A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lih | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / lih

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  • The peduncle or footstalk of a flower or fruit; the persistent calyx; the stem of a melon; a rootlet.

  • hue lih;

    the peduncle of a flower.

  • kue sêk, lih lô̤h;

    when the melon is ripe the calyx falls off.

  • tùe ŭ lih tŏ̤-kò̤ a bô̤?

    Has it a stem?

  • săi lih;

    the persistent calyx on a persimmon.

  • kaⁿ tîeh sẃn ŭ lih kâi;

    select oranges that have stems on them.

  • To split, to crack open; to slit, to tear.

  • lì i lîh khṳ̀;

    tore a slit in it.

  • kûe lîh cêk pak;

    tore out a strip by catching it on a nail or other projection.

  • tâh lîh saⁿ kṳ;

    tore off the hem of her robe by stepping on it.

  • thńg lih khṳ̀;

    tore it by poking at it.

  • tìeⁿ lîh;

    split because of internal pressure.

  • lîh khui cò̤ nŏ̤ pôiⁿ;

    cracked in two.

  • peh lîh;

    tore by pulling at with the two hands.

  • ciⁿ lîh;

    split by a wedge.

  • pek lîh;

    split by heating.

  • lîh cò̤ ku-ā kò̤;

    split into several pieces.

  • lîh kàu chap-chap-chùi;

    shivered in fragments.

  • túi lîh;

    tear by pulling downward upon.

  • khṳt huang khau lîh;

    torn by the wind.

  • chîeⁿ lîh cūe phāng;

    the wall has cracked.

  • jît cē phâk têk lîh;

    if exposed to the sun it will crack.

  • têk lîh;

    tear by stretching too severely.

  • phùa lîh;

    riven, fissured, split up.

  • i chēng kàu phùa-phùa lîh-lîh;

    her clothes are in tatters.

  • bŏi phùa bŏi lîh;

    cannot be fractured.

  • pit lîh;


  • lîh-mâk;

    a fissured eye-lid.

  • chùi lîh-lîh;

    a very wide mouth.

  • chùi lîh kàu hĭⁿ piⁿ;

    his mouth extends to his ears.

  • sùaⁿ cūe lîh khṳ̀, tîeh cai pó;

    the seam is ripped, you must sew it up.