To cut up in fine particles; the noise of cutting.
sap chang cu;
prepare onion-tops for the table.
i kâi to̤ lō sêk căi;
he handles his knife with dexterity, cutting downward rapidly and incessantly.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ sap-sap-kìe;
heard the sound of slicing something soft and crisp.
màiⁿ sap tîeh chíu;
do not cut your hand in slicing downward.
grown old; an appearance of neglect and poverty in the person; a falling off in personal strength and comeliness.
thóiⁿ tîeh kâi hêng-sîn sue-sap;
appears unusually aged.
A contraction of saⁿ-câp, thirty.
sap gūa;
over thirty.
thirty one.