A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / puah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / puah

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  • A glazed earthen basin.

  • hue puah;

    a flower pot.

  • cúi puah;

    a water pot.

  • thoah puah;

    a priest’s dish.

  • To play for stakes.

  • pûah su, pûah îaⁿ;

    to lose or to win in gambling.

  • pûah-cîⁿ;

    to gamble.

  • īu cîah īu pûah; hàuⁿ cîah hàuⁿ pûah;

    smokes opium and gambles.

  • pûah kàu sok-sok-theh;

    played till he had nothing left to stake.

  • To slip and fall; to make a false step; to tumble.

  • i pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ cū peh m̄ cáu-khí;

    if he falls down he cannot get up again.

  • i pûah tîeh tì-kò̤?

    Where did he hurt himself when he fell?

  • i pûah cîh kha kut;

    he fell down and broke his leg.

  • pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ līo-līo-tît;

    fell down flat.

  • i cē thiaⁿ tîeh cū îang pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    when she heard it she fell in a swoon.

  • To flop sidewise.

  • cûn-búe pûah kùe tang pôiⁿ;

    turn the stern of the boat eastward.

  • cûn pûah m̄ tńg sin;

    cannot turn the boat.

  • khṳt i kâi hṳ̂-búe pûah khṳ̀ kàu cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    one would be felled by a blow from his tail.

  • i tó̤ kîaⁿ, kâi búe pûah kùe lâi pûah kùe khṳ̀;

    its tail flops to and fro as it goes.

  • To draw water from a well.

  • khîeh pûah-tháng khṳ̀ pûah cêk pûah cúi;

    take the drawing bucket and draw a bucket of water.

  • To toss down; to throw.

  • pûah tâu;

    to throw dice.

  • pûah lô̤h thô-ĕ, tiang-cē-kìe;

    if you throw it upon the ground it jingles.