An open level space.
cêk kò̤ pêⁿ po khuah-khuah;
a spacious level arena.
tōa po kūiⁿ lî cí kò̤ jîeh hn̆g?
How far is your district city from here?
cháu po;
a meadow; a grassy plain.
suaⁿ po;
a plain at the base of a mountain.
po-kîⁿ po-kak tèng nâng īa cǹg ŭ phûn;
on the edges and corners of the plain graves have also been made.
A port; a landing where trade is carried on; a mart; an unwalled sea-side town.
îam po;
a salt dépôt.
the port of Swatow.
kùe po;
trade along at the ports.
hŭe po;
call a meeting of the merchants of the port.
po cèng m̄ hàuⁿ;
the traders are all against it.
po chĭ;
the market.
tōa po-thâu;
a great mart (like Shanghai).
síe po thâu;
a small marine landing place.
sin siet kâi po;
a newly opened port.
Carriers; porters; coolies.
pńg hú àiⁿ lô̤h cûn ēng-jîeh cōi po?
How many burden-bearers does this magistrate employ when he goes on board the boat?
cí kâi kīe-phò ŭ jîeh cōi kĭe-po?
How many chair-bearers are there at this chair-stand?
i hàm kĭe-po-thâu lâi mn̄g;
he told the chief chair-bearer to come and inquire.
cúi húe po;
a hewer of wood and drawer of water.
kẃn taⁿ-po kâi nâng kìe-cò̤ ki-po-thâu;
the head of a gang of porters is called the head porter.
lîah nŏ̤ peh mîaⁿ po, hŵn lío m̄ kàu taⁿ;
pressed two hundred coolies into service, and still there were not enough to carry the luggage.
An axe; a cleaver; a hatchet.
an axe.
tōa pó;
a cleaver.
phùa châ pó;
a hatchet.
pó-thâu châk-kíaⁿ;
carpenters’ tools.
kim kue ŵt pó;
insignia of office borne beside a mandarin in processions.
àiⁿ chut mn̂g, khìam cṳ pó;
lack the funds necessary for travel.
To repair; to mend; to close up, as a breach; to patch; to supply; to substitute; to make up; to aid; to assist; to recruit; to strengthen; the insignia of rank sewed on the robe; a supplement or addendum.
pó ôi;
to mend shoes.
pó kâi saⁿ;
patch a garment.
pó chù-téng;
repair a roof.
pó pûaⁿ pó úaⁿ;
to mend broken crockery.
pó lāu;
stop a leak.
pó hueh;
to improve the quality of the blood.
cîah pó îeh;
take tonics.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi pó khì pó hueh;
this medicine strengthens the system.
pó thiap;
to make up a loss to one, as for a breakage, or for extra work.
pó thiap i jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much did you give him in compensation?
pó ke cē;
make up the loss a little more fully.
cía tîeh sìa lío cìaⁿ lâi pó, m̄ hó soiⁿ pó ău sìa;
the tonics mnst follow the depleting medicines, it is not well to first give restoratives and then give purgatives.
pó ngṳ̂n-cúi;
make up for the excess in the weight of the coins.
pó phêng-thâu;
make up for light weight.
chēng máng-phâu pó-kùa;
wore a long robe with a dragon embroidered on it, and a short tunic having the insignia of rank embroidered on oblong patches set in the back and the front.
pûe pó;
supply a new one in place of what was damaged or destroyed.
kùe saⁿ jît ău cíaⁿ lâi pó cok;
make up for absence on the day for the worship of a god, by coming with offerings three days later.
pó m̄ kùe;
unable to make up the loss.
pó lô̤h khṳ̀ kah-kah;
the patch is just large enough to cover the hole.
ciang kong pó cŭe;
make merit offset demerit.
cîah ce, pó cek ak;
fast, to atone for accumulated sins.
cang i kâi ŭ ṳ̂ lâi pó i kâi put cok;
take his surplus to make up for his deficiencies; let works of supererogation offset sins of omission.
jĭm pó-thīⁿ, pó-thīⁿ m̄ bûa;
try in vain to patch up the matter.
siu-pó hŏ-sùaⁿ;
repair an umbrella.
pó tīo kâi jī;
cover a letter with a paper patch and rewrite it.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh-cîah bô̤ pó-iah;
this food has no nourishment in it.
i sĭ hāu pó kuaⁿ;
he waits to take the place of the departing official.
hāu pó nâng ŵn;
an officer waiting to take his post.
ngŏ̤ khueh ciet pó;
at once fill a vacancy in office.
pó-sĭu móng-kò̤ kâi ti-hú;
take the place of the prefect in a certain department.
pó khueh;
fill a vacancy.
tìo jîp khṳ̀ pó cò̤ lăi kuaⁿ;
summoned to fill an office in Peking.
bûn kuaⁿ cò̤-nî hó̤ pó bú khueh?
