A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nioⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nioⁿ

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  • To tickle, titilate or cajole.

  • tṳ cē nioⁿ i cū ût lô̤h khṳ̀;

    titilate a pig a little and he will go to sleep.

  • cē nioⁿ cū àiⁿ chìe;

    if you tickle him he will laugh.

  • úa m̄-ùi nioⁿ;

    I am not easily tickled.

  • khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ lâi nioⁿ i;

    gradually cajole him into it.


  • Lissome; slender; flexible.

  • seⁿ lâi sĭm sĭ níoⁿ-nó̤;

    is naturally very graceful.

  • níoⁿ-níoⁿ nó̤-nó̤;

    very graceful.

  • To wrinkle; creases.

  • nìoⁿ bâi;

    to scowl.

  • i kâi mīn phûe ŏi nìoⁿ;

    her face is wrinkled.

  • hîah tèng ŏi nìoⁿ hûn;

    his brow is furrowed.

  • nìoⁿ cêk cūe hûn;

    make a crease.

  • i kai mīn phûe pô̤h-pô̤h, cn̂g kâi bŏi nìoⁿ;

    her face is fair, and without wrinkles.

  • cih hó̤-hó̤, màiⁿ nìoⁿ hûn;

    fold it nicely and do not wrinkle it.

  • cŏ̤ kàu saⁿ nìoⁿ-nìoⁿ;

    sat till lier tunic was rumpled.

  • i thóiⁿ tîeh, phīⁿ nìoⁿ chùi nìoⁿ;

    when he saw it he drew up his face as if to laugh.

  • cúi mīn kâi cúi-po̤-hûn nìoⁿ-nìoⁿ;

    the surface of the water is rippled.

  • i cìeⁿ lău, kâi phûe to bŏi nìoⁿ;

    though so old, his skin is not shriveled.