A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kui | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kui

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  • To rule by law; to line out; to regulate; a regulation; a by-law; custom; usage; a fee; a rate for taking a farm.

  • ēng sĭm-mih kui-kṳ́?

    What is the usage?

  • m̄ pat kui-kṳ́;

    does not understand the rules of etiquette.

  • cí kâi nâng kui-kṳ́ căi;

    this person is very well bred.

  • cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kui-kui kṳ́-kṳ́;

    he does everything in a very proper way.

  • ún cí-kò̤ ŭ cí kâi kui-lī;

    we have this usage here.

  • i kâi hieⁿ kui sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    such are their village customs.

  • siu gûeh kui; siu múiⁿ gûeh kâi kui-kṳ́ cîⁿ;

    receive the customary monthly stipend.

  • cía sĭ tīaⁿ kui kâi;

    this is the fixed rate.

  • phêng-íu hùe cang chêng-lí kui-cìaⁿ i;

    friends admonished him, setting forth correct principles of action.

  • cía sng sĭ lŏ kui;

    these are illegal fees.

  • A dial; to use a dial.

  • jît kui;

    a sun-dial.

  • khîeh kâi jît-kui lâi kui thóiⁿ sĭ sĭm-mih sî-hāu;

    take a sun-dial and thereby find out what time of day it is.

  • To return; to go or send back; to revert to the original place or state; to betake one’s self to, as for help or shelter; to end; to terminate; a refuge; to divide by one figure.

  • hîeh lô̤h kui kṳn;

    the leaves fall back to the roots.

  • i hùaⁿ nâng lâi kui hâng;

    they have all returned to their allegiance.

  • cía m̄ hó̤ kui kĭu pàng i kò̤;

    you must not lay the blame upon him.

  • i-kū kui hâiⁿ i;

    he gave back to him what he got at first.

  • mûeh-kĭaⁿ kui kuaⁿ;

    the things are confiscated.

  • kui tńg khṳ̀ pńg kok;

    return to one’s own country.

  • kak nâng kak nâng kui ke;

    each has gone to his own house.

  • nâng sí cū tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ kui thó;

    when men die they must quickly return to dust.

  • i kâi châng kui i kâi hiaⁿ-tĭ;

    his land reverts to his brothers.

  • i pat kui tṳ̂ kâi huap;

    he knows the rules of arithmetic.

  • nâng kâi sim lóng-cóng kui i;

    the hearts of all turn toward him.

  • mûeh kui ngŵn cú;

    the article reverts to tho original owner.

  • ēng cò̤ poih kui káu tṳ̂, a sĭ ēng cò̤ poih káu sêng?

    Will you do it by division or by multiplication?

  • ău-lâi cò̤-nî kui kak?

    What will be the upshot of the affair?

  • tang-kui;


  • kui kṳn;

    eventually; in the end.

  • khì m̄ kui ngŵn;

    could not catch his breath.

  • cîⁿ-bó̤ kui sin;

    the capital returns to him.

  • The crop of a fowl.

  • koi kui;

    a hen’s crop.

  • kui pá-pá;

    its crop is full.

  • thóiⁿ cí ciah koi ŭ kẁn kui kâi a bô̤;

    see whether this fowl has had its crop stuffed with sand to make it weigh heavier.

  • koi-kui khṳ̀ pûn thit-thô̤;

    blow up a fowl’s crop to make a toy of.

  • kui io-io, bûe cêng cîah kâi īeⁿ;

    its crop is flabby as if it had not eaten.

  • A loom; a machine with complicated parts.

  • cit pò kâi kui;

    a loom.

  • hṳ́-kò̤ pàng cêk tieⁿ pò-kui tŏ̤ kò̤;

    a loom had been placed there.

  • i tŏ̤ kui tèng keⁿ pò;

    she was at the loom, weaving.

  • thīⁿ saⁿ kui;

    a sewing machine.

  • The door which separates the public rooms of a house from the private ones; the women’s apartments; unmarried girls; feminine.

  • kui nńg;

    a young lady.

  • kui pâng;

    the private apartments.

  • m̄ pat tâh chut kui mn̂g;

    has never stepped beyond the door of the ladies’ apartments.

  • chim kui-tìeⁿ lăi;

    within a lady’s chamber.

  • To peep through a crack or hole; to spy; to look furtively at.

  • kui-thàm;

    to pry; to go about looking into.

  • kui-sĭ;

    to peer at.

  • An interrogation implying quantity; how much; little; nearly; several.

  • nín kúi nâng cò̤-pû khṳ̀ cū hó̤;

    go all of you together.

  • khṳ̀ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ kúi lí lō;

    it is a few miles travel.

  • kúi jît lâi cêk hûe;

    comes once in every few days.

