A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / put | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / put

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  • An adverb of negation.

  • put khó̤;

    not feasible; unfitting.

  • put lêng;


  • put pĭen;


  • put sìo;


  • put pit;


  • put mêng put pêh;

    not lucid.

  • put ciet, put lî;

    neither instantly nor remotely.

  • bô̤ só̤ put lí;

    there is nothing that is not under his control.

  • bô̤ nâng káⁿ tàⁿ kâi put jī;

    nobody dared disagree with him.

  • it put cò̤, jī put hiuⁿ;

    well, I’m in for it and I’ll now go through with it.

  • put sam put sṳ̀;

    neither the one thing nor the other.

  • i lâi sĭu put sĭ;

    he has come to make acknowledgment of an error.

  • put jît cū kàu;

    he will be here erelong.

  • put jû màiⁿ khṳ̀;

    it would be better not to go.

  • put ieh, jṳ̂ tâng;

    without a promise it would be the same.

  • khṳ̀ kàu, i put ciu, put chái;

    on our arrival, he took no notice of us.

  • put tŏng put khien;

    appears out of his element; looks as if it were done by one unaccustomed to the thing; unsystematic and incomplete.

  • put jîen;

    on the contrary.

  • hûa-hùi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n put cíe;

    spent no small amount of money.

  • i tó lăi put tău-háu;

    he is ill at ease.

  • To lift with both hands.

  • saⁿ kṳ put phû cìaⁿ bŏi tâh tîeh;

    lift your dress and then you won’t step on it.

  • khò put phû cìaⁿ bŏi mûeh tâm;

    hold up your trowsers and then they will not get wet.

  • kûn put phû cìaⁿ bŏi kûe tîeh kha;

    raise your skirt, then it will not get in the way of your feet.

  • To fill a hod or basket with earth, as in building adobe walls.

  • hàm i khṳ̀ put thô;

    tell him to go and bring earth in a hod.

  • put thô lâi ceng chîeⁿ;

    bring the earth for pounding into tho wall.