To lay open.
phùa khui lâi thóiⁿ;
open it out and see what is inside.
phùa sim kuaⁿ;
disclose the real feelings.
phùaⁿ cò̤ nŏ̤ poiⁿ; phùaⁿ cò̤ pôiⁿ;
to halve; to divide in two.
To rend, break, ruin, or defeat; to take by storm; to detect, to lay bare, to solve, to explain; split, tattered, broken, injured.
phùa-phùa chùi-chùi, tâk tîeh sĭm mih cîⁿ;
it is all in pieces, and worth almost nothing.
i chēng kàu phùa lîh-lîh;
he wears his clothing till it is in tatters.
i tó̤ pó phùa saⁿ;
she is mending a torn garment.
tŏ̤ hṳ́ hûe kiaⁿ phùa táⁿ khṳ̀;
was at that time so scared that he lost all courage.
phah phùa i kâi îaⁿ-pûaⁿ;
broke up their camp.
i cí ău phùa-pāi lío;
he has since been defeated.
hía sĭ phùa ke kíaⁿ;
he is one who will ruin his family.
i a-pĕ cū sĭ chûn cōi-cōi ciⁿ, i īa phùa tit ŵn;
should his father leave a great amount of money, he would waste it all.
i cí sù-nî, ūi sṳ̄, kâi ke phùa kàu cheng-khih cheng-khih;
he has during these last few years had troubles which have impoverished his family.
úa thóiⁿ phùa i kâi ì;
I see through his design.
m̄ cîaⁿ khṳt nâng thóiⁿ phùa;
that people may not find it out.
bô̤ nâng thóiⁿ tit phùa;
nobody detected it.
cò̤ hìeⁿ thóiⁿ m̄ phùa cúa?;
Why are you so blinded?
phùa châi;
to lose property, as by theft.
phùa cîⁿ tói ūn;
spend money to get good luck.
phùa-hùi tīo jîeh cōi cîⁿ cìaⁿ cò̤ sêng;
laid out much before it was brought to completion.
phùa i kâi huap;
discovered how he did it.
phùa i kâi kòi;
guessed his stratagem.
phah phùa sîaⁿ-tî;
carried the city by storm.
hût kă m̄ phùa;
cannot bite into the pit of the fruit.
ngó-seⁿ phùa-sùaⁿ cū lâi chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;
when the five carcasses are divided, we will then invite the guests.
cí kâi tŏ̤-lí cū sĭeⁿ m̄ phùa;
I did not think out this principle.
cêk ē cŭang, hía po̤-lî-khì cn̂g kâi phùa khṳ̀;
that glassware was all broken at one thump.
chēng sang phùa ôi-lioh;
wore a pair of old slipshod shoes.
saⁿ khò chēng kàu hûeⁿ phùa tît lîh;
wore his clothes till they were rent in all directions.
cîah lío ùaⁿ cē tîeh khà phùa cúi-kng;
after eating it you will be so thirsty that you will break the water jar in your haste to get water.
màiⁿ thûh phùa i kâi pêⁿ theng cúa;
do not poke a hole through his paper screens; do not spoil the play by bringing into view the puppets that cast their shadows on the screen.
tîeh màiⁿ thăng phùa thâu, cē thăng phùa thâu cū cong-kú àiⁿ;
do not begin, else you will always be wanting to do it.
To rive; to split; to rend.
phùa châ;
split wood.
phùa cò̤ nŏ pôiⁿ;
split it in two.
phùa cò̤ sì lìam;
split it into quarters.
phùa m̄ lô̤h;
I can’t split it.
phùa châ, thóiⁿ châ sì;
in splitting wood consider which way the grain lies.
phùa tek-bih;
make bamboo splints.
An old woman, a dame, a crone, a hag.
an old couple.
i lâi pài ún kâi kong-phûa;
they came to pay their respects to our old people.
kong-phûa bó̤ pó̤-hō̤;
may the god of the bedstead grant a blessing.
lău phûa;
a grandfather’s concubine.
bûe phûa;
a matchmaker.
thóiⁿ sìaⁿ phûa;
an old female spirit medium.
i seⁿ lâi a-phûa mīn a-phûa mīn;
he has a face like an old woman’s.
thái-kò̤ phua;
a crone who is a leper.
i tó̤ tng sau-phûa;
she keeps a brothel.
sau-phûa âi;
an old woman who has charge of a bagnio.