  • keh kúi nî m̄ cêng lâi;

    has not come for several years past.

  • lṳ́ kúi hùe?

    How old are you?

  • cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kúi kâi gûeh?

    How many months old is this child?

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ kúi tńg?

    How many times did you go?

  • i ke kúi sî àiⁿ lâi;

    he is coming after a while.

  • cí khí ŭ kúi īeⁿ?

    How many varieties are there in this species?

  • hun cò̤ kúi téng;

    divided into several species.

  • kúi kù ūe;

    a few phrases.

  • chûn ŭ kúi kò̤;

    have a few pieces left.

  • lṳ́ téng tîeh kúi kṳn?

    How many catties were there when you weighed it?

  • kâi mng bô̤ kúi níe tăng;

    one is but a few ounces in weight.

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ kúi chùn tn̂g?

    How many inches long do you want it?

  • i àiⁿ hiah ke kúi mêⁿ;

    he is going to stay a few nights longer.

  • lâi ŭ kúi ūi nâng-kheh;

    several guests have arrived.

  • i hṳ́ lăi kúi kâi úaⁿ, kúi sang tṳ̄, i to cai;

    he has a minute acquaintance with their domestic arrangements.

  • The spirit of a dead man before it is enshrined in the hall; the manes; that which the soul turns to at death; a ghost, a goblin, an apparition, a specter, a devil, a horrid repulsive object, a sordid wretch.

  • i sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kúi ā;

    he sees a ghost.

  • sío kúi;

    a crazy man.

  • khṳt kúi mîⁿ tîeh;

    possessed by a devil.

  • thiaⁿ-kìⁿ kúi tó̤ khàu;

    heard demons wailing.

  • kúi sîn kâi sṳ̄ lâng cai;

    the affairs of demons and angels are not to be known.

  • i sĭ tó̤ tàⁿ kúi ūe;

    he is whispering false words.

  • ẁn kúi khîⁿ cêk tōa tu;

    an unavenged spirit raises a great troop who come to take vengeance.

  • hàm i màiⁿ kúi tháu kúi náu;

    tell him not to go about sticking his head in here and there.

  • kúi tĕⁿ tîeh;

    a demon has grappled him.

  • kúi lîah tîeh;

    an imp has seized him.

  • kúi húe;

    a will-o-the-wisp.

  • sĭ ṳn kúi a sĭ ẁn kui?

    Is it a satisfied or a dissatisfied spirit?

  • bô̤ hó̤ ke sîn thàu gūa kúi;

    a bad family god gives information to outside demons.

  • mô̤ⁿ-kúi;


  • tŏ kìang kúi;

    an echo.

  • tŏ kìang kúi tùi nâng tàⁿ;

    the echo responds.

  • A contrivance; the moving power.

  • îeh kúi;

    the motive power, as in a machine.

  • i kâi mn̂g ŭ kâi îeh kúi;

    his door has a spring-lock.

  • îeh kúi cē tin-tăng cū lí-kẃn kîaⁿ;

    as soon as the spring is in motion it moves on.

  • tieⁿ kâi îeh-kúi;

    invented a machine.

  • Deceitful; to cheat.

  • kang-kúi;

    crafty; fraudulent; cunning.

  • i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ kang-kang kúi-kúi, chŵn bô̤ cin-sît;

    he is very tricky about everything, and wholly untruthful.

  • Schemers; villains.

  • i sĭ tó̤ cò̤ suaⁿ thó kúi;

    he is a despoiler of graves.

  • The tree which produces cinnamon and cassia, and similar trees.

  • nêk-kùi phûe;

    cinnamon bark.

  • nêk-kùi îu;

    cinnamon oil.

  • kùi hue;

    the Olea fragrans.

  • The last of the ten stems, which belongs to the north and to water.

  • jîm kùi sĭ sok cúi;

    the ninth and tenth stems belong to water.

  • The close of a period or season.

  • kùi chun sĭ saⁿ gûeh;

    the third month is the end of spring.

  • kùi hē;

    the last month of summer.

  • Honorable, noble, exalted, illustrious, dignified, good, and hence in a direct address used as an appellative, you, your; dear, high priced, precious, valuable; honor; to give dignity to; to esteem, to value.

  • pù kùi;

    rich and honored.

  • kùi cūaⁿ;

    noble and base; patricians and plebeians; yours and mine.

  • cun-kùi kâi nâng;

    honored men.

  • kùi hú tī-kò̤?

    Where is your mansion?

  • cun kè kùi sèⁿ?

    What is your surname, honored Sir?

  • kùi ngŏ̤;

    your family residence.

  • nán kùi séⁿ ŭ cí cêk īeⁿ mûeh a bô̤?