How can a civil officer supply a vacancy in a military office?
pó kàu kng-seⁿ kng-seⁿ;
mended so skillfully that one cannot see the patch.
pó thìaⁿ;
make amends to him for pain inflicted.
i ang ŏi li pó bó bŏi, i bó ŏi li pó ang bŏi;
the ability of the husband makes up for the incompetence of the wife, and the ability of the wife for the inefficiency of the husband.
Dried meats or fruit.
hṳ̀ pó;
cured fish.
ah pó;
dried ducks.
chài pó;
dried turnips.
bûe pó;
dried plums.
pó līo;
dried provisions.
phâk pó;
cure by drying in the sun.
To plant.
pò céng lô̤h thô;
plant seed in the gronnd.
pò châng;
set out the yonng rice-plants in the fields.
pò ng;
transplant young rice.
Cotton, linen, or hempen fabrics; calico; cloth.
i tó̤ khui pò phò;
he keeps a shop where cotton goods are sold.
pêh pò;
o pò;
black cambric.
âng pò;
red calico.
lâm pò; chíⁿ pò;
blue calico.
lô̤ pò;
lace; mosquito-netting.
n̂g-mûaⁿ pò;
po̤-lô̤-mûaⁿ pò;
cloth made from the fiber of the pine-apple plant.
pò phit;
piece goods.
unbleached cotton.
pńg sek kâi pò;
cloth having its natural color.
pìe pêh kâi pò;
bleached cloth.
kang-cheⁿ pò;
brown cloth.
sîa-bûn pò;
hē pò;
cloth for summer wear.
tek pò;
foreign linen.
îu pò;
oiled cloth.
ìn hue kâi pò;
tĭu pò;
môⁿ-lâm pò;
chiah pò;
îeⁿ pò; hwn pò; hût pò;
foreign fabrics.
ka-pùa pò;
coarse thick native cloth, woven in hand-looms.
chíu pò;
a handkerchief.
êk pò;
a wash-cloth.
mīn pò;
a towel.
bûeh pò;
a foot-wrap, worn inside the stocking.
thâu pò;
a turban.
ûi ie pò;
an apron or loin cloth.
tah pò-phâng-kè lâi nê pò-phâng;
set up the tent poles, and spread the tent.
pò hŏ-sùaⁿ;
a cloth umbrella.
a dish cloth.
a wallet, a cloth bag.
pò tah-lîen;
a cloth pouch, like a bag with a slit in its side.
jṳ̂ chn̂g pò;
duster for furniture.
pò pau;
a cloth bundle.
pò lîam;
a cloth screen or curtain.
cang ngŏ sek pò lâi phah cò̤ bé-kang-lî, chái ngia;
make a lattice work of variegated cloth, for ornamentation.
a thick leaved sea-weed, dried and cut into long strips, and used as food.
cía pò khah hi;
this cloth is too sleazy.
kău pò, pô̤h pò;
thick or thin cloth.
cho pò, ìuⁿ pò;
coarse or fine fabrics.
pò tîeh sẃn ìuⁿ-câk kâi;
must select a firm piece of cloth.
ní pò;
to dye cloth.
tâh pò;
to press cloth.
pak pò;
to whiten cloth.
keⁿ pò;
to weave cloth.
só̤ chēng sĭ cho kûn, pò saⁿ, sĭm sĭ phok-sît;
wore a coarse petticoat and cotton tunic, and had a very rustic appearance.
pò bé;
an artificial horse.
khîa pò bé phah pò sîaⁿ;
rode an artificial horse to attack an artificial city.
