A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lio | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lio

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  • To bring to an end ; finished, done; after a verb it forms past time ; between two verbs is denotes that the first action is completed before the second is begun, or a repetition of the act.

  • saⁿ cò̤ hó̤ a būe? hó̤ lío.

    Is my jacket finished? Yes, it is done.

  • tê-bí ŵn lío;

    the tea is all used up.

  • chìe lío chìe, cong-kú chìe;

    laughed, and laughed, and kept on laughing.

  • tàⁿ lío tàⁿ, tàⁿ m̄ hiah;

    spoke of it again and again and would not stop talking about it.

  • i kâi ūe cē tàⁿ cū tàⁿ m̄ lío;

    if she once begins to talk she never stops.

  • cîah lío phah, phah lío cîah, to cêk īeⁿ;

    whether you take in a card and then play out one, or whether you play out a card and then take in one, it is all the same in the end.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ put lêng lío;

    there is no end to this affair.

  • bŏi tit lío-kak!

    There is no end to it!

  • sói lâu-pang lío khṳ̀ sói saⁿ;

    wash the floor and then go and wash the clothes.

  • i lâi lío, ún cū àiⁿ khṳ̀;

    when he shall have come, we are then going.

  • lâi lío!

    She has come!

  • khṳ̀ lío;

    he has gone.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lío;

    it is now in sight.

  • tîeh lío;

    I have got it.

  • ciah pá lío;

    they have finished their meal.

  • i khṳ̀ út lío;

    he has already gone to bed.

  • thiⁿ kng lío;

    it is already dawn.

  • saⁿ thīⁿ hó̤ lío, hó̤ siu-khí;

    when you have finished the garment, put it away.

  • hue cèng lío, tîeh cai ak cúi;

    when you have planted the shrub, remember and water it.

  • ēng lío;

    all used up.

  • ēng m̄ lío;

    an inexhaustible supply.

  • cêk mâk lío jîen;

    one may fully understand it at a glance.

  • lío m̄ tit;

    cannot be brought to completion.

  • ăn-lâi sĭm-mih lío-kêk?

    What will be the upshot hereafter?

  • lío, sĭm-mih sṳ̄?

    In the end, what happens?

  • ŵn-lío cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    have finished up one job.

  • kìⁿ kùe lío;

    have met him before.

  • thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ lío;

    it is already out of sight.

  • cía hŵn lío-tit!

    This shall not be the last he will hear of it!

  • i hŵn-lío ŭ;

    he still has some.

  • īa cū păi lío;

    that is enough; let be; stay it now.

  • hāi sṳ̄ lío!

    How tiresome! It is all spoiled!

  • cûn pâk m̄ kín khṳt i lâu khṳ̀ l´ơ;

    the boat was not tied up tightly, and has floated away.

  • khùaⁿ-ûah lío;

    it is now easy of completion; the difficulties are past.

  • lṳ́ kio úa tàⁿ lío, úa cìaⁿ kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;

    you tell me, and then I will tell you.

  • koi-kíaⁿ cē chut lío n̆ng-khak, cū ŏi thó̤ cîah;

    as soon as a chicken is out of the shell, it seeks a living.

  • phùa m̄ lío, m̄ khéng hiah;

    kept on breaking things and would not stop.

  • seⁿ ŭ, sí bŏi tit lío;

    have got this child, and now it is a pity it don’t die.

  • khî lío!

    That is strange indeed!

  • sĭeⁿ lío sĭeⁿ;

    thought and thought again.

  • thóiⁿ lío thóiⁿ;

    looked repeatedly.

  • cîah kàn lío-lío;

    ate it all up.

  • sòi-sòi thâk cṳ, lío-lío-kìe, ŏi căi;

    went to school when very young, and recites glibly, showing great ability.

  • îaⁿ lío kuaⁿ-si, su lío cîⁿ;

    gained a lawsuit, and lost money by it.

  • ēng lio jîeh cōi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n, hùi lío jîeh cōi ceng-sîn, cìaⁿ ŏi tit sêng;

    used up a deal of money and expended a deal of vigor, before it was accomplished.

  • i sĭeⁿ lío kông;

    when he had pondered it over, he was confused in his wits.

  • sĭeⁿ lío sío;

    thought about it till he was crazed.

  • cîah lío kùiⁿ;

    got accustomed to eating it.

  • iang-o̤ lío hāi sṳ̄;

    after petting comes trouble.

  • lío, cò-nî?

    After that, what happens?

  • khṳt i kiap káu lío-lío khîen;

    had his things taken by them till he had nothing whatever left.

  • A clear note as of a bird at night; the wailing cry of pain.

  • lío-lĭang;


  • ūe tàⁿ lâi lío-lío lĭang-lĭang;

    speaks very shrilly.

  • i sui sĭ sòi, kúi kù ūe tàⁿ chut lâi lío-lío-leh-leh;

    although he is small he articulates very clearly.

