A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / liam | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / liam

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  • To take up in the fingers.

  • liam khau;

    to draw lots.

  • liam hieⁿ;

    to set incense sticks.

  • To enshroud; in medicine, to neutralize, to repress.

  • jûah thiⁿ-sî kâi si méⁿ-méⁿ siu lîam bûa;

    in hot weather a corpse must be quickly enshrouded.

  • tieⁿ líam;

    to prepare a corpse for the coffin.

  • jîp líam;

    to enshroud.

  • bī sng kâi, i kâi sèⁿ cū líam;

    it is in the nature of what is acid to repress heat.

  • īa m̄ hó̤ cîah khah líam;

    neither should one take too mach of what represses heat.

  • To withdraw. The hands into the sleeve.

  • líam jîm pài;

    I sleeve my hands, and pay my respects; (a phrase on a lady’s card. The hands are put one above the other).

  • To pinch; to pinch up or off

  • ĕ tng m̄ hó̤ lìam i;

    do not pinch him again.

  • i lìam kàu i o-cheⁿ tah-tàng;

    he pinched him till he was black and blue in spots.

  • i khṳ̀ lìam i kâi kih-kau sĭ thīn i sn̂g;

    when she pinched his cheek it was merely in sport.

  • lìam kò̤ chòi lâi cò;

    pinch off a piece of dough to make it with.

  • lìam m̄ khí;

    cannot pinch it up.

  • lìam lío kâi cńg-thâu-ūi sûi-sî cū sio;

    the marks made by pinching with the fingers immediately disappeared.

  • The sections of an orange; the scales of an onion.

  • cí kâi kaⁿ lṳ́ thóiⁿ jîeh cōi lìam;

    see how many carpels this orange has.

  • īu sĭ peh cêk lìam cêk lìam tó̤ bōi;

    shaddocks are divided into carpels and thus sold.

  • sǹg-thâu cêk lìam cêk lìam peh tīo mô̤h;

    pick the film off the garlic, scale by scale.

  • A reaping hook; a bill hook.

  • lîam-to̤;

    a sickle or bill hook.

  • khîa lîam-to̤ lâi kuah cháu;

    take a reaping hook and cut the grass.

  • kau-lîam;

    a pruning hook.

  • kau-lîam-chieⁿ hó̤ phùa lîen-lŵn-kah-bé;

    a hooked spear is useful in breaking the ranks of armored horses chained together.

  • Viscid, sticky, glutinous, adhesive.

  • nĕ lîam-lîam;

    very adhesive.

  • mâk lío chíu lîam-lîam;

    got his hands all stuck up with it.

  • chíu jṳ́ kàu lîam-nî-tha-thi;

    daubed his hands with it till they were all stuck up as if with bird lime.

  • thóiⁿ tieh bô̤ ka-lîam;

    it appears to have no adhesive quality.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi bô̤ ka bô̤ lîam;

    what he says has no coherence.

  • bô̤ íaⁿ bô̤ ciah kûi sṳ̄ khṳt i tàⁿ kàu ka-ka lîam-lîam;

    things for which there is not a particle of evidence, are made to appear as facts by his well connected statements.

  • ciah lô̤h khṳ̂ bô̤ lîam bô̤ sìam;

    it leaves no taste in the mouth after it is eaten.

  • tàⁿ kàu lîam-nî-tha-thi;

    stated very coherently.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng siang-hó̤ kàu lîam-uî-tha-thi;

    the two are inseparable friends.

  • tîeh ēng sie cúi lâi sói cìaⁿ bboi lîam;

    must wash it with warm water, and then it will not be sticky.

  • A screen, of cloth, matting splints; curtains.

  • mn̂g lîam;

    a splint door-screen.

  • pò lîam;

    a curtain.

  • tek lîam;

    a bamboo screen.

  • lîam kauh khí;

    the screen is rolled up.

  • lîam pàng lô̤h lâi;

    the screen is let down.

  • pàng lîam;

    let down the screen.

  • kùa liam;

    a hanging screen.

  • tìo lìam;

    hang up a screen.

  • lîam lăi;

    behind the screen; secluded; retired.

  • pak tīo lîam;

    remove the screen.

  • cí pak lîam cò̤ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?

    How much did the making of this screen cost?

  • hien lîam, jîp lâi;

    turn aside the screen and enter.

  • kīe lîam;

    the curtains of a sedan chair.

  • lāi lîam kuaⁿ;

    deputies appointed by the chancellor to read the essays at an examination.

  • tìo lîam ãu hûe jīm;

    after the examination they return to their posts.

  • câh-lîam;

    a partitioning screen.

  • ûi-lîam;

    an enclosing screen.

  • Moderate; economical, frugal; disinterested ; pure.

  • lîam-chí;

    decency, modesty.

  • ŭ-lîam-chí kâi nâng;

    a modest person.

  • hṳ́ kâi nâng bô̤ lîam-chí;

    that person is brazen.

  • bô̤ lîam bô̤ chí;


  • i to m̄ pat lîam-chí;

    he has no sense of decency.

  • i ío kù lîam-chí;

    he is regardful of decency.

  • íang lîam ngṳ̂n;

    an anti-extortion allowance, a legal addition to the salary of officials.

  • cí kâi khueh toaⁿ-toaⁿ khàu-cŭ íang-lîam tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    in this post one depends solely upon the anti-extortion allowance.

  • kuaⁿ-liú lîam-mêng;

    magistrates that are incorruptible.

  • cí kâi kuaⁿ cheng-lîam căi;

    this magistrate judges equitably.

  • kè-lîam, kang sé;

    costs lessened, and work saved.

  • lîam-lîam nē;

    very economical.

