A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sin | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sin

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  • The body, the trunk, the main part of a thing; the hull; one’s self; personal; the presence; one’s character or duty.

  • pńg sin;

    my body; I myself.

  • i pńg-sin sĭ gūa-chù nâng;

    he himself is an alien.

  • chiah sin lò thói;

    stark naked.

  • sin-thói; sin châi;

    the (human) body.

  • cīeⁿ sin tn̂g, ĕ sin tó̤;

    the upper half of his body is longer than the lower half.

  • chut sin;

    to enter on office; the origin or early life of a person.

  • i sĭ chông thâk-cṳ chut sin;

    he came from literary occupations into office.

  • cong sin kâi kak-kêk sĭ cò̤-nî?

    What is the outcome of his life?

  • lâu sin;

    I, an old woman.

  • i ka-kī chut sin lí sṳ̄;

    he himself takes the lead in the management of affairs.

  • sin kûi;

    is tall.

  • sin-hàng tōa;

    is above the average size.

  • i kùe sin khṳ̀ lío;

    he is dead.

  • i sĭ ŭ sin ke kâi nâng;

    he is a man of some property.

  • put lêng hun sin;

    I have no time to leave this and attend to that; can’t be in two places at once.

  • phah m̄ khui sin;

    cannot get away; cannot attend to more than I now have on hand.

  • khí sin; tŏng sin;

    to start on a journey.

  • kiaⁿ kàu ciu sin kâi nêk tó̤ tùn;

    so frightened that my flesh quaked all over me.

  • i chin sin khṳ̀;

    he went himself.

  • bōi sin;

    sell one’s self.

  • sin âu kâi sṳ̄ tho̤h i lí;

    committed to him the arrangement of her obsequies.

  • màiⁿ khah hó̤ sin hūn;

    do not love ease too dearly.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tŏ̤ úa sin cīeⁿ;

    this devolves upon me.

  • hwn sin;

    to turn over when lying down.

  • hui-tńg sin; ût-tńg sin;

    to turn around when standing.

  • i-hôk m̄ kah sin;

    his clothes do not fit him.

  • i kâi sin tèng chēng sĭm-mih hôk-sek?

    What garments did she wear?

  • tîⁿ kín sin;

    entangled so that she cannot get away.

  • sin tói saⁿ;

    underclothing; garments worn next the person.

  • i ciu sin tîeh khṳ̀ sìeⁿ thih-pô̤h;

    he should go and have his whole body plated with iron.

  • sin tèng chēng thih-kah;

    he wears armor.

  • cêk sin cĕng-cĕng kut;

    he is nothing but skin and bone.

  • khṳt hŏ phuah kàu thong sin lok-lok;

    drenched with rain till there is not a dry thread on my body.

  • màiⁿ gō i kâi cong sin;

    do not make his whole life miserable.

  • cn̂g sin khṳt thâng cù tīo;

    the whole of it is riddled by insects.

  • hăm sim o;

    is black all over.

  • mak kàu sin tâm sin tih;

    daubed so as to drip with it.

  • chīu sin;

    the trunk of a tree.

  • cíu-pâng sin;

    the body of the wine pitcher.

  • peh cĭeⁿ bé sin téng;

    mount a horse.

  • i kâi sin-ui tōa;

    it is large in girth.

  • bói kúi sin thô ang-kíaⁿ;

    buy a few clay dolls.

  • jṳ̂ sin;

    take a sponge bath.

  • sûi kín sin piⁿ;

    keep close to him.

  • cŏ̤ tŏ̤ úa sin piⁿ;

    sit close beside me.

  • tùe kín sin;

    to stick close to one; to adhere tightly to a person.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ uaⁿ sin;

    have no place where I can be comfortable.

  • i hīn-khek tŏ̤ tī kò̤ châng sin?

    Where does he now conceal himself?

  • i in-ŭi hṳ́ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tì-kàu sin sí;

    it was in that way that he came to lose his life.

  • i sĭang ŏi kù sin-hūn;

    he takes the greatest care of his health.

  • i bô̤ mûeh hó̤ cia sin;

    he has no means of screening himself.

  • i sin kṳ tău-thâi cò̤ ŭ jw̆n cò̤?

    Being a prefect, how can he act without regard to rules?

  • sái kàu i bô̤ îong sin cṳ tī;

    left him no means of getting a living.

  • cûn-sin;

    the hull of the boat.

  • cng kim sin kâi sîn;

    gilded idols.