  • Vacant ; silent ; solitary.

  • sĭm sĭ lîo-lîo, bŏi jîet;

    is very still and drear, with nothing going on.

  • sok-sok lîo-lîo;

    deserted and solitary.

  • To search for with the hand in water; to take hold of and lift up as one’s skirts or as clothing from a tub.

  • tòa lîo-phû, soih pàng ie-tòa kò̤;

    lift the scarf and tuck it into the girdle.

  • tháng tói kâi líang-húng lîo-khí pàng tháng-nîe téng lā;

    take the vermicelli from the bottom of the tub and lay it over the cross-piece, to dry in the air.

  • lîo khí lâi;

    got bold of it and pulled it out.

  • lîo kàu chim-chim lô̤h khṳ̀;

    felt around for it to a great depth.

  • jw̆n lîo, lîo bô̤;

    however much I feel around in the water for it, I can’t get hold of it.

  • i kâi ngṳ̂n ka-lâuh cúi, khṳt úa lîo kàu pêh-pêh;

    his money fell into the water, and was taken right up from the bottom by me.

  • thâu-chak m̄ kìⁿ khṳ̀, lîo tîeh sĭ tŏ̤ kng tói;

    her head ornament was missing, and was found in the bottom of the water jar.

  • To drag, scoop or grapple up from a deep place.

  • lîo khí;

    to scoop out.

  • i kò nâng khṳ̀ lîo si;

    they hired people to go and dredge for the corpse.

  • cía tîeh kò bī-cúi kâi cìaⁿ lîo tit tîeh;

    divers must be employed and then it can be brought up.

  • To depend on; to look to for help or support; to trust to.

  • tôk cŏ̤, bô̤ lîo;

    solitary, and with none to depend on.

  • sok-môk, bô̤ lîo;

    lonely and with no resources.

  • Fetters.

  • kha-lîo;

    iron chains for the legs of criminals.

  • tîeh ĕng kha-lîo chíu-khàu kâi i khàu kín tìaⁿ;

    must take fetters and manacles and shackle him strongly.

  • A hut, a hovel, a shanty.

  • cháu lîo;

    a straw hut.

  • cíeⁿ lîo;

    a watchman’s hut.

  • thái-ko̤ lîo;

    a lazar-house.

  • khṳt cîah lîo;

    beggars’ hovels.

  • suaⁿ lîo;

    a cabin for woodmen.

  • phang lîo;

    a canvas tent.

  • thn̂g lîo, cìa lîo;

    a shed under which sugar is made.

  • A companion; a colleague; an official associate.

  • tâng lîo;


  • kuaⁿ lîo;

    fellow officers.

  • tâng lîo kuaⁿ;

    officials of the same rank entering office at the same time.


  • The heron, a wader, common throughout China.

  • pêh lĭo-si;

    the white egret heron: it is embroidered on the court robes of officers of the sixth grade.

  • lĭo-si pâng;

    a tall slim pitcher.

  • lĭo-si kha;

    long legged; spindle-shanked.

  • To prance, to gallop, to run fast.

  • i li-kẁn lĭo khṳ̀;

    he ran off with all his might.

  • li-li lĭo, méⁿ căi;

    cantered off at great speed.

  • cí ciah bé lĭo khṳ̀ ío méⁿ;

    this horse gallops faster.

  • tṳ lĭo huang;

    a breeze that makes the pigs scamper; a squall.

  • Materials; stuff; provender; to estimate, to judge of, to reckon ; strass, a vitreous substance used for making rings and cups.

  • îeh līo;


  • sek līo;


  • pó līo;

    dried meats.

  • bé līo;

    provender for horses.

  • cîah līo;

    hay and straw for provender.

  • cîah līo;

    breadstuff; that which is made into food.

  • tîam līo;

    the sugar and other ingredients used in making sweetmeats.

  • tṳ-līo;

    paste or priming made of pig’s blood.

  • soiⁿ cĭeⁿ līo-hue, ău cìaⁿ hó̤ chak;

    first put on the priming of pig’s blood and lime, then it may be lacquered.

  • līo mûeh;

    the raw product, the materials that are to be used in manufacturing something.

  • châi līo;

    stock on hand, ready to be made up.

  • sam līo;

    timber, lumber for building.

  • châng līo;


  • kô līo phò;

    a shop where one may bay the imitated cloth used for making the garments burned at funerals.

  • sĭ līo kâi;

    it is made of strass.

  • cíu līo;

    cakes and other edibles that are generally set forth with wine.

  • cìo-līo;

    to oversee and direct.

  • līo-lí;

    to manage.

  • lâng līo tit tîeh;

    it is hard to say exactly.

  • put chut úa só̤ līo;

    it is no more than I expected.

  • līo m̄ kàu kâi sū;

    an unforeseen event.

  • jw̆n līo, līo m̄ chut;

    however much one thought it over, he would not have thought that out.