A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lu | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lu

  1. 1.

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  • A hummock; a knoll.

  • sua lu;

    sandy knolls.

  • cêk lu cêk lu;

    in hummocks.

  • To strike horizontally with the fists; to pommel.

  • khṳt i lu tîeh phiaⁿ-lî;

    was hit in the ribs by him.

  • lu kàu phiaⁿ-lî céng;

    pommelled him till his sides were swollen.

  • lú-máng;

    rash; flippant; heedless in act or speech; abrupt and careless.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ lú-máng;

    he acts rashly.

  • i to sĭ lú-lú máng-máng, thèng cò̤;

    he is very inconsiderate, and does things at haphazard.

  • Reiterated; repeatedly; often; over and over; again and again.

  • úa lú-lú kio i tàⁿ;

    I have told him repeatedly.

  • i lú-chṳ̀ to bô̤ thiaⁿ úa;

    he has many times disobeyed me.

  • lú chì, lú hāu;

    as often as you try it you will find it serviceable.

  • lú cìen lú sèng;

    as often as you fight you will gain a victory.

  • Stupid; not intelligent.

  • i kâi châi-cieh lú-tŭn;

    his faculties are dull.

  • i sĭ chong-mêng, i sĭ lú-tŭn;

    the one is quick to understand and the other is slow of apprehension.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ cho-lú, m̄ bûn-ngía;

    does things in a boorish way, not as a cultured person would do them.

  • To take captive; to carry away as a prisoner; to enslave; to kidnap.

  • lû-lîah;

    seize as a prisoner.

  • kò̤ i chíeⁿ-lû;

    enter complaint against him for kidnaping.

  • lû-kìm nâng lío, táng nâng khṳ̀ chíu-sôk;

    keep a person in captivity, expecting some one to go and ransom him.

  • lâm hŭ láu ìuⁿ khṳt i lû kúi câp nâng khṳ̀;

    of the old and young of both sexes, some tens of persons in all were taken away captive by them.

  • To state; to convey orders; to transmit; to arrange in order; to spread out.

  • hong-lû-jī kheng;

    the President of the Court of Ceremonies.

  • lû-lîet kàu mêng-pêh;

    set forth clearly.

  • tíam tîeh thŵn-lû;

    mark off the transmitted orders.

  • A booth; a hut; a thatched hovel.

  • cháu lû;

    a straw hut.

  • cho̤ chut mâuⁿ lû;

    his first departure from his attap hut.

  • mō̤ⁿ lû;

    a booth beside a grave.

  • Water-rushes; hollow stemmed grasses.

  • lû-tîah;


  • lû-kùai;


  • lû-ûi;


  • The skull of a man.

  • sieⁿ tîeh thâu-lû;

    wounded his head.

  • In mechanics, a space, an extension; a way or opportunity of action.

  • cn̂g kâi bô̤ mn̂g bô̤ lŭ;

    wholly unable to find an opportunity for action; out of work; hedged in.

  • cò̤ lâi m̄ cheng-chó̤, bô̤ mīn bô̤ lŭ;

    it is not a finished piece of work, there is nothing to distinguish the back from the front.

  • To bribe; to give a present for the purpose of obtaining help.

  • ĭu-lŭ;

    a bribe.

  • i àm-cèⁿ khṳ̀ lŭ i kâi cîⁿ;

    the money that he secretly went and bribed him with.

  • sai-ĕ sĭu nâng kâi lŭ;

    privately receive a bribe from someone.

  • lŭ i kàu cêk bw̄n ngṳ̂n i cū hàuⁿ;

    if you make him a present of ten thousand dollars he will acquiesce in the arrangement.

  • The metal butt of a spear or knife.

  • to̤ pèⁿ hṳ́ tńg kâi lŭ àiⁿ ēng thih kâi a sĭ àiⁿ ēng tâng kâi?

    Do you want the ring which encircles the handle of the knife to be of iron or of brass?

  • lŭ cū sĭ câh-kháu;

    the butt is the metal ring which holds the wooden handle to the steel.