  • cúaⁿ-íaⁿ-sin tàu tāⁿ thâu;

    the puppet has had the wrong head put on it.

  • tōa chù-sin-téng bŏi lāu;

    the main roof does not leak.

  • ūe pùaⁿ sin tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    paint a half length portrait only.

  • uē cn̂g sin;

    draw a full length portrait.

  • phah kàu thong sin tâk-cek o-cheⁿ;

    beat him till he is bruised black and blue from head to foot.

  • seⁿ kàu cêk sin kòi;

    his whole body is covered with sores.

  • i sin piⁿ ŭ kúi kâi lâm ńng kíaⁿ?

    How many son and daughters has she with her?

  • ŭ sin-hūn;

    is pregnant.

  • New; just made; the latest.

  • sin-bŭn-cúa;

    a newspaper.

  • sin nî;

    the new year.

  • sin lîp kâi huap;

    a newly established regulation.

  • sin n̂ng;

    a bridgroom.

  • sin nîe;

    a bride.

  • sin īeⁿ;

    a new style.

  • sin saⁿ;

    a new tunic.

  • pùaⁿ sin kū;

    half-worn; neither new nor old.

  • sin chiⁿ;

    fresh; newly killed or caught for food.

  • sin chun;

    spring tide.

  • sin bī;

    the first of the reason; the early crop.

  • cía sĭ bói lâi sîeⁿ sin cē;

    this was bought as a foretaste of the early fruits.

  • sin chut mûeh-kĭaⁿ kùi căi;

    things that are the first of their kind are always dear.

  • sin khŵn;

    a new fashion.

  • lêng-ūaⁿ îu sin;

    newly repainted.

  • i sĭ sin lâi kâi;

    he has recently arrived.

  • sin khí kâi chù;

    a house lately built.

  • sin khui kâi tī;

    newly opened ground.

  • sin lâh-jît;

    new almanacs.

  • sin bí pn̄g;

    cooked rice of the late crop.

  • sin cúi kîam hṳ̂;

    newly opened stock of salt fish.

  • sin bêh kâi mīⁿ;

    flour made from now wheat.

  • sin suaⁿ kâi siam;

    ginseng that is not fully grown.

  • sin khai-ciang;

    newly opened stock of goods; a fresh display.

  • To state to a superior; the ninth of the twelve stems.

  • sin-sî;

    from 3 to 5 o’clock P.M.

  • sin bûn khṳ̀ cīeⁿ-si;

    send a report to his superior in office.

  • sin mêng khṳt úa cai;

    state it clearly to me.

  • A large sash or girdle with ornamental ends; those who are privileged to wear sashes, the literati, graduates, officials, and gentry.

  • hieⁿ sin;

    country gentlemen.

  • jŭ kak hieⁿ kâi sin khî;

    order the gentry and officials in every village.

  • sin khim hùe;

    the gentry.

  • sin sṳ̆;

    head men; elders.

  • To seek aid from spirits.

  • tâng-sin cĭeⁿ to̤-thui, kîaⁿ hûe lō, lô̤h iû thng;

    the spirit-medium ascends a ladder of knives, walks over a bed of coals, and plunges into hot oil.

  • kng kâi tâng-sin tô̤ kīe tèng khṳ̀ chú tê chú cúi;

    carry a spirit-medium in a sedan-chair, to get tea and water for offerings.

  • To redress; to vindicate; to clear up a cause; to straighten; worth; value at; equal to.

  • kio i sin wn;

    redress his wrongs.

  • ŭ wn bô̤ sin;

    have unredressed grievances.

  • chíu siu chut lâi;

    straighten out your arm.

  • nŏ̤ pôiⁿ sin-chíu jîeh khuah?

    How large are the two wings of the building?

  • sin cò̤ ngṳ̂n;

    valued in money.

  • chûn câp níe ngṳ̂n sin cò̤ jîeh cōi cíⁿ?

    What is the value in cash of the ten taels that remain?

  • sin-seⁿ;

    a teacher.

  • thong cheng cò̤ sin-seⁿ;

    are generally addressed as Teachers.

  • The eighth of the ten stems, which corresponds to metal and the west; sad.

  • sin khó;


  • cò̤ kang-ku nâng sĭm sĭ sin khó;

    working people have a hard time.

  • chut gūa nâng sin-sin khó-khó;

    travellers fare hardly.

  • To act carefully and seriously.

  • kṳ́n-sín;


  • tàⁿ ūe kṳ́n-sín;

    speak with precision.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ kṳ́n-sín;

    act cautiously.

