A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / phien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / phien

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  • Selfish; partial; addicted to; bent on; at or by the side; in polite language, by your help, as if the speaker was at the other’s side, like a companion.

  • i bô̤ phien-sṳ;

    he has no private ends in view.

  • bô̤ phien sim;

    has no feeling of partiality.

  • i phien ài-sieh sòi kâi;

    she is unduly partial to the youngest one.

  • cía sĭ i kâi phien-pâng sù chut kâi;

    this one was born of his concubine.

  • bô̤ phien bô̤ ngŭi;

    without favoritism or guile.

  • soiⁿ phien lío;

    I have already eaten.

  • sù-cē, cía khah ŭ phien;

    excuse me, with your leave I will eat.

  • i cò̤ cìaⁿ, i cò̤ phien;

    the one acts fairly, the other selfishly.

  • phien-phien m̄ i lṳ́;

    indeed I cannot agree with you.

  • phien tŏ̤ cêk pôiⁿ;

    inclines to one side.

  • i phien àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    he wants it so.

  • cía sĭ phien-phiah kâi lō;

    this is a private road.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ kâi tŏ̤-lí sǹg sĭ phien, hŵn m̄ chŵn;

    this reasoning is one sided, and not wholly candid.

  • To walk lamely, as from weak ankles.

  • i sĭ kîaⁿ khṳ̀ phien-phien nē;

    he totters along.

  • i sĭ kha seⁿ lâi phien-phien;

    he is naturally very weak in his legs.

  • A page or section; a leaf of a book.

  • cí phien cṳ ŭ jîeh tn̂g?

    How long is this section?

  • tàⁿ kàu cêk chîang phien;

    gave a long, minute description.

  • cêk png cṳ jîeh cōi phien?

    How many leaves are there in one volume?

  • i cêk jît cò̤ ŭ ku-ā phien bûn-cieⁿ;

    in one day he writes several pages of an essay.

  • hien kùe nŏ̤ phien;

    turn over two leaves.

  • To arrange, to compose.

  • i sĭ cò̤ hâng-lîm-īⁿ phien-siu;

    he is a reviser of books in the National Academy.

  • i phien tŏ̤ tŏiⁿ kúi hō̤?

    Under what mark is it ranged?

  • jī-hō̤ soiⁿ khṳ̀ phien chṳ̀-sŭ;

    first arrange the labels in their order in the series.

  • chṳ̀-sŭ íⁿ-keng phien tīaⁿ-tîeh lío;

    the order is already arranged.

  • i phien tŏ̤ tī-kâi ūi-chṳ̀ cŏ̤?

    Which is the seat that he is to sit in?

  • To fly about; to flatter.

  • pue khṳ̀ phien-phien nē;

    fly liither and thither; to flutter about.

  • To slice off, to cut in thin flakes.

  • phìen pô̤h-pô̤h;

    shave it up in very thin slices.

  • phìen tōa hue cē;

    slice it up in broader slices.

  • phìen khah kău cū jūn-jūn;

    if you slice it too thick it will be tough.

  • Anything thin and small, as a leaf, flake, strip, bit, chip or slip ; a classifier of plots of land, spaces of time, pieces of paper, and petals of flowers; a half; a section; to divide; to slice; a statement, a paper.

  • cêk phìen cúa;

    a slip of paper.

  • cêk phìen ké ūe;

    it is all false.

  • kuah kâi mîaⁿ-phìen-ìu, hó̤ lâi khap toaⁿ-phìen;

    engrave a stamp for stamp- ing the name on visiting cards.

  • piaⁿ-phìen;

    baroos camphor.

  • kôih phìen kâi càu-cieⁿ;

    a memorial, with a supplement folded within it.

  • àiⁿ côih cò̤ jîeh cōi phìen?

    How many slices do you want it cut into?

  • phìen cò̤ pó̤h phìen;

    slice it into thin flakes.

  • phìen cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;

    slice it down through the middle.

  • âng pêh phìen;

    thin slices of lean and fat pork in alternate layers.

  • chûn bô phìen-kíaⁿ-ni;

    have scarcely a bit left.

  • îeh phìen;

    drugs in thin shavings.

  • i sĭ cêk phìen hó̤ ì;

    he has a good idea.

  • cu-phìen;


  • cêk phìen khang tī;

    a strip of vacant land.

  • kieⁿ-phìen;

    sliced ginger root.

  • To take an unfair advantage ; to cheat, to deceive, to delude, to lie.

  • úa bô̤ phìen lṳ́ kâi;

    I am not deceiving you in regard to it.

  • khṳt i phìen khṳ̀;

    was cheated by him.

  • ŭ phìen a bô̤?

    Is there any imposition about it?

  • kuang-phìen;

    to befool.

  • phìen-kêk;

    a plan for swindling.

  • khi-phìen;

    to cheat out of; to impose upon.

  • The carpels of oranges and similar fruits.

  • peh nŏ̤ phìen kaⁿ;

    took off two sections from the orange.

  • peh phìen īu pun i;

    broke off a section of the pumelo and gave it to her.

  • sǹg phìen;

    the scales from a bulb of garlic.