A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nak | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / nak

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  • To mix and knead.

  • nâk thíam-thíam;

    knead it very thoroughly.

  • nâk khah tōa ē;

    kneaded into too large a lump.

  • nâk mīⁿ-hún cò̤ píaⁿ;

    mix flour into cakes.

  • To seize with the claws or fingers.

  • i sang chíu nâk kín-kín;

    clutched tightly with both his hands.

  • chíu cē nâk m̄ kín cū phìu khṳ̀;

    not being tightly grasped in his hand, it slipped through.

  • nâk tîeh i kâi búe;

    seized him by the tail.

  • ciah koi-kíaⁿ khṳt ēng nâk khṳ̀;

    a chicken has been carried off by a hawk.

  • i khṳt hóⁿ nâk kàu cêk sin chap-chap-chùi;

    he was torn in pieces by a tiger.

  • kâi tó khṳt i nâk phùa khṳ̀ lío, hṳ́ tói kâi tn̂g cū khṳt i cîam chut lâi;

    he first clawed open the bowels, and then dragged out the entrails.