  • m̄ kṳ́n-sín;


  • kun-cṳ́ sín tok;

    the princely man is careful when he is alone.

  • To inquire into judicially; to investigate; to examine, as witnesses.

  • cô̤ tn̂g sìn i liáng-cău kâi ùaⁿ-kĭaⁿ;

    sit in court and try the case of the two litigants.

  • i cí-hûe khṳ̀ sìn kuaⁿ-si;

    he has now gone to testify in a lawsuit.

  • kàu cí tńg íⁿ-keng sìn saⁿ tńg lío;

    this makes three times that the witnesses have been examined.

  • mùaⁿ-khí-cá àiⁿ tn̂g sìn;

    the judicial investigation will be begun to-morrow morning.

  • sìn lío būe ŭ tẁn-kak;

    has tried the case but has not get given a verdict.

  • cêk ē ngîam sìn, i kâi cin chêng cū chut lâi;

    when once closely examined into the real circumstances will be make evident.

  • A mirage.

  • hái tèng kâi sìn-khì;

    mirages at sea.

  • kio sìn-lâu hái-chĭ cêk īeⁿ;

    like a mirage seen at sea; exaggerated reports; wild stories.

  • The sinciput; the calvaria.

  • a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hîah-sìn pôk-pôk-tōaⁿ;

    the sinciput of the babe throbs.

  • lâu kâi sìn-thô̤;

    leave a tuft of hair growing over the sinciput.

  • tì téng sìn-thô̤;

    wore an infant’s tufted cap.

  • sìn mn̂g;

    the fontanel in a babe.

  • A guard house, or post-house; stations placed about a league apart on the high roads.

  • i hīn-khek khĭa tŏ̤ tī kâi sìn?

    At what post on the road is he now stationed?

  • sìn tī kuaⁿ;

    master of a guard station.

  • suaⁿ-thâu sìn hīn-căi sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cò̤?

    Who now commands the guard station at Swatow?

  • Quick; swift; hasty.

  • sìn-sok cū àiⁿ;

    want it at once.

  • sìn pō jīo khṳ̀;

    pursue with swift steps.

  • sìn lûi put kîp íam jṳ́;

    as a clap of thunder which gives one no time to stop the ears; a word and a blow.

  • Sincerity, truthfulness; integrity; faith; a man of his word; to believe in; to confide in; to accord with; to follow; a seal, a stamp, which gives ground for trust; a letter or note; a messenger; off-hand; impromptu.

  • i siang-sìn căi;

    he has great confidence in it.

  • i sìnⁿ-sît căi;

    he is very trustworthy.

  • sìn-tâng; sìn huang;

    the envelope of a letter.

  • sía sìn;

    write a letter.

  • sìn cúa;


  • úa cīeⁿ-jît kìa ŭ sìn khṳt i;

    I sent him a letter the other day.

  • cih tîhe sìn;

    receive a letter.

  • thiah sìn;

    open a letter.

  • thiah-khui huang-tan̂g khîeh sìn lâi thóiⁿ;

    open the envelope and take out the letter and look at it.

  • hṳ́ sìn tói có̤-nît tàⁿ?

    What is in the letter?

  • huang sìn;

    close and seal a letter.

  • cáu-bé-sìn;

    postman, mail carrier, or courier.

  • sìn-kêk;

    postal agency.

  • sìn-kẃn;

    a post-office.

  • sìn-cîⁿ; cíu-cîⁿ;


  • húe-cûn sìn;

    letters going or coming by steamer.

  • gūa kok kìa lâi kâi phoi sìn;

    letters and dispatches from foreign countries.

  • hâng chêng sìn;

    commercial circulars.

  • chíaⁿ cêk nâng tó̤ phōiⁿ-lí sìn-kĭaⁿ;

    ask some person to take charge of the correspondence.

  • sín mīn sĭm-mih seⁿ-mîaⁿ, sĭm-mih cū-cí?

    What is the name and address on the letter?

  • tho̤h pàng sìn-kêk kò̤ kìa khṳ̀;

    send it through the post-office.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ sìn bô̤ sît;

    he acts faithlessly.

  • cin siang-sìn;

    really believe in.

  • i chim sìn i;

    she has great faith in him.

  • úa m̄ sìn;

    I do not believe it.

  • i sit sìn;

    he has lost his confidence in it.

  • sìn-kháu;


  • i kâi ūe sìn-kháu tàⁿ chut lâi cū sêng bûn-lí;

    what he says off hand is in such good style as to be classic.

