A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / siah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / siah

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  • Pewter.

  • siah khì;

    pewter ware.

  • nŏ̤ lîap mâk tōa kùe siah cúaⁿ;

    eyes bigger than saucers.

  • phah siah pô̤h;

    make tin-foil.

  • hu siah;

    pulverized pewter.

  • thih siah hún;

    white lead.

  • îeⁿ siah;

    to melt pewter.

  • siah kang;

    workers in pewter.

  • phah siah phò;

    shops where pewter ware is made.

  • cù siah;

    to cast pewter.

  • pó siah kâi;

    mended with pewter.

  • cîm-thâu siah;

    bars of pewter.

  • cham kĕ kâi siah;

    adulterated pewter.

  • To hew; to whittle; to pare off.

  • siah sòi cē;

    whittle it down a little.

  • khîeh pó-thâu lâi siah;

    take a hatchet and hew it off.

  • phoi siah;

    to trim off.

  • cang to̤ cē siah cū siah tīo cêk pa chut lâi;

    taking a knife to pare off a little, he cut off a great slice.

  • A banquet; an entertainment.

  • cíu sîah;

    a supper at which wine is offered.

  • to̤h sîah;

    a feast.

  • ŭ kúi nâng lâi hù sîah?

    How many have come to the banquet?

  • jît tàu cò̤ sîah chíaⁿ nâng kheh;

    make a noonday feast, and invite guests.

  • cò̤ ŭ jîeh cōi sîah?

    How many tables were spread at this feast?

  • cŏ̤ sîah;

    to sit at table.