A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ko | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ko

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  • Mushrooms; mould; fungus.

  • hieⁿ ko;

    edible mushrooms.

  • kìen ko;

    Foochow mushrooms.

  • ḱng ko;

    Cantonese mushrooms.

  • sam ŏi hwt sam ko, tek kha īa hwt tek ko, cháu īa hwt cháu ko;

    timber produces the fir mushroom, the bamboo mushroom grows at the roots of the bamboo, and the weedy mushroom springs up among the grass.

  • sî ēng kâi hieⁿ ko;

    fresh mushrooms.

  • cháu ko thiaⁿ tàⁿ sĭ cwn cò̤ kâi;

    I have heard it said that the common mushroom is made to grow spontaneously.

  • hŭam cìaⁿ peh hwt kâi ko tîeh ka-kī chú kâi lâi cîah cìaⁿ ún-tàng, īa sĭ thèng bói kâi, khíong-ùi ŭ khí ŏi tâk kâi;

    it is safe to eat mushrooms that are of spontaneous growth, if you gather them yourself, but if you carelessly buy them there is danger of their being poisonous and that you may be injured by them.

  • píaⁿ khǹg kú seⁿ ko;

    biscuits long kept become mouldy.

  • saⁿ-khò cē ip-cîp-tîeh kauh cū àiⁿ seⁿ ko;

    if clothes are damp when rolled up they mould.

  • kô seⁿ ko mô̤h;

    the paste has a layer of mould on it.

  • phīⁿ tîeh chàu ko;

    it smells mouldy.

  • hip i pôih ko;

    confine it in a close vessel till it moulds.

  • ôi m̄ phâk, ŏi chĭeⁿ ko;

    if the shoes are not sunned, they mould.

  • sueh tīo ko;

    brush off the mould.

  • lô̤h kú hŏ mih mûeh kauh kàu seⁿ ko;

    in long rains every thing becomes mouldy from lack of airing.

  • hwt ko mô̤h;

    gather a film of mould.

  • gû-sái-ko;


  • suaⁿ chṳ̂-ko;

    wild tulips used in medicine.

  • To buy liquids.

  • ko cíu;

    to buy spirits.

  • ko cêk tâng hó̤-hó̤ kâi;

    buy a measure of the very best.

  • ko îu;

    to buy oil.

  • A father’s or husband’s sisters; a polite term for females, especially young and unmarried ones; to tolerate; lenient; for the time.

  • ko-nîe;

    an unmarried lady.

  • chíaⁿ a-ko lâi cîah pn̄g;

    ask aunt to come to dinner.

  • tōa ko, sòi ko;

    the elder and younger sisters of one’s father or husband.

  • a jī ko;

    the next to the eldest of one’s father’s sisters.

  • lăi ko; có ko;

    grandfather’s sisters.

  • lău ko pô̤;

    one’s great grandfather’s sisters.

  • ko só̤;

    one’s husband’s sisters.

  • saⁿ ko lâk phûa;

    disreputable women.

  • ko-lĭam i sĭ cò̤ hŭam;

    tolerate his having done wrong: reprove him slightly and let him go.

  • ko-chíaⁿ, māng-māng-lâi phah-sǹg;

    let it rest awhile, and after a time we will consider the subject.

  • ko-sek;


  • khah ko-sek ĕ jît cū ŏi khṳt i lŭi tîeh;

    if you are too easy with him, you will hereafter be brought into trouble by him.

  • ko-tĭeⁿ;

    a father’s sister’s husband.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng sĭ chin-chin ko píe;

    the two are own first cousins, sons of a brother and sister.

  • Alone; without a protector; solitary; fatherless.

  • i kâi khẃn ko-hâng căi;

    his nature is solitary, not gregarious.

  • hīn-khek i kâi sì ko lío;

    his influence is now reduced.

  • ko-hûn bô̤ i;

    solitary and neglected.

  • kwn kúaⁿ ko tôk kâi nâng chám căi;

    bachelors, spinsters, orphans and childless people are very desolate.