  • i kâi jī li sìn-pit sía chut lâi cū ngía-ngía;

    what he writes offhand is beautifully written.

  • i ŭ im-sín lâi a bô̤?

    Has she had any news?

  • bô̤ sìn bô̤ sek;

    no news of any sort from him.

  • phêng-ang sìn;

    a pleasant letter.

  • ke sìn;

    home letters.

  • cí kâi sìn-ńng sen̂g-sim căi;

    this devotee is very sincere.

  • sìn-cîeh sui sĭ cîah sí nâng īa sĭ tī pēⁿ kâi ìo îeh;

    arsenic, although it is a deadly poison, is also an important remedy in the treatment of disease.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ hó̤ sìn;

    appeal’s credible.

  • A cord, string or line, especially a builder’s line; a line stretched taut; to mark by a line; to enforce conformity to a rule; to adjust.

  • cún-sîn;

    a standard; a line to go by; up to the mark.

  • i mih sṳ̄ to ŭ kâi cún-sîn;

    in whatever he does, he sets bounds for himself.

  • cún-sîn tīaⁿ căi;

    the lines are very exact.

  • màiⁿ bô̤ cún bô̤ sîn;

    do not be without a fixed standard.

  • The sun beaming forth; dawn.

  • cá sîn kâi sî-hāu cū lâi;

    come in the early morning.

  • cheng sîn kâi sî-hāu;

    at early dawn.

  • That power or cause which operates by its own energies; diffused, formless, and inscrutable, yet making things develop; the powers above as opposed to the powers below; the gods, the divinities; a god in the usage of pagans; used by many for the true God; a spirit; a supernatural good being; the human spirit, the directing power of the body; the animal spirits; divine, spiritual, as being higher than man; supernatural, god-like, wonderful, superhuman; mysteriously; very, exceedingly.

  • sîn-mêng;

    the gods.

  • sîn kúi;

    good and evil spirits.

  • sîn-sien;

    spirits and elves.

  • sîn hut; native and foreign gods;

    native sages and Buddha.

  • cìaⁿ sîn sîa sîn;

    beneficent and harmful deities.

  • pài sîn;

    worship the gods.

  • sṳ̆ sîn;

    serve the gods.

  • hŏng sîn;

    make offerings to the gods.

  • khîu sîn;

    besought the gods.

  • m̄ng sîn;

    ask a sign from the gods.

  • cì sîn;

    sacrifice to the gods.

  • îaⁿ sîn;

    carry the gods out for an airing.

  • cih sîn;

    welcome the gods on their return.

  • ngêng sîn;

    look reverentially up to the gods.

  • sàng sîn;

    accompany the gods in a procession.

  • sîm phâu;

    a cloak for the god.

  • sîn kham;

    a wooden shrine for gods or ancestral tablets.

  • khîeh khṳ̀ sîn mīn côiⁿ kò̤ hìen;

    lay it before the gods as an offering.

  • sîn chíang;

    a portico for the gods.

  • sîn sìeⁿ; images;


  • pài tāⁿ sîn;

    worship the wrong god.

  • ke sîn; sîn cú;

    lares, or deified spirits of ancestors.

  • sāi sîn;

    set up a god.

  • sîn cìang;

    attend ants on the gods.

  • sîn-hûn;

    the soul, before or after death.

  • sîn hāu; sîn-ngīam;

    wonderfully efficacious.

  • íang sîn;

    refresh one’s spirits.

  • sim cē tŏng sîn cū cai;

    the gods know every emotion of the heart.

  • cía kâi nâng hó̤ ēng sîn;

    this person has his wits about him.

  • thóiⁿ khṳ̀ jîp sîn;

    have taken it into my mind.

  • mâk sîn; ngán sîn;

    the expression of the eyes.

  • ŭ ceng-sîn;


  • bô̤ ceng-sîn;


  • seⁿ lâi ceng-sîn;

    naturally lively.

  • sîn-khì cok căi;

    is very vigorous.

  • bô̤ mih sîn-khì;

    has little vitality.

  • lîu sîn, sòi thóiⁿ;

    keep a careful look out for it.

  • teh kî kaî sṳ̄ sĭ lâu sîn căi;

    chess is a thing that taxes the mind.

  • m̄-hó̤ khah lâu tîeh sîn;

    do not tax your strength too heavily.

  • kṳ́ thâu saⁿ chieh ŭ sîn-khî;

    only three feet above you is a god.

  • hiong sîn ak suah;

    an evil spirit has got hold of you.

