A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / niap | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / niap

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  • To trump up a charge; to find a pretext for accusing another; to fabricate.

  • niap-sṳ̂ bû-hām;

    to inform against falsely.

  • niap cêk khí ūe lâi tàⁿ;

    made up a story to tell about him.

  • niap-cheng khiam i kâi cîⁿ;

    falsely testified that he owed him money.

  • cía sṳ̄ sĭ niap-cău kâi;

    this is a fabrication.

  • niap kàu ŭ chêng ŭ lí, ŭ cèng ŭ kṳ̆;

    made up a charge that appeared wholly reasonable, and capable of proof.

  • niap kàu cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭo-sĭo;

    fabricated a story which had a close resemblance to the truth.

  • To lay folds or plaits; to pucker.

  • niap kâi kóiⁿ;

    lay a plait.

  • niap kàu cĕng-cĕng kóiⁿ;

    it is all puckered up.

  • mīn tèng niap kâi kóiⁿ;

    he has a puckered scar on his face.

  • Forceps; pincers; tweezers; to nip up; to pull out.

  • niap-kíaⁿ;


  • cêk ki ah-niap;

    a pair of nippers used in plucking out duck’s feathers.

  • thih niap;


  • niap chiu;

    pluck out the beard.

  • cía tîeh ŭ ki niap lâi niap cìaⁿ ŭ pō;

    there must be a pair of nippers to pull this out with, then it can be effectively done.

  • To act for; capable of directing; to control.

  • cêk kuaⁿ niap nŏ̤ ìn;

    one officer holding two offices.

  • i kâi hûn khṳt kúi niap khṳ̀ kâi īeⁿ;

    he is as if possessed by a devil.

  • niap tău-thâi kâi ìn sì kâi gûeh;

    acted as Intendant of Circuit for four mouths.

  • cóng-tok kiam niap bú-īⁿ;

    the Governor acts also as Major General.


  • To ran a seam; to sew.

  • cí kâi saⁿ sùaⁿ-cūe lîh khṳ̀, tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ nîap hó̤;

    the seam in this tunic is ripped, it must be again run together.

  • nîap bûa;

    to run together.

  • i kâi cam li-li nîap, li-li nîap;

    her needle flies in and out.

  • A railing, wrathful tone; to mimic tones.

  • i kâi chìe khek sĭ nĭap âu-lêng tó̤ chìe;

    he sings his ballads in a female voice.

  • To mould ; to work over.

  • cang thô lâi nîap cêk kâi sìeⁿ;

    take clay and make an image.

  • nîap kàu nĕ sĭo-sĭo;

    moulded it into a very close likeness.

  • sìo-bâk táng i khṳ̀ nîap;

    as to the accounts, wait till ho goes and brings them into shape.

  • tâng sòi nîap kàu tōa;

    worked at it from childhood to manhood.

  • tâng cheⁿ nîap kàu sêk, hẃn-lío bōi m̄ khṳ̀;

    have had it in hand from the time when it was green until it became ripe, and still have not sold it.

  • To pinch; to hold tightly; to take up; to manipulate.

  • cúa li pô̤h, chíu màiⁿ nîap;

    the paper is thin, do not grasp it tightly.

  • chíu cē nîap m̄ kín cū ka-lâuh khṳ̀;

    if you do not grasp it tightly it will drop out of your hand.

  • nîap lío m̄ hó̤ cò̤ bói bōi;

    after they have been handled over they are not saleable.

  • chíu khṳ̀ nîap in-nî, nîap kàu âng-âng;

    has dabbled in the rougetill her hands are red.

  • kha chìu tîeh pàng khùe cē màiⁿ cêk kâi thâu cū nîap cêk kùa;

    you must move faster and not be a half day dressing your hair.