A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / oiⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / oiⁿ

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  • To procrastinate.

  • oiⁿ-ĭen;

    to delay, to dally, to put off, to dawdle, to take one’s time.

  • pât nâng kúi jît cū hó̤ kâi, i tîeh oiⁿ-ĭen kàu káng gûeh cìaⁿ hó̤;

    what another person would finish up in a few days, he must dally over a whole month.

  • i sĭ tó̤ oiⁿ-ĭen kùe jît kâi;

    he puts it off day after day.

  • Leisure; repose; unoccupied; at ease; idle.

  • lṳ́ mn̄g i ôiⁿ a m̄-ôiⁿ;

    ask him whether he is at leisure.

  • ôiⁿ li hàm i lâi;

    if he is at leisure tell him to come here.

  • kìe i cē ôiⁿ cū lâi;

    tell him to come as soon as he is at leisure.

  • i ôiⁿ úa m̄-ôiⁿ;

    he has nothing to do, and I am busy.

  • cìeⁿ-sî m̄ ôiⁿ căi;

    am very much occupied lately.

  • ôiⁿ ūe;

    idle talk.

  • màiⁿ kẃn i kâi ôiⁿ sṳ̄;

    pay no heed to his nonsense.

  • ôiⁿ sî tîeh cai ēng kang;

    in leisure hours, be diligent.

  • ôiⁿ mē?

    Are you at leisure?

  • bò̤ cêk sî ôiⁿ;

    I have no leisure.

  • bô̤ sî bô̤ khek ôiⁿ;

    I have not a moment’s leisure.

  • ôiⁿ tī;

    unoccupied ground.

  • cò̤ hó̤ lío nĕ ôiⁿ-ôiⁿ;

    finish it up, and then you will have nothing at all to do.

  • ôiⁿ kîaⁿ;

    sauntering along.

  • ôiⁿ cŏ̤ khùn-kíaⁿ;

    sit idle a little while.

  • nâng ôiⁿ, sim m̄-ôiⁿ;

    my body is at leisure, but my mind is not.

  • uaⁿ-ôiⁿ căi;

    quite at ease.

  • uaⁿ-uaⁿ ôiⁿ-ôiⁿ;

    entirely free from pressing duties.

  • sĭm sĭ cheng ôiⁿ;

    wholly free from cares; quite indifferent to what is going on.

  • ciu jît cheng-cheng ôiⁿ-ôiⁿ;

    nothing to do all day long.

  • cí kò̤ lâi ôiⁿ kṳ;

    stop here and rest.

  • i bô̤ sṳ̄ tŏ̤ ke ôiⁿ cŭ;

    he has no business, and is at home doing nothing.

  • kúi nâng tŏ̤ hṳ́ kò̤ tó̤ ôiⁿ khĭa;

    they were all standing there idle.

  • i tŏ̤ ôiⁿ koiⁿ kò̤ cŏ̤;

    he is sitting in the place where loafers congregate.

  • ôiⁿ nâng;

    people who are doing nothing.

  • hiuⁿ ôiⁿ;

    at leisure; no duty pressing.

  • ôiⁿ khiah kâiⁿ sî-hāu;

    in intervals of business.

  • ciu jît ôiⁿ-hîa, bô̤ sṳ̄;

    idle all day.

  • to sĭ îu chíu hàuⁿ ôiⁿ;

    is always idling around.

  • bô̤ hía ôiⁿ-chêng khṳ́ thóiⁿ;

    have not that idle disposition which would incline me to go and see it.

  • pât nâng cò̤ tîeh kang-khó căi, i cò̤ tîeh ôiⁿ-ôiⁿ;

    what other people find great difficulty in doing, he does with perfect case.

  • chŵn m̄ káⁿ thau ôiⁿ cêk khùn-kíaⁿ;

    dare not seizo an instant’s leisure.

  • úa bô̤ hìeⁿ ôiⁿ;

    I am rather busy.