A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / koih | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / koih

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  • Lined; double; to pick up between two prongs.

  • sĭ toaⁿ kâi a sĭ koih kâi?

    Is it of a single thickness, or is it lined?

  • àiⁿ koih sĭm-mih lí?

    What sort of lining will you put in?

  • koih hîuⁿ;

    a lined sleeveless jacket.

  • koih bûeh;

    lined stockings.

  • koih khò-thàu;

    double trowsers.

  • koih phàu-thàu;

    a double-gown.

  • ēng tṳ̄ koih;

    take up with chopsticks.

  • koih m̄ khí;

    I cannot nip it up.

  • cía tîeh khîa thih-kîⁿ khṳ̀ koih;

    you must pick it up with tongs.

  • koih mûeh phùe;

    pick up the condiments.

  • cía m̄ ēng tṳ̄ koih, tîeh ēng sî íe;

    this is not to be taken up with chopsticks, but is to be dipped up with a spoon.

  • To press between two boards; boards for pressing; to clasp or carry under the arm.

  • kôih póiⁿ;

    boards for pressing the sides of a thing.

  • cṳ-cheh kôih;

    board covers for books.

  • sieⁿ kôih;

    boards used to support the sides of trunks.

  • kôih kín cē;

    press it somewhat tighter between the two.

  • kôih kín-kín;

    squeezed very tightly between two.

  • kôih bih;

    flatten by pressing.

  • kôih kàu cap lâu-lâu;

    squeezed so that the juice runs out.

  • nâng cōi, sie cìⁿ sie kôih;

    there was a great crowd of people, crowding and pressing upon each other.

  • kôih kha, kôih chíu;

    to torture by pressing the ankles and wrists between boards.

  • khṳt i kôih tîeh;

    got nipped by it.

  • hŭ-jîn hùe siu cang kâi cang-kôih;

    the splints used by women to hold the coiffure in place.

  • kôih tŏ̤ cṳ-cheh tói;

    pressed in a book.

  • pài thiap tói kôih cêk tieⁿ lói-mûeh toaⁿ;

    a complimentary token folded within the folds of a visiting card.

  • kôih tŏ̤ ko̤h-tháng-ĕ;

    put it under his arm.

  • kôih pńg cṳ-cheh;

    carrying a book under his arm.

  • kôih cêk ki phoiⁿ-taⁿ;

    carrying a bearing-pole under his arm.

  • ciah chíu kôih, ciah chíu khîeh;

    some under one arm, and some in the other.

  • kàu kâi, kôih lâi;

    take it whole, and bring it along.

  • phiaⁿ-lî-kut khṳt i kôih cîh;

    squeezed him under his arm so hard as to break his ribs.

  • To mimic tones; to modulate the voice.

  • kôih kàu ki siaⁿ sòi-sòi, cū sĭ cṳ-niê siaⁿ;

    modulated his voice to a squeak, like the voice of a woman.

  • i kâi siaⁿ m̄ cai cò̤-nî nîap, cò̤-nî kôih, put tăng chìe khek kâi siaⁿ kio cṳ-nîe cêk īeⁿ, cū sĭ tîaⁿ-pêh kâi ūe, īa cū sĭ kâi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ kâi siaⁿ-sueh;

    I do not know how he modulates his voice, but in singing ballads his voice is just like a woman’s, it is in a conversational style, and is also the voice of a young girl.

  • kôih siaⁿ jîn;

    an apt mimic of female voices.