  • ko-ai cṳ́;

    an afflicted orphan.

  • ko-toaⁿ bô̤ phŭaⁿ;

    solitary and companionless.

  • ko-lŏ kúaⁿ-bŭn;

    an unpolished scholar of limited opportunities.

  • i sî hó̤ tho̤h ko kâi nâng;

    he is one to whom an orphan might be confided.

  • Rotten or dry wood; dried up; withered.

  • ko-ta;

    dried up; withered; arid; sapless.

  • mīn-sek cn̂g kâi ko-káu;

    his complexion is cadaverous.

  • líu tîeh cêk hù ko kut;

    dug up a skeleton.

  • i cêk pôiⁿ chíu phien-ko;

    one of his arms is withered.

  • hueh ko;

    his blood is thin.

  • cí kâi mâuⁿ-pēⁿ sĭ hueh-ko tì kâi;

    this ailment arises from poverty of the blood.

  • cĭam-cĭam ko-ta;

    gradually dried up and withered away.

  • ko chīu hông chun cài hwt ki;

    at the coming of spring the old tree again puts forth branches.


  • Fleshless human bones.

  • tôi cîⁿ lâi siu ko-lô;

    contribute money to pay for burying old human bones.

  • cí kâi tī-hng sĭ cǹg ko-lô kâi;

    this is a place where old human bones are interred.

  • A failure of duty; to hold to be guilty.

  • ko-hŭ i kâi ṳn;

    ungrateful; disregardful of his kindness.

  • àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, būe mín ko-hŭ i;

    need not then be guilty of ingratitude toward him.

  • A kettle; a covered pot.

  • tê kó;

    a large tea kettle.

  • siah kó;

    a pewter kettle.

  • pin-lô̤ kó a dish to keep betel-nuts in.

  • The male of quadrupeds.

  • bé-kó;


  • gû kó


  • îeⁿ kó;


  • tṳ kó;


  • káu kó;

    a male dog.

  • A drum; musical instruments made of skin; drum-shaped; to urge; to rouse.

  • pìe kó;

    put a head on a drum.

  • lûi kó;

    sound a drum.

  • cang cûa phûe lâi pìe hîⁿ-kó;

    make the head of a drum with snake-skin.

  • kó phûe;

    the head of the drum.

  • kó chîeⁿ;

    the wooden part of a drum.

  • kó teng;

    the line where the head is joined to the drum.

  • phah lô̤ kó;

    beat gongs and drums.

  • kó thûi;

    a drum-stick.

  • kó kè;

    a drum-stand.

  • pì kó;

    carry a drum on the back.

  • kó tong-tong-kìe; kó tōm-tōm-kìe; kó ōm-ōm-kìe;

    the drums give forth sounds, such as are made by a small, by a medium sized, and by a very large drum.

  • cìen kó;

    a drum used in battle.

  • bōi-ĭe-kó;

    a rattle used by mongers of wares. to announce their coming.

  • phah keⁿ kó;

    to beat the watches of the night on a drum.

  • tńg jī kó a būe?

    Has the second watch been sounded yet?

  • kó-bú;

    exert one’s self.

  • i ka-kī khṳ̀ khio kó;

    he himself went and sounded the drum.

  • khà kó kîⁿ;

    beat the drum on its rim; make an ineffective hit.

  • úa ieh lâi tú-tú tùi kó tìn-tang;

    I guessed exactly right.

  • i mn̂g-kha cêk kâi nâng tó̤ pò̤ kó;

    there is a man at the door announcing his presence by sound of drum.

  • úa cang lṳ́ saⁿ thong kó, lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ ang-ang khṳ̀ cò̤;

    I will beat the drum for you to keep up your courage, and you go calmly ahead and do it.

  • lûi kó saⁿ thong;

    beat three strokes on a drum.

  • cîeh kó;

    stone drums, placed at the entrances of temples.

  • tiak-kó;

    a tambouinne.

