A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sie | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / sie

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  • News; a report; a rumor.

  • thiaⁿ-kìⁿ ŭ hó̤ sie-sit;

    heard good news.

  • kìa kâi sie-sit khṳt i;

    sent her a message concering his welfare.

  • cìeⁿ-sî ŭ sĭm-mih sie-sit?

    What news has lately arrived?

  • To burn; to ignite; to bake pottery; to roast at a fire; roasted; fired; hot; to burn over; to offer incense; inflammable.

  • húe sie tîeh tíaⁿ-pak;

    the fire is burning the kettle; there is need of great haste in the preparations.

  • sie cíu;

    ardent spirits, such as will burn.

  • kau-lîang-sie;

    strong whiskey made from sorghum.

  • lêk-tāu sie;

    whiskey made from peas.

  • cau-sie;

    strong liquors.

  • màiⁿ khṳt i sie tîeh;

    do not get burned by it.

  • sie-kúe cúa-cîⁿ; sie ngṳ̂n tĭaⁿ;

    burn spirit-money.

  • sie koi;

    roasted fowls.

  • sie tṳ;

    roast pig.

  • sie nêk;

    baked meats.

  • húe sie suaⁿ;

    a mountain that has been burned over.

  • sie in-húe;

    let off fire-works.

  • sie hûi;

    bake pottery.

  • sie hĭa îeⁿ;

    a kiln where tiles are baked.

  • sie hieⁿ;

    to burn incense.

  • sie tîeh thâu-mô̤ⁿ;

    singe the hair off your head.

  • cak sie-jîet;

    has fever.

  • cîah sie;

    get warm; warm one’s self.

  • sie phùa kâi khang;

    burned a hole in it.

  • cò̤ sie cò̤ chìn;

    variable temperature.

  • i cai sie cai chìn;

    he knows what temperature I like.

  • pek sie;

    warm by toasting.

  • hang sie;

    hang it by the fire and warm it.

  • húe sie phò;

    a shop that has been burned.

  • pû kàu tîeh húe sie;

    cooked till it burned.

  • màiⁿ sie khah kùe húe;

    do not heat it too hot.

  • sie kàu chiah-pauh;

    burned brown.

  • sie cheⁿ kâi;

    bronzed by heating.

  • Hot; feverish; ardent.

  • i cêk sin sie kàu ŏi thǹg chíu;

    his body is hot enough to burn one’s hand.

  • hwt sie;

    have fever.

  • sie-jìet;


  • khah sie, màiⁿ khṳt i thǹg tîeh;

    it is too hot, do not get scalded by it.

  • tîeh i lâi teng-tùe, cìaⁿ cai sie, cai chìn;

    she must come and take care of me, for she knows whether a thing is too hot or too cold for me.

  • Mutually; reciprocal; by turns; from one to another; together.

  • sie sieh;

    kind to each other.

  • sie pat;

    acquainted with each other.

  • sie phah;

    fighting together.

  • sie thòi;

    spell each other.

  • úa pat kāng i sie-hŭe;

    I have met him before.

  • sie keh piah;

    on opposite sides of the same wall.

  • sie kāng cŏ̤;

    sit together.

  • sĭ nŏ̤ nâng sie kāng kâi;

    it is owned by the two in common.

  • sie-hŭ;

    to help.

  • sie hûa khì;

    on friendly terms.

  • àiⁿ lâi sie su cē mē?

    Shall we lay a wager on it?

  • i nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sie tó;

    the two are betting on the issue.

  • sie phòng tîeh;

    came across each other unexpectedly.

  • sie khang chíu;

    take hold of each other’s hands.

  • sie lám koiⁿ;

    embrace each other.

  • sie lûn lîu;

    take turns at it.

  • sio pàng pūaⁿ;

    act as substitutes for each other.

  • sie-pang;

    aid each other.

  • Small; petty; trifling; inferior in rank or quality; a depreciating term for what belongs to one’s self; before proper names it often means junior or young.

  • síe sṳ̄;

    an unimportant matter.

  • síe ti;

    a menial.

  • síe tĭ;

    my younger brother (said by a superior in rank).

  • síe phò-thâu;

    a petty shop.

  • i kâi seng-lí síe;

    his business is small.

  • sie seng-lí;

    a petty business.

  • cò̤ lâi síe-síe;

    it is made very small.

  • síe-cíe;

    the young lady (of high rank).

  • síe sim;

    careful; sedulous.

  • síe-nîe-kíaⁿ;

    a little girl.

  • i kâi nâng síe-khì;

    he is a person of medicocre abilities.

  • síe kù;

    a mere trifle.