A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kua | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kua

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  • A ballad; a song; a rhapsody.

  • chìe kua;

    sing ballads.

  • cêk tîo kua;

    a ballad.

  • chìe cêk chut kua;

    sing one song.

  • kua cheh;

    a song-book.

  • i kâi kua siaⁿ chìe lâi hó̤ thiaⁿ;

    his song is well sung.

  • khà kua;

    play on the “bones” and recite ballads.

  • chái tê kua;

    ballads sung by the tea pickers.

  • kua khek;


  • cía bô̤ kua bô̤ khek;

    this has no poetry about it.

  • To revert to; terminate in; to betake to; to be in.

  • khŵn kua i cêk chíu;

    the authority is in his hands.

  • mih sṳ̄ cn̂g kâi kua i;

    everything goes through his hands.

  • cîⁿ ngṳ̂n lóng-cóng kua tŏ̤ i kò̤;

    the money is all in his hands.

  • sì phìⁿ kâi cúi lóng-cóng kua lô̤h hái;

    the water from all sides runs into the sea.

  • to tîeh kua cêk nâng lí cìaⁿ tīaⁿ;

    the management must be in the hands of a single individual, then it will be firm.

  • To pass by or through; to go through.

  • úa kua tùe i kò̤ khṳ̀;

    I went along by his house.

  • kua tùe i hieⁿ-lí côiⁿ kùe;

    passed along in front of their village.

  • mih sṳ̄ to tîeh kua i kâi chíu;

    everything must go through his hands.

  • tîeh táng kua chíu kâi nâng lâi;

    must wait until those who have the matter in hand shall arrive.

  • cía bô̤ kua i;

    this is something that he has nothing to do with.

  • mih sṳ̄ kua kàu thàu;

    have gone through with all the different sorts of business.

  • To suspend; to hang up or upon.

  • kùa pâi a būe?

    Is the bulletin board hung out yet?

  • úa thóiⁿ-kìⁿ ŵn mn̂g tèng kùa kò̤ pâi, sĭ móng jît, àiⁿ chut kah-tîeⁿ thóiⁿ chau;

    I saw a bulletin hung out at the side door, announcing that on a certain day there would be a grand review of troops.

  • kùa mâk-kìaⁿ;

    wears spectacles.

  • ăm kùa chîo cu;

    wears a string of official beads on the neck.

  • só̤-sî kùa tŏ̤ ie-tŏ-tòa;

    had his key attached to his girdle.

  • khí-thak kùa tŏ̤ tâng-thâu tèng;

    had his tooth-pick hung on the lapel of his tunic.

  • kak koi-chĭ ciang teng kùa chái sĭ ûi mih sṳ̄?

    Why is it that there are lanterns hung out, and banners displayed in the streets everywhere?

  • mn̂g-kha tèng kùa chái-bâi;

    drape the space above the door with variegated cloth.

  • kùa chíu-hŵn;

    wear bracelets.

  • kùa hĭⁿ-kau;

    wear ear-rings.

  • kùa chíu-cak;

    wear a finger-ring.

  • sin tèng kùa kâi khîam;

    wear a necklace with pendants.

  • ie tèng kùa ki kìam;

    wear a sword at the belt.

  • kùa ki ie-to̤;

    wear a dagger.

  • i sin tèng kùa ŭ láu-îaⁿ hû;

    he wears an amulet.

  • kùa cie-pâi;

    hang out a sign board.

  • kùa mîaⁿ;

    hang out one’s sign.

  • kùa tŏ̤ chîeⁿ kò̤;

    hung out against the wall.

  • sang pôiⁿ kùa nŏ̤ kâi kìaⁿ;

    two pictures hung one on either side.

  • sin tèng kùa kâi sî-pie;

    wore a watch.

  • bé kùa kâi hâm-long;

    the horse wore a little round bell.

  • kùa kò̤ hún-pâi tŏ̤ kò̤;

    a black board was hanging there.

  • kùa kha-hŵn;

    wear ankle-rings.

  • kùa chíu-so̤h;

    wear a chain on the wrist.

  • kùa kha-lîo, chíu-khàu

    wear fetters on the feet and hands.

  • kùa ăm-ûi;

    wear a collar.

  • kùa jím-kì;

    wear bangles.

  • A cover; a lid.

  • àiⁿ khàm tíaⁿ-khàm kùa, a khàm lêng-sn̂g kùa?

    Shall I cover it with the pan cover or the steamer cover?

  • cí kâi kài-au kùa khà tīo khṳ̀;

    the cover of this covered cup is broken.

  • sieⁿ-kùa;

    the lid of a trunk.

  • ĭoⁿ khui sieⁿ-kùa khṳt i phâk;

    lift the lid of the trunk, and let it sun.

  • tê-kẁn m̄ kah kùa;

    the lid of the tea-pot does not fit.

  • tê-kẁn kùa ĭoⁿ khui, thóiⁿ tê hîeh kàu mē;

    raise the lid of the tea-pot, and see if enough tea has been put in.

  • tê-bí-kẁn kâi kùa àiⁿ phah ŏi hìm huang kâi;

    as to the cover of the tea canister, I want that made air-tight.

  • ue kùa khṳ̀ ĭoⁿ khui, pn̄g kún lío;

    go and raise the cover of the rice pot, the rice is boiling over.

  • īⁿ âp kùa;

    the cover of an ink-stone box.

  • teng kùa;

    a lamp-shade.

  • kau-kùa;

    to be concerned in.

  • i kio úa bô̤ kau-kùa;

    he has nothing to do with me.

  • úa kio i bô̤ kau bô̤ kùa;

    I am in no way concerned in what affects him.

  • bô̤ kau-kùa pùaⁿ lî;

    not the least connection between them.

  • i kio i ŭ sĭm-mih kau-kùa?

    What are the relations between them?

  • sĭm-mih sṳ̄ to tîeh kau-kùa tùi i chíu kùe;

    everything must pass through his hands.

  • During; an interval of time.

  • jît-kùa;

    day time.

  • mêⁿ-kùa;

    in the night.

  • i cá kùa ŭ lâi mē?

    Did be come awhile ago?

  • A short wide jacket with sleeves.

  • bé-kùa;

    a riding jacket.

  • kun ki kùa;

    a jacket which opens at the side.

  • chēng phâu kùa;

    wear a long robe and a short tunic.

  • lṳ́ thoíⁿ i kâi hō̤ kùa sĭ tī īeⁿ?

    What uniform do you think it is that he wears?

  • sṳ̀ n̂g bé-kùa;

    confer a yellow robe.

  • phûe bé-kùa;

    a fur jacket.

  • ó̤ li thâh kùa;

    got the inner garment outside.

  • A half a day.

  • cīeⁿ-kùa;


  • ĕ-kùa;


  • cīeⁿ pùaⁿ kùa;

    the middle of the forenoon.

  • ĕ pùaⁿ kùa;

    the middle of the afternoon.

  • táng kàu cêk kùa;

    waited half a day.

  • cŏ̤ cêk kùa bô̤ kù ūe;

    sat half a day without speaking.

  • Together with; altogether; jointly.

  • kŭa saⁿ kŭa hîuⁿ hăm sin ût;

    slept with all his clothes on.

  • kŭa saⁿ lô̤h khṳ̀ ût;

    went to bed in his clothes.

  • kŭa úa cò̤-pû khṳ̀;

    go along with me.

  • kŭa a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe cò̤ cē lâi;

    come along with the children.

  • kûa i a-cé cò̤-pû lâi;

    came with his elder sister.

  • kŭa hṳ́ kâi cò̤ cêk ē khîeh khṳ̀;

    take it along with that.

  • īⁿ kŭa bâk cò̤ cē kio i cieh;

    borrow both his inkstone and his ink.

  • màiⁿ kŭa chíu ka tîeh;

    do not cut your fingers as well.

  • cía kŭa hía úa lóng-cóng àiⁿ;

    I want both this and that.

  • ta-po kŭa cṳ-nîe cn̂g kâi tŏ̤;

    the men and the women are all at home.

  • A copulative particle; altogether, and, also, even, with, moreover.

  • khîeh kŭa ki to̤ lâi;

    brought even a knife along too.

  • pâk kŭa chîo kûn;

    wore a court petticoat as well.

  • lah kŭa saⁿ-khò lâi;

    brought also some clothes over her arm.

  • siu kŭa ke-si lâh-bûah, cò̤ cē khṳ̀;

    made ready her household gear and sundries, to be taken away at the same time.

  • kŭa mīn īa m̄ sói;

    does not wash even his face.

  • i kŭa úa to m̄-ùi;

    he does not fear even me.

  • kŭa i a-pĕ to bô̤ táng i;

    he does not wait for his father even.

  • kŭa mêⁿ-kùa to cò̤;

    works even in the night.

  • kŭa cía cò̤-nî m̄ pat?

    Why do you not understand so much as this even?

  • kŭa keng khui cîh khṳ̀;

    broke his bow also in drawing it.