A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / mang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / mang

  1. 1.

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  • A pinnace; a long boat.

  • thâu-mang-cûn;

    a small junk.

  • Mosquitoes.

  • pŭaⁿ máng; jīo mâng;

    drive out the mosquitoes.

  • chih máng;

    fumigate and destroy the mosquitoes.

  • hun máng;

    smoke out the mosquitoes.

  • líam máng-hun;

    burn pastiles to drive away the mosquitoes.

  • tìo máng-tìeⁿ;

    hang up a mosquito bar.

  • bói ki máng-kô̤ lâi kô̤ máng;

    buy a mosquito-trap and catch the mosquitoes.

  • máng-teng;

    a lamp which draws in and burns up mosquitoes.

  • bô̤ bun, bô̤ máng;

    no gnats nor mosquitoes.

  • máng kău;

    the mosquitoes are very thick.

  • mīn cêk tíam cêk tíam sĭ máng-chùi a m̄ sĭ?

    The little dots all over your face are mosquito bites are they not?

  • máng hng-hng-kìe;

    mosquitoes buzz.

  • máng cuh hueh;

    mosquitoes suck blood.

  • khṳt máng kă kàu kâi lâu;

    bitten by a mosquito so as to have a great blotch raised.

  • saⁿ jṳ́ tîeh máng hueh;

    the tunic has a daub of mosquito’s blood on it.

  • kâi cîⁿ máng tàng tîeh to m̄-àiⁿ!

    If a mosquito has stung the cash you won’t take it; you are very exacting in regard to the quality of the money you take.

  • àm chì máng;

    fierce mosquitoes that do not buzz.

  • A large serpent.

  • máng cûa;

    a python with yellow scales, found in Yunan and Anam.

  • chēng máng-phâu;

    wear a robe having a python embroidered on jt.

  • jû khṳ̀ kùe máng-suaⁿ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    like crossing the mountains among which the pythons live.

  • Pertaining to funeral obsequies.

  • cò̤ máng-si;

    compose a funeral chant or monody.

  • máng ko̤;

    a dirge.

  • máng lîn;

    funeral scrolls.

  • máng-têk;

    a large banner in black and white, or blue and gold cloth, hung between two staffs, and used as a funeral decoration.

  • i cí pang kâi sng sṳ̄ sĭu ŭ jîeh cōi máng-têk?

    How many funeral banners did they receive during these obsequies?


  • Regardless of etiquette; perturbed and therefore unable to attend to business.

  • lú-máng;

    beedless; rude; inattentive and untrustworthy.

  • cho-máng;

    brusque; blunt.

  • i sĭ cho-máng kâi nâng, m̄ sĭ ìuⁿ-sìu kâi nâng;

    he is a boor not a refined person.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ lú-lú máng-máng, êng kâi m̄ ceng-sòi;

    does things in a blundering way, with no circumspection.

  • To pull; to draw toward one; to tug at; to haul at.

  • máng i nā kò̤;

    hold on to him and make him stay.

  • máng m̄ cŭ;

    could not hold it by tugging at it.

  • máng lâi, léng khṳ̀;

    pull and push.

  • máng i kâi piⁿ;

    pulled his queue.

  • máng saⁿ kṳ;

    holding on to the flap of her tunic.

  • máng kín-kín, bô̤ i khṳ̀;

    held on tightly and would not let her go.

  • hăm kṳn máng khí lâi;

    pulled it up roots and all.

  • máng i kâi thâu-mô̤ⁿ;

    pulled her hair.

  • máng so̤h;

    haul in a rope.

  • máng hûe-tńg;

    turn around by pulling at.

  • máng tīo mô̤ⁿ;

    pluck out the feathers.

  • Hurried; busy; distracted with care; fluttered.

  • sim màiⁿ mâng;

    do not be fluttered.

  • cò̤ cìeⁿ mâng, àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where are you going in such haste?

  • i cò̤-nî huang-huang mâng-mâng?

    What is she bustling about so for?

  • huang-mâng khí-sin;

    started off with great precipitation.