Liquor not yet strained; food that is prepared by fermentation.
bí sah lío lô̤h cíu píaⁿ cū hó̤ put i hwt pô;
when the rice has been boiled, and the malt put in, then set it away to ferment.
hip pô;
keep the mash in a dark warm place to ferment.
kek pô;
make a ferment.
tāu-cìeⁿ pô;
fermented bean catsup.
A tribunal; a board; a public court; an officer in a board; a class or division in a serial arrangement.
lâk pŏ;
the Six Boards in the government.
lī pŏ;
Board of Civil Office.
hŏ pŏ;
Board of Revenue.
lí pŏ;
Board of Rites.
piaⁿ pŏ;
Board of War.
hîaⁿ pŏ;
Board of Punishments.
kang pŏ;
Board of Works.
cong-tok pŏ-tn̂g;
Governor General.
sûn-bú pŏ-īⁿ;
governor of a province.
kau pŏ ngí chú;
given over to the Board for Judgment.
bâk pŏ;
the vegetable kingdom.
To chew; to masticate; to bite.
pō kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
masticate it thoroughly.
m̄ hó̤ pō tîeh cîh;
do not bite your tongue.
pō tîeh, khauh-khauh-kìe;
chewing with a craunching noise.
mín pō, ka-n̂ng thun;
you need not chew it, swallow it whole.
khah jūn, pō m̄ lô̤h;
it is tough, and I cannot masticate it.
A way; a means; recourse; a remedy.
bô̤ pō;
it can’t be helped.
cía tîeh i cìaⁿ ŭ pō, pât nâng li bô̤ pō;
he is the only one who can set this right, any one else will be of no avail.
hía, úa cū bô̤ pō lío;
well, there is nothing more that I can do then.
lṳ́ sĭeⁿ ŭ pō a bô̤?
Do you think that anything can be done about it?
hàm i cò̤-nî ŭ pō lí;
ask him how it can be set to rights.
i ŭ pō cò̤ kàu hìeⁿ ngía, mîaⁿ-ke căi;
he has a way of making it very pretty, he is very expert at it.
A step; a pace.
sĭ pō kîaⁿ lâi, a sĭ cŏ̤ kīe lâi?
Did you come on foot, or in a chair?
hûah tōa pō cē;
take longer steps.
lṳ́ kâi kha pō khin, i kâi kha pō tăng;
your footsteps are light, his are heavy.
lṳ́ kâi kha pō màiⁿ kîaⁿ kàu hìeⁿ tăng;
do not step so heavily.
kha pō tâh ún;
set your feet firmly.
kîaⁿ ke lâng pō cū kàu;
a few more steps and we shall be there.
cêk pō cêk pō khin-khin kîaⁿ, màiⁿ pīn-pōng-kìe;
step softly, do not make a noise in walking.
mùaⁿ-khí, khṳ̀ i kò̤ hûe pō;
return his visit to-morrow.
cí pō, iang siaⁿ;
stop walking and call out.
pō piaⁿ; pō kun;
infantry; foot-soldiers.
pō piaⁿ sĭ ŏi pō-cìen kâi;
foot-soldiers fight on foot.
cêk pō cêk pō;
step by step.
khîeh ki pō-keng lâi sīa pō-cìⁿ;
take the bow of a foot soldier and shoot the arrow which belongs therein.
kîaⁿ kàu cí pō châng tī;
arrived at the designated position.
cêk lí lō jîeh cōi pō?
How many paces in a mile?
lâu ŭ ṳ̂ kâi tī pō;
leave some room for grace.
lâu thò̤ pō;
leave room for retreat.
ŭ lâu kùi pō;
may I trouble you to step in (to do something).
pō-pō kau-seng;
gradually rose to eminence.
i hŵn sĭ àiⁿ mō̤ⁿ cìn pō;
he still hopes for advancement.
hâiⁿ cîⁿ, bô̤ thò̤ pō;
pay before you leave the spot.
tit cêk pō cìn cêk pō;
give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.
i nŏ̤ nâng būe pat kah kùe kha pō;
the two have not yet learned to step together.
kha pō kîaⁿ kàu côi-côi;
keep step in walking.
ciap pō ciap pō kîaⁿ, thóiⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi pō;
pace it and see how many paces it is.
kha pō ciah;
i kâi súa-pō súa lâi ún-tàng;
he moves about on his feet with great precision.
gêk pō;
your steps.
nôiⁿ pō;
lady’s footsteps.