A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / luah | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / luah

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  • To scorch; to burn in cooking.

  • i kâi pn̄g pû kàu tîeh luah;

    the rice is boiled down till it is scorched.

  • cîah tîeh chàu húe-luah;

    it has a scorched taste.

  • phīⁿ tîeh kâi luah bī;

    smell something that smells like food scorching.

  • One of the five tastes; pungent, acrid, sharp, biting, peppery.

  • cîah tîeh i kâi bī lûah-lûah nē;

    it tastes very hot.

  • kài-lûah;

    ground mustard.

  • hiam-lûah;


  • i sĭ būe pat cîeh tîeh lûah kieⁿ;

    he has not yet eaten strong ginger-root; he has not experienced suffering.

  • khui cho̤h kài-lûah lâi pẁn tṳ-tŏ;

    stir up some mustard and put it on the tripe.

  • cîh búe ŏi lûah;

    it bites the tongue.

  • To smooth; to straighten.

  • lûah thâu-mô̤ⁿ;

    smooth the hair.

  • ău-tâu lûah kàu kng-kng;

    the back hair stroked very smooth.

  • To take a look at.

  • chó̤-lîak lûah kùe;

    I have cursorily looked them over.

  • i chong-mêng căi, lûah cêk kùe cū pat;

    he is very quick of apprehension, by just looking it over once he understands.

  • cang mâk khṳ̀ lûah thóiⁿ;

    take a look at them.


  • Severe; grievous, as pain.

  • lûah thìaⁿ lûah thìaⁿ nē;

    to smart and ache.