  • cē ŭ sṳ̄ tîeh mâng;

    as soon as anything happens she is flurried.

  • lîeng mâng cū khṳ̀;

    hurried off.

  • ēng i tó̤ pang mâng;

    employs him to help in the press of business.

  • mâng-kip kâi sî-hāu;

    when urgently pressed for time.

  • sim mâng, i lw̆n;

    fluttered and confused.

  • mâng-mâng īa bô̤ khà khîeh mûeh;

    in such a hurry that I did not stop to get my things.

  • Vast and vague, like the expanse of the ocean.

  • mâng-mâng tōa hái, cn̂g kâi sĭ cúi;

    as far as the eye could reach was one expanse of water.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng khṳ̀ tī kò̤ chūe?

    Where could one go to look for it in the illimitable space?

  • sí lío míoⁿ-míoⁿ mâng-mâng, m̄ cai lêng-hûn ŭ tŏ̤ kò̤ a bô;

    after death all is vague and obscure, and we do not know whether the soul exists or not.

  • mâng-sio;

    crude salt-petre, sometimes mixed with nitrate of soda and alumina.

  • Fierce; brutish; trusting to strength alone; unreasonable; beyond reproof.

  • áu-mâng;

    fierce; dangerous.

  • i kò̤ kâi nâng mâng căi;

    the people there are very barbarous.

  • sĭ mâng;

    willful, passionate.

  • i kâi nâng īu tio īu mâng;

    he is both passionate and unreasonable.

  • mâng hieⁿ;

    uncivilized towns.

  • A net; a web; netting.

  • lāu măng kâi hṳ̂;

    a fish that escaped the net.

  • thut lío lô̤-măng;

    escaped from the snare.

  • pha măng;

    let down the net.

  • tieⁿ măng;

    spread a net.

  • kit măng;

    to make a net.

  • ti-tu kit măng;

    the spider makes a web.

  • măng tîeh cêk búe tōa hṳ̂;

    caught one large fish in the net.

  • cêk măng nĕ tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ, túi m̄ khí;

    the net was very full, so that they could not draw it up.

  • cêk măng pha cĭn;

    caught the net fall.

  • ēng mbang-phèⁿ lâi phèⁿ;

    take a netted kerchief and gather them up in it.

  • măng tō̤;

    a netted bag.

  • Long robes.

  • chēng khṳ̀, tn̂g-măng-măng;

    dressed in a very long gown.

  • To dream; to see visions; dreams, of which diviners make six classes; a phantasm; obscure.

  • māng-kìⁿ;


  • māng to m̄ kàu;

    I never dreamed of it.

  • māng lâi èng-ngīam;

    the dream came to pass.

  • jît sĭeⁿ, mêⁿ māng;

    think of it by day, and dream of it by night.

  • māng tĭo;

    a prophetic dream.

  • cêk tîeⁿ tōa māng;

    one long dream.

  • māng-mŭeⁿ kâi sṳ̄, m̄ hó̤ sìn;

    it is a visionary scheme, do not place any confidence in it.

  • khui māng lō;

    open the obscure road; cheer the spirit of the departed on its way to the other world.

  • chéⁿ khí lâi, ío sĭ māng;

    I awoke, and behold it was a dream.

  • ak māng;


  • put sîang māng;

    a bad dream.

  • māng tîeh kâi hó̤ māng;

    had a pleasant dream.

  • nâng seⁿ jû māng;

    life passes like a dream.

  • Slow; leisurely; tardy; late.

  • m̄ hó̤ māng;

    it admits of no delay.

  • ĭen-māng kàu taⁿ;

    delayed until now.

  • chî-māng nŏ̤ jît;

    put it off two days.

  • māng-māng àiⁿ cò̤;

    will do it after a while.

  • māng-māng kîaⁿ;

    walk very slowly.

  • kîaⁿ māng cē, thāi úa;

    walk rather slowly till I catch up with you.

  • jú māng jú hó̤;

    the more slowly the better.

  • īa m̄-hó̤ khah māng;

    neither should it be too late.

  • khuaⁿ māng to hó̤;

    it is not pressing ; to do it leisurely will answer.