  • kó-kíaⁿ;

    a toy drum.

  • pìe kâi cúi-koi kó khṳt i;

    made a drum with frog-skin heads, and gave it to him.

  • lêng-cûn kó;

    the drums on board a

dragon boat.

  • mŏng hue kó;

    the drum belonging to strolling performers, or acrobats.

  • cía kúi kâi phah kó kâi, tī-tîang kâi kó páng ío hó̤;

    of these drummers, which one drums best?

  • i kâi kó tíam sĭang hó̤;

    he keeps the best time with the beat of his drum.

  • lô̤ cò̤ lô̤ phah, kó cò̤ kó híang;

    sound the gongs and the drums independently of each other.

  • Dropsical; bloated.

  • kó-cèng;


  • tì kó-cèng;

    have dropsy.

  • sĭ khì kó, a sĭ cúi kó?

    Is the bloated appearance produced by air or by water?

  • Off-hand; impromptu; illicit; if so.

  • kó-chíaⁿ lío sṳ̄;

    careless in doing; to finish off a matter anyhow; to huddle up.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ kó-chíaⁿ;

    one should not do things in a hasty, careless fashion.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ kó-kó chíaⁿ-chíaⁿ;

    he always does things in a very off-hand style.

  • cía sǹg sĭ kó-chíaⁿ lío sṳ̄;

    this has been done in almost any way so as to get it finished.

  • kó-jû lṳ́ ā m̄ ôiⁿ lâi khṳ̀ li úa lâi khṳ̀;

    if it should happen that you have not leisure to go, I will go.

  • kó-hôk;


  • kó-hâh


  • To estimate; to reckon; to think; to guess; to set a price on; value; worth; price.

  • sĭ i tó̤ kó kè;

    it is he who fixes the price.

  • kó lâi khah kùi;

    too high a price is set upon it.

  • cí kĭaⁿ kó lâi cū phīⁿ;

    this one is set down at a low figure.

  • lṳ́ kó cē;

    you make a guess at the value.

  • khṳt lṳ́ kó khṳ̀ tùi-tùi;

    you have guessed exactly what it cost.

  • cìe úa kó li tâk m̄ kàu cìeⁿ cōi;

    according to my reckoning, it is not worth so much as that.

  • khui kó i phò;

    keep a second hand clothing store.

  • i kâi hùe-mûeh kó lâi tīaⁿ căi;

    his goods have a very fair price set upon them.

  • íⁿ-keng kó tīaⁿ-tîeh kâi;

    those already priced.

  • mûeh-kĭaⁿ cìe kó;

    things according to their value.

  • cĭu hīn-sî kâi hâng-chêng lâi kó kè;

    set down the prices, according to the present market rates.

  • cía úa cò̤-nî kó li kó m̄ kàu;

    however I reckon this I cannot bring it out right.

  • lṳ́ kó thóiⁿ cía sṳ̄ ŏi tit sêng mē?

    Do you think this can be brought about?

  • úa tâng cīeⁿ jît cū soiⁿ kó chut;

    I thought all that out some days ago.

  • Ancient; old; antique; of old; to grow old; practised in; antiquity; hoar.

  • kó-cá;

    in olden times.

  • kó kim to sĭ cêk īeⁿ;

    in ancient and modern times it has been the same.

  • jí nâng cêng tàⁿ kùe;

    said by the ancients.

  • ô̤h kó;

    tell stories.

  • ô̤h kó ā, bô̤ cía sṳ̄;

    it is a story, no such thing ever happened.

  • hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ thâk kó cṳ;

    tell him not to make up yarns.

  • i nâng-khẃn kó-kó nē;

    he is very old fashioned.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ kó-kó kùai-kùai;

    does things in a very queer way.

  • cí kò̤ ŭ sĭm-mih kó ciah?

    Are there any antiquities about here?

  • kó bûn;

    ancient writings.

  • cṳ̆ kó bô̤ kâi;

    what has never been from the most ancient times.

