A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / siap | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / siap

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  • A passing rain; an instant.

  • cêk-siap-sî; siap-sî-kang;

    in a little while.

  • bô̤ cêk-siap-sî kú;

    not a moment ago.

  • hŏ siap-siap-kìe, lô̤h thàng jît;

    the rain has pattered down all day long.


  • Sleepy; blinking and tired.

  • siap mâk;

    heavy eyed.

  • mâk siap àiⁿ ût;

    sleepy and wants to go to bed.

  • mâk siap kàu tó̤ tak;

    so sleepy that he nods.

  • lṳ́ ŏi mâk siap a bŏi?

    Are you sleepy?

  • úa kâi mâk būe siap;

    I am not yet sleepy.

  • mâk sang mâk siap;

    dreadfully sleepy.

  • Sparing; stingy; close; parsimonious; mean.

  • kîam-siap;


  • siap kàu tîo sùaⁿ chng m̄ kùe;

    so tight you could not get a thread through; stingy to the last degree.

  • i phêng-sî sui sĭ siap, ŭ sṳ̄ kâi sî-hāu īu phò̤-láu;

    although ho is ordinarily so sparing, still when there is occasion for it he is liberal.

  • Rough; harsh; stringent; uneven; difficult of performance.

  • līu tīo siap cap;

    squeeze out the acrid juice.

  • cîah tîeh khah siap;

    it tastes too astringent.

  • lâu sêk cē cū bŏi siap;

    when it gets riper it will not be astringent.

  • ka-to̤ ngân khah siap;

    the pivot of the shears is too tight, and they do not work easily.

  • mn̂g khah siap, buah cē îu lô̤h khṳ̀ cìaⁿ bŏi siap;

    the door does not turn on its hinges easily, smear on a little oil and then it will not be hard to open.

  • cē khah siap, khui tîeh cū uaiⁿ-uaiⁿ-kìe;

    when there is too much friction is creaks in being opened.

  • siap kàu khui m̄ khui;

    so much friction that I cannot open it when I use all my force.

  • siap phûe;

    an acrid rind.

  • ûa thóiⁿ i kâi meh sîap, sĭ hueh hṳ;

    I see that his pulse is irregular, it is because his blood is impoverished.

  • To ooze; to leak; to soak through; to divulge.

  • cí kò̤ ŏi sîap cúi;

    the water exudes here.

  • ŭ cêk cūe phāng, i kâi cúi cū ŏi sîap chut lâi;

    wherever there is a crack, the water oozes out.

  • sîap khì;

    lose savour.

  • cē khǹg kú i kâi khì-bī cū cáu sîap;

    if you keep it long it loses its flavour.

  • sîap-lāu;

    to leak.

  • i kâi sṳ̄-ki sîap-lāu;

    his plan has leaked out.

  • sîap-lāu kun-ki;

    divulge the artifice.

  • ki-mît kâi sṳ̄ mó̤ sîap-lāu;

    one should not divulge secrets.

  • sîap-lāu huang-siaⁿ;

    breathe a word of it.

  • To wade through; to pass through; to concern; to be acquainted with.

  • úa kio i bö̬;

    I am in no way concerned in his affairs.

  • kio i bô̤ sîap;

    has nothing to do with liim.

  • pŵt-sîap căi;

    very tired.

  • cêk lō kâi pŵt-sîap;

    the fatigue of the journey.

  • sîap-lêh sì-kù;

    knows the world.

  • i ío ŭ sîap-lêh;

    he is more conversant with it.