A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pwn | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pwn

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  • To put in seasoning; to mix ingredients in food.

  • pẁn ló, pẁn câu-câu;

    put in “stock” as a seasoning, and mix it uniformly throughout the mass.

  • pẁn kài-lûah;

    season with mustard.

  • thiⁿ-sî jûah, pá-lói cò̤ lîang-pẁn kâi lâi cîah kèng hó̤;

    since the weather is hot it is better to prepare food with condiments of a cooling nature.

  • sûi i cò̤-nî iam pẁn sẁn;

    let her concoct it as she pleases.

  • To revolt; to resist authority.

  • i sĭ pw̆n-ngêk kâi nâng;

    he is a rebellious person.

  • pw̆n-châk;

    a rebel.

  • mông pw̆n;

    plot rebellion.

  • kek kàu i pw̆n-hẃn;

    drove him to rebellion.

  • hẃn-pw̆n;

    to revolt.

  • pw̆n thû; pw̆n chîn, châk cṳ́;

    traitors; rebels.

  • i pw̆n khṳ̀ kè;

    she eloped and married.

  • To regard lightly.

  • pw̆n-mĕng;

    to risk life.

  • i pw̆n-mĕng căi;

    he is foolhardy.