • cháu so̤h;

    a straw cable.

  • mûaⁿ-phûe so̤h;

    ropes made of bark.

  • tĭu 皮;

    flaxen ropes.

  • chìn-nău so̤h;

    the cord on steelyards.

  • kî-kuaⁿ so̤h;


  • phâng chîeh, so̤h lō;

    a sail-yard and rope-walk.

  • ká so̤h;

    to make ropes.

  • so̤h m̄ bûa;

    cannot twist it together.

  • so̤h kín cē;

    twist it tighter.

  • nŏ̤ tîo so̤h so̤h cò̤ cêk tîo;

    twist two ropes together so as to make one rope.

  • tó lăi sio-sio so̤h-so̤h;

    has a gnawing in his stomach.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh i kâi mīn sio-sio so̤h-so̤h;

    saw that his face was distorted.

  • i nŏ̤ tǹg bŏi cîah, mīn thóiⁿ tîeh cĭu sio-so̤h;

    if he is unable to eat for two meals his face has a woe-begone look.

  • khio kùe chit so̤h;

    poor as poverty.

  • so̤h túi âng-âng;

    draw the rope tight.

  • so̤h pàng lēng-lēng;

    slacken the rope.

  • khang tṳ pàng lēng so̤h;

    when you lead a pig give him plenty of rope.

  • phùa bé so̤h;

    a rope stretched to trip up a horse.

  • ûi cêk khwn so̤h;

    a rope enclosure.

  • kói tīo so̤h;

    unloose from a rope.

  • chng so̤h;

    string on a cord.

  • cang so̤h lâi tìo;

    suspend by a rope.

  • ài kìu tìo ăm kâi nâng, m̄ hó̤ cang to̤ kuah tn̆g i kâi so̤h;

    if you are going to rescue one who has hanged himself, do not cut the rope.

  • Snow; snowy; to whiten; to wipe out; to avenge.

  • lô̤h sng so̤h; it snows.

  • sng lô̤h, so̤h lô̤h, chìn căi;

    frost and snow forms there, and it is very cold.

  • so̤h-so̤h pêh;

    snowy white.

  • sío so̤h;

    the middle of the tenth month, when the cold is moderate.

  • tăi so̤h;

    the middle of the eleventh month, when the cold is severe.

  • lô̤h phŭe-míⁿ so̤h;

    downy flakes of snow are falling.

  • so̤h-cheⁿ;

    a purple color.

  • so̤h suaⁿ;

    snow capped mountains.

  • so̤h hṳ̆n;

    to wipe out a grudge by taking revenge.

  • To mistakenly think; to wrongly suppose.

  • úa so̤h cò̤ sĭ îam, ío sĭ pêh thn̂g;

    I thought it was salt but it is white sugar.

  • úa so̤h cò̤ sĭ i;

    I erroneously thought it was he.