  • cṳ̆ kó bô̤ kâi;

    from olden times till now.

  • nâng sim put kó;

    the heart of man does not grow old.

  • kó-tóng;

    curiosities; antiques.

  • kó-tóng phò;

    a curiosity shop.

  • cí cêk pak sĭ kó ūe;

    this scroll is one having an ancient style of writing on it.

  • cí kâi sĭ kó céⁿ;

    this is an ancient well.

  • chûn cêk cho̤h kó-sî hôk-sek;

    kept some garments as relics of the past.

  • taⁿ cí kù ūe khṳt nâng tó̤ cò̤ kó-khwn;

    this sentence is now made use of by people as a sample of ancient writing.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ kó-tóng căi;

    he acts very queerly.

  • màiⁿ tó̤ cò̤ kó cèng;

    do not be satirical; do not draw illustrations from olden times.

  • cía sĭ kó-mûeh;

    this is a relic.

  • kó-ngẃn;


  • kó gṳ́;

    old sayings.

  • kó lói;

    ancient rites.

  • kó sî kâi nêng tăi-khài tong-kău;

    old fashioned people are generally honest.

  • A quota; a proportion; a share in a concern; a detatchment; a portion of a country; a strand in a rope; a chapter; a head of a sermon; the thighs.

  • pun kó;

    share the assets.

  • pun kó cṳ́ ŭ nâng tōa kó;

    in apportioning the amount which each is to pay, some are assessed more and some less.

  • khĭa cò̤ jîeh cōi kó?

    How many shares is the whole sum assessed to be divided into?

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ khĭa kó, a sĭ sùaⁿ tôi?

    Will you apportion the sum to be made up in shares for each to pay, or make it up by calling for contributions?

  • cêk kó khui thóiⁿ jîeh cōiⁿ cîⁿ;

    divide and see how much each one has to pay.

  • cía seng-lí sĭ tī-tîang ío tōa kó-hun?

    In this business who is the chief partner?

  • poih kó;

    eight heads, as of an essay.

  • saⁿ kó so̤h;

    a threefold cord.

  • put lŭn àiⁿ cò̤ sĭm-mih sṳ̄ saⁿ kó so̤h to tîeh côi;

    in whatever you wish to do, the three strands of the rope used must be uniform.

  • lêng-ūaⁿ cài hun tn̄g hun kó;

    redistribute the shares.

  • kuah kó;

    cut the sinews of the thigh.

  • i cêk kó seng-lí íⁿ-keng thiah chut khṳ̀ lío;

    he has already taken out the share which he had invested in the business.

  • chap ŭ kúi kó;

    has invested in several shares.

  • The upper part of the arm.

  • chíu-kó;

    the arm above the elbow.

  • i bô̤ cím-thâu, cím tŏ̤ ka-kī kâi chíu-tèng;

    he has no pillow, and pillows his head on his own arm.

  • To patronize; to assist by counsel or custom.

  • i sĭ lău cú-kò, mó̤ chuah i;

    he is an old patron, and you must not over-reach him.

  • in hùaⁿ kâi, to sĭ hó̤ cú-kò;

    they are all good customers.

  • Jealous; envious.

  • kò-kĭ;


  • cn̂g kâi bô̤ kó-kĭ;

    without envy.

  • i kâi sim cū seⁿ kò-kĭ;

    he became jealous of him.

  • To procure for one’s self.

  • kò sùaⁿ tó̤ chip;

    set one on the trail of.

  • íⁿ-keng kò sùaⁿ lîah tîeh;

    have followed on his trail and seized him.

  • tá-hwt nâng khṳ̀ gūa chù kò-bói;

    start people off to purchase in other places.

  • To hire for a price.

  • kò-kang;

    hire workmen.

  • îong kang chĭeⁿ kò kâi nâng;

    one engaged as a laborer.

  • sĭ aìⁿ kò cûn hó̤, a sĭ aìⁿ kò kīe hó̤?

    Will it be