A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kut | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kut

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  • A bone; anything hard inclosed in or connected with something soft, as the rib of a leaf or an umbrella.

  • kha kut, chíu kut;

    bones of the feet and hands.

  • phiaⁿ-lî kut;

    the ribs.

  • ku-kut;

    old human bones.

  • hṳ̆n jìp kut chúe;

    his hatred goes to the marrow of his bones; invincible repugnance.

  • phú kṳn, lò kut;

    become emaciated.

  • pw̆n kut châk;

    a renegade.

  • ngâu hóⁿ kut ka;

    make glue from tiger’s bones.

  • chûn cò̤ cêk pé kut;

    left but a handful of bones.

  • i kâi kut keh hó̤;

    he is well built.

  • thong sin kâi kut-cak;

    the bones of the whole body.

  • cîah nâng kâi kut-thâu cîaⁿ suaⁿ;

    preys upon people.

  • cūaⁿ kut-thâu;

    base, low-live.

  • sin-tèng ŭ kò̤ kùi kut;

    has innate refinement.

  • sĭ i kâi kut nêk;

    is of his own flesh and blood.

  • cía jī thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ kut lâk;

    this letter is vigorously written.

  • To pound; to maul; to hit.

  • i cang châ-cí kût tîeh i kâi ka-ciah;

    he took a round stick of wood and hit him on his back.

  • khîeh ki tek-ko̤ tùi i li-li kût;

    got a bamboo pole and kept hitting him with it.

  • kûn-thâu tùi i kût kàu cêk sin tâk-cak o-cheⁿ;

    mauled him with his fist till his whole body was covered with black and blue spots.

  • Smooth, slippery, polished; wet and sludgy; soapy, glassy, glairy; oily and shining; cunning, flattering.

  • ôi li kûiⁿ, lō li kût, híam-híam pûah ku-ā hûe;

    what with my shoes being high, and the road sludgy, I came near falling down several times.

  • kût liu-liu;


  • hṳ́ tîo lō liu-liu kût;

    that road is very slippery.

  • thâu-khak thì kàu kng-kût kng-kût;

    the head shaved very smooth.

  • mông tîeh lìu-lìu kût;

    it feels soapy.

  • thong sin nĕ kût-kût;

    the whole body smooth.

  • bûa lío pêh kût khṳ̀;

    rubbed it so hard as to take off the gloss.

  • chùi kût-kût;

    has a good appetite.

  • chùi kût-kût lí-kẃn lĭam;

    had it on the end of his tongue and repeated it off without a pause.

  • īa tîeh thâk kàu chùi kût cìaⁿ hó̤;

    must also study it till you can recite it easily.

  • cá-jît chùi ío siap, kíaⁿ-jît chùi ío kût;

    yesterday I had scarcely any appetite, to-day I feel more like taking food.

  • chìu lâi m̄ kût;

    it is not scoured bright.

  • kût kàu cū sĭ bûah lâ kâi;

    smooth as if it were oiled.

  • khah siap, ēng îu buah i kût;

    if there is too much friction, take oil and smear it till it runs smoothly.

  • hṳ́ kó̤ chĭeⁿ cheⁿ-tî lío, kût căi;

    moss has formed there and it is very slippery.

  • hâiⁿ tîeh to m̄ kût tîah: cò̤ ŏi siap-siap nē;

    he never pays willingly: how is it that is it so hard to get anything from him.

  • To dig into the ground; to excavate.

  • kût kâi kheⁿ;

    dig a pit.

  • kût chim-chim;

    dig deep.

  • kût kâi khut;

    dig a hole.

  • kût cêk tìo kau;

    dig a ditch.

  • nńg thô chim kût;

    soft earth is deeply dug.

  • kût-pó;

    a pickax.

  • Rising abruptly like a lofty peak; eminent.

  • i sĭ ka-kī kût-khí kâi, m̄ sĭ sêng soiⁿ nâng kâi;

    he is a self-made man, not one who inherited a high position.

  • chông peh-sèⁿ kût-khí cò̤ hûang-tì;

    rose from among the common people to the throne.

  • Cunning.

  • i kâi nâng káu-kût;

    he is very tricky.

  • kang-kût;