  • kè-cîⁿ thó̤ khṳ̀ lîam căi;

    the price that he asks is very moderate.

  • i ŏi lîam-khĭam khak-khó;

    he is frugal and persevering.

  • Beard on the upper lip.

  • i kâi chiu m̄ kùe lîam;

    his beard does not cross his upper lip.

  • lṳ́ kâi chiu lâu khí lâi, ŏi kùe lîam;

    if you let your beard grow, you will have a moustache.

  • chiu cē m̄ kùe lîam thóiⁿ tîeh ía īeⁿ;

    if the moustache does not extend across the lip it makes one look ferocious.

  • The shin.

  • kha-lîam-kut;

    the shin bone.

  • i seⁿ kha-lîam chṳ;

    he has sore shins.

  • kûeh tîeh kha-lîam;

    abraded the shin.

  • pang-kha-lîam;

    a sloughing of the shin.

  • A lady’s dressing case.

  • cng-lîam;

    a bride’s trousseau.


  • lîam hṳ̂;

    a species of mud-fish, of a dull green color and with stout jagged spines.

  • lîam hṳ̂, thâu tōa-tōa bih-bih;

    the head of the mud-fish is large and flat.

  • To reflect on, to ponder over, to remember and consider, to regard.

  • kìⁿ-lĭam tîeh lṳ́;

    holds you in kind remembrance.

  • lĭam-lĭam, put bûang;

    keep in mind, and not forget.

  • jît mêⁿ sṳ-lĭam tîeh i;

    think of her day and night.

  • lĭam tîeh i kâi ṳn;

    recall her kindness to me.

  • sái i cô̤h-t˘ng lĭam-thâu;

    send him to check the first thought of it.

  • lĭam-kîp ke-hieⁿ;

    think fondly of one’s native place.

  • úa khùa lĭam tîeh i;

    I am anxiously thinking of him.

  • mih sṳ̄ to sìo-lĭam tîeh i;

    everything calls her to mind.

  • i ŭ sìo-lĭam tîeh mē?

    Does he recollect us?

  • To enshroud.

  • tieⁿ lĭam;


  • siu lĭam;

    to wrap in a winding-sheet.

  • To recite from memory; to learn by heart; to chant or drone.

  • līam cṳ;

    repeat passages from books.

  • lṳ́ līam úa thiaⁿ;

    you recite it to me.

  • līam keng;

    chant Buddhist chants.

  • līam hût;

    repeat the name of Buddh.

  • līam sì kù;

    recite verses.

  • līam kua, līam khek;

    to drone out songs and ballads.

  • līam sêk-sêk;

    memorize it perfectly.

  • thâk kàu pat līam;

    read it till you know it well enough to repeat it from memory.

  • úa cêk sî līam m̄ chut;

    I cannot just at this moment repeat it.

  • An angle, a corner.

  • saⁿ līam pô̤;

    a weapon with a triangular blade; a three-cornered iron club.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ kúi līam kâi?

    How many angles will you have made in it?

  • The tall millet, a species of sorghum.

  • kau-lîang cíu;

    strong spirits made from sorghum.

  • kau-lîang kó̤;

    sorghum stalks.

  • To estimate; to measure; to judge; a measure, a limit ; capacity, calibre.

  • bô̤ hăng-lĭang;

    boundless, illimitable, measureless.

  • mih sṳ̄ to tîeh ŭ kâi hăng-lĭang;

    all things must be kept within fixed limits.

  • cíu lĭang;

    capacity to drink wine without going beyond the limits where intoxication supervenes.

  • i chŵn m̄ cṳ̆-lĭang;

    he has no self-esteem.

  • cṳ̆-lĭang căi;

    has great self-esteem.

  • m̄ cṳ̆ m̄ lĭang;

    no conceit of self.

  • lĭang-tō;


  • m̄ pí cn̂g kâi bô̤ lĭang-tō;

    not like one who is wholly destitute of capacity.

  • nâng tîeh ŭ lĭang;

    one must keep himself within bounds.

  • ŭ hía lĭang cía ŭ hía hok;

    one’s bliss is according to one’s capacity.

  • lĭang tōa, hok tōa;

    where there are great powers, there is great enjoyment.

  • hái-lĭang;

    immense capacity.

  • tó-lĭang khuah;

    broad-minded, liberal.

  • bô lĭang;


  • lṳ́ lĭang-tâk-thóiⁿ jû hô̤?

    What do you make it, in your estimate of it?

  • ciak-lĭang;

    to deliberate upon.

  • iak-lĭang;


  • iak-lĭang sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    that is about it.

  • To accredit; to believe; to suppose ; to know certainly ; to aid.

  • hŭam sṳ̄ tîeh thí-lĭang nâng;

    in all things one must be considerate of others.

  • lĭang-pit sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    I am pretty certain that is the case.

  • lĭang i m̄ káⁿ;

    do not think he will dare.

  • lĭang i cò̤ tit lâi, cìaⁿ hó̤ khṳt i cò̤;

    supposing that he can do it then let him.

  • Clear, brilliant, transparent, illumined.

  • lĭang se;

    lustrous gauze.

  • i kâi sek to m̄ lĭang;

    its color is not clear.

  • i kâi mīn-sek lĭang căi;

    her complexion is very clear.

  • siaⁿ-im tàⁿ lâi híang-lĭang;

    his voice is very sonorous.

  • nĕ lĭang-lĭang;


  • thang-thang lĭang-lĭang;


  • Straight; stiff and straight.

  • ut kàu līang-līang-tît;

    bend it till you get it perfectly straight.

  • pûah lô̤h khṳ̀ līang-līang-tît;

    fell down flat.

  • cò̤ kàu sì-piⁿ līang-līang-tît;

    make the four sides perfectly straight and without the least cant either way.