  • lô̤h sîn;

    a witch; one who is taken possession of by a spirit.

  • sîn phah tâng-ki;

    the spirit has taken possession of the medium.

  • cí kâi lău-îa chut sîn;

    this god has gone to occupy a human body.

  • sîn sok căi;

    wonderfully quick.

  • cí ūi sîn sĭang híen;

    this god is very apt to manifest himself.

  • bô̤ sîn bô̤ khì;

    has no vitality.

  • kĭang-khí ceng-sîn lâi lí;

    rally your energies and attend to it.

  • khui lō sîn; thiⁿ sîn;

    a sort of effigy that is carried before funerals as a pursuivant of the dead.

  • cēⁿ-ūn ngŵn-sîn;

    compose your spirit; calm yourself.

  • kèng sîn;

    revere the gods.

  • sîn bīe;

    a temple with images of the gods.

  • sîn-hok;

    offerings for the gods.

  • sîn hué;

    a fire ball; a bright Jack-o-lantern.

  • sîn ūi;

    a shrine.

  • sîn hŭi;

    what has been offered to idols.

  • sîn-thiⁿ pó̤-ĭu;

    heaven protect us.

  • tī sîn; thó sîn;

    local divinities; gods of the land.

  • hok sîn;

    the blessed gods.

  • châi sîn;

    god of wealth.

  • húe sîn;

    god of fire.

  • lûi sîn;

    the god of thunder.

  • cúi sîn;

    god of water.

  • sîn-ŭang; ceng-sîn ŭang;

    in vigorous health.

  • sîn phî;

    languid; out of spirits; no power of concentration.

  • bú-bw̆n tîeh sîn-mêng;

    neglect the gods.

  • mn̂g-sîn;

    the god of the door.

  • càu sîn;

    the kitchen god.

  • céⁿ sîn;

    god of the well.

  • chíu sîn;

    the god that dwells in a tree.

  • suaⁿ sîn;

    god of the mountain.

  • sîn-khak;

    a medicine used for indigestion and colds.

  • hô̤k-sîn;

    a tonic alterative.

  • chîu sîn cò̤ hì;

    recompense the gods by inviting them to a theatrical performance.

  • sîn teng;

    a lamp burned before the gods.

  • tīaⁿ sîn sòi thóiⁿ;

    fix the attention and look carefully.

  • i kâi ceng-sîn cù-cù tó̤ thóiⁿ cṳ;

    his mind is fixed upon his book.

  • i kâi būe tīaⁿ sîn tŏ̤-kò̤;

    he is not altogether sane.

  • sîn tó̤;

    no power of concentration.

  • i kâi ceng-sîn tó̤;

    he is not able to fix his mind steadily upon one subject.

  • cng sîn;

    adorn a god.

  • ang sîn;

    set a god in its niche.

  • Times, hours, seasons; a Chinese hour or one twelfth of a day, but especially the time from 7 to 9 o’clock A. M.; heavenly bodies which mark the times; the fifth of the twelve stems, over which the dragon rules; spots in the sky where no stars are seen.

  • cêk kâi sî-sîn ŭ jîeh kú?

    How long is an hour?

  • jît gûeh cheⁿ sîn;

    the heavenly bodies and interstellar spaces.

  • kíaⁿ jît sĭ hó̤ jît sîn;

    today is a lucky time.

  • To receive, as into a vessel.

  • khîeh kâi úaⁿ lâiⁿ sîn koi hueh;

    take a bowl and catch the fowl’s blood in it.

  • sîn kàu cêk kng hŏ-cúi tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;

    caught a jar full of rain-water.

  • khîeh kâi mûeh lâi sîn cìaⁿ bŏi sua-îa cêk koiⁿ;

    yet something to catch it in, then it will not spill over everything.

  • A residue; leavings; surplus; to retain, to keep back a part.

  • sīn ŭ a bô̤?

    Is there any left?

  • sīn ŭ hăng;

    there is scarcely any remaining.

  • hŵn-lío sīn tōa-bó̤-mûeh;

    there is still a great quantity on hand.

  • i sĭ ngà kàu ŭ sīn;

    he is much more stupid than is necessary.

  • sīn cêk pùaⁿ;

    one half remains.

  • cîah sīn kâi;

    what is left after the meal.

  • sīn-pàng ĕ tǹg;

    keep it for the next meal.

  • cí hó̤ sīn, m̄-hó̤ khih;

    it is best to have an overplus of this, rather than a deficiency.