    Is this sort of article found in your native province?

  • tŏ̤ nín kùi kok lâi kàu ún cí-kò̤ jîeh hn̆g?

    How far is it from your country here?

  • kùi kūiⁿ sĭ sôk tī cêk hú?

    To which department does your district belong?

  • cía sĭ kùi-tŏng kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    these are rare articles.

  • nâng khá m̄ sĭ kùi-tŏng kùe mûeh?

    Are not human beings to be held in higher esteem than are things?

  • kàu cí-kò̤ ŭ sĭm-mih kùi kàng?

    What business had you in coming here?

  • i kâi sìang-măuⁿ sĭ kùi sìang;

    he has a physiognomy which promises future honor for him.

  • cí īeⁿ mûeh sĭm kùi;

    this article is very dear.

  • cía ío phīⁿ, hía ío kùi;

    this is cheaper, that is dearer.

  • cīeⁿ jît khṳt úa bói lâi khah kùi;

    I paid too high a price for it the other day.

  • sin-seⁿ tàⁿ cía huang-cúi móng sî ŏi chut kùi;

    the interpreter of the results of geomantic influences, says that these will at a certain time produce family agrandizement.

  • kùi thói sĭ cò̤-nî m̄ thîo-hûa?

    What is the ailment which your Excellency has?

  • bó̤ íⁿ cṳ̄ kùi;

    the mother is ennobled through her son.

  • sang seⁿ kùi cṳ́;

    twin sons.

  • kùi khì kâi nâng;

    a person of rare excellence.

  • cí cêk ūi sĭ nín kâi kùi chin;

    this is a relative of yours.

  • cí īeⁿ mûeh ŭ jîeh kùi?

    What is the value of this article?

  • kùi bói li kùi bōi;

    what is bought for a high price must sell for a high price.

  • Able to bear; to allow to be done; to undergo.

  • kûi i khṳ̀;

    let it go; never mind; let it pass.

  • kûi hùaⁿ nâng khṳ̀ jíang, i tǹg-kùe thiaⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;

    underwent the hooting of the whole crowd, and acted as though he did not hear it at all.

  • i ka-kī cai m̄ tîeh, kûi i hîam;

    he himself knew that he was in the wrong, and submitted to her reproof.

  • kûi i mēⁿ, m̄ káⁿ ìn;

    took the scolding and said nothing.

  • cò̤-nî m̄ tok-ceh i, kûi i khṳ̀ lăng-tăng nē?

    Why do you not reprimand him, instead of allowing him to be so heedless?

  • To kneel; to bow down in reverence.

  • kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀;

    to kneel down.

  • pài kŭi kâi lói-sìo, nín kùi kok ŭ cí kâi lói a bô̤?

    In the honorable kingdom to which you belong, is the ceremony of kneeling in obeisance practiced?

  • ún kò̤ bô̤ pài kŭi kâi lói-sìo;

    we do not practice this form of obeisance.

  • lîah i tó̤ kŭi thih-só̤;

    made him kneel on chains (a form of punishment).

  • i kâi kha tîeh kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀ cìaⁿ hó̤ cò̤;

    he must kneel and then he can do it.

  • cèng n̂ang lô̤h khṳ̀ kŭi-sàng;

    all made their parting obeisance.

  • cía sĭ ēng cêk kŭi saⁿ khàu-thâu kâi lói, hía sĭ ēng nŏ̤ kŭi lâk khàu-thâu kâi lói;

    for this the ceremony of once kneeling and three times touching the ground with the forehead is used; for that the ceremony of kneeling twice, and touching the forehead to the ground six times is customary.

  • tá-chiam sĭ kŭi cêk ciah kha;

    to half kneel is to kneel on one knee.

  • i kâi bó lâi kàu pài-pài kŭi-kŭi, lí-kẃn khîu nâng;

    his wife came and kept kneeling down and vehemently pleading.

  • kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀ cū peh m̄ cáu-khí;

    having knelt down could not rise.

  • i íⁿ-keng khéng khṳ̀ kŭi-hûe i, i cò̤-nî hŵn-lío m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;

    he has already been and acknowledged his sin and besought forgiveness, so why is he yet unwilling to forbear.

  • kìⁿ-tîeh, kŭi kàu tak-tak;

    when he saw him, he knelt down so that his legs from the knee downward rested on the ground.

  • A rout; a defeat; dispersed.

  • kŭi-pāi;


  • kŭi-sùaⁿ;

    completely routed.

  • kŭi-lw̆n;

    put to flight.

  • To stumble, to slip.

  • phah-cek-kŭi;

    to miss one’s footing, to stumble and nearly fall.

  • cáu lío phah-cek-kŭi lô̤h khṳ̀;

    ran and tumbled down.