A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pe | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / pe

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  • A faggot; a bundle; a classifier of things held in the hand; a single handful.

  • cêk pé châ;

    a bundle of faggots.

  • cêk pé tṳ̄;

    a bundle of chopsticks.

  • pâk cò̤ cêk pé;

    tie them up in a bundle.

  • cêk pé cêk pé;

    bunch by bunch.

  • líam húe-pé chīeⁿ lō;

    light a torch to illumine the way.

  • i khṳ̀ ŭ kâi pé gûeh;

    he has been gone about a month.

  • cía tâk kàu peh pé ngṳ̂n;

    this is worth about a hundred dollars.

  • i kâi chíu-pé ho̤h tŏa;

    he has very large arms.

  • cē sa cū cìaⁿ pé;

    as soon as you rake it up you will get a bundle.

  • meⁿ pé bí pun i;

    took up a handful of rice and gave it to him.

  • meⁿ pé îam lài lô̤h;

    take up a handful of salt and put it in.

  • To scratch.

  • pê thâu-khak;

    to scratch the head.

  • pê cĭeⁿ;

    scratch where it itches.

  • saⁿ nî kòi ciah lă lṳ́ pê;

    scratching itch scars that are three years old is as much work as you care to do.

  • khin-khin pê;

    scratch lightly.

  • it-khùai, thǹg bûeh pê kha;

    the greatest comfort is to take off your stockings and scratch your feet.

  • To creep; to crawl.

  • chit cŏ̤ poih pê káu hwt gê;

    sit up at seven months old, creep at eight and teeth at nine.

  • To crawl, as worms do.

  • sêng-peh thâng pê cêk koiⁿ, chi-gî căi;

    the caterpillars from the fir trees are crawling everywhere, and rendering all places horrible.

  • cêk tīo pê tŏ̤ lṳ́ sin tèng;

    there is one crawling upon you.

  • A drag; a rake; to harrow.

  • lôi, pê, cúi-chia;

    ploughs, harrows and water-wheels; farming implements.

  • khîa ki khau-pê khṳ̀ khau cháu;

    take a rake and rake out the weeds.

  • pê châng;

    harrow a field.

  • phah sua pê;

    an instrument for clearing water courses from sand.

  • pê khui;

    rake open.

  • thih pê;

    an iron rake.

  • ; pê-khî;

  • âng kha pê-khî;

    red clawed land crabs.

  • ; pê-thâu;

  • A father; an ancestor.

  • seⁿ pĕ;

    he who begot me.

  • pĕ chin;

    own father.

  • ngĭ pĕ;

    adopted father.

  • pĕ cip;

    my father’s friends.

  • peh pe, cek pĕ;

    father’s elder and younger brother.

  • pĕ hiaⁿ kà kíaⁿ-tĭ to sĭ kà i hó̤;

    when fathers and elder brothers teach the children of a family, they are always well taught.

  • pĕ-bó̤ kuaⁿ;

    our district magistrate.

  • thî-kìu pĕ sṳ;

    examine his father and his teacher.

  • i tâng sòi bô pĕ bô̤ bó̤;

    from his infancy he has had neither father nor mother.

  • có pĕ;


  • ceng có pĕ;

    great grandfather.

  • kau có pĕ;

    great great grandfather.

  • ngák pĕ;

    wife’s father.

  • tâng-nî pĕ;

    the father of a friend born in the same year as myself.

  • i kâi pĕ có īa sĭ thí-mīn kâi nâng;

    his ancestors also were people of repute.

  • jû ló ău-pĕ;

    hatred like that toward a step-father.

  • pĕ bó̤ sieh kíaⁿ kâi sim, bô̤ só put cì;

    the affection of parents toward their children has no limit.

  • thiⁿ ĕ bô̤ put sĭ ti pĕ bó̤;

    nothing under heaven can render our parents anything but our parents.