A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kok | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kok

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  • A gully; a gulch; the bed of a torrent.

  • suaⁿ-kok;

    a ravine.

  • i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ suaⁿ-kok-lok tói;

    he lives away off in a mountain wady.

  • tùi cí suaⁿ-kok-lok tói jîp khṳ̀ cū sĭ;

    go in through this wady, that is the way.

  • A state, a kingdom, a country, a nation, a people; national; government.

  • pńg kok;

    own country.

  • gūa kok;

    foreign lands.

  • pâk kok; tha kok;

    other nations.

  • bw̄n kok;

    all nations.

  • kū kok;

    fatherland; the old country.

  • i tńg khṳ̀ kū kok;

    he has returned to his native land.

  • kok kun;


  • kok bó̤;

    the empress.

  • kok ûang;


  • kok sṳ;

    royal astrologers.

  • tŏ̤ tī cêk kok-tō?

    What country is it in?

  • chêng-lí bw̄n kok cū tăi-khài sie tâng;

    those usages which are founded in reason, are much alike in all countries.

  • lī-sôk bw̄n kok cū kak-kak m̄ tâng;

    customs differ in all different lands.

  • kak kok kak kok kâi hong-sôk;

    each nation has its own peculiar ways of doing things.

  • hīu-khek thiⁿ-ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi tōa kok?

    How many great nations are there now in the world?

  • thong thiⁿ-ĕ bw̄n kok;

    all nations under heaven.

  • sam kok;

    the three states which divided China from A.D. 222 to 265.

  • líang kok sie thâi;

    the two countries are at war.

  • kok huap; kok-ke kâi huap-lût;

    the laws of the country.

  • suaⁿ kok;

    a mountainous country.

  • cêk kok;

    a country of which a large portion of the surface is watered.

  • thó kok;

    a country which contains a large proportion of dry land.

  • cṳ̆ khui ok íⁿ lâi, būe ŭ;

    from the foundation of the state until now it has not been so.

  • kok sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ cóng-


  • i kâi kok-cèng hó̤ mē?

    Are their national affairs in good condition?

  • kok thài, mîn uaⁿ;

    when the country is at peace, the people are comfortable.

  • thŵn kok jîeh cōi tŏ̤;

    handed down the throne to many generations.

  • kùe kok;

    leave the country.

  • gūa-kok kio tong-kok hûa-háu;

    other countries are on amicable terms with China.

  • tăi-múiⁿ-kok; hue-kî-kok;

    the United States.

  • tăi-eng-kok;

    Great Britain.

  • tăi-huap-kok;


  • tăi-ngô̤-kok;


  • jît-pún-kok;


  • ang-lâm-kok;


  • lîn-khîu-kok;


  • sīam-lô̤ kok;


  • pît-lú kok;


  • ìn-tō kok; thien-cok-kok;


  • míen-tĭen-kok;


  • thó-jṳ́-ki-kok;


  • ai-kîp-kok;


  • îu-thài-kok;


  • Corn; grains; cereals; virtuous ; in medicine, fecal matter.

  • ngŏ kok;

    all kinds of grain.

  • peh kok;

    every sort of cereal.

  • kok tău;

    the fecal passage.

  • kok tău m̄ thong;

    bowels are constipated.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ kua cíⁿ kok, a kua hîaⁿ míaⁿ?

    Is this business to bo referred to the clerk in the prefects office, or to the legal counsel who manages criminal cases in the local court?


  • To boil down; to stew.

  • m̄ cai kwn, kok kàu cúi ta khṳ̀;

    was not looking after it, and it boiled dry.

  • kok-kok-kìe;

    the noise of rapid boiling.

  • kok cêk kùa le khá hó̤ lío;

    it has boiled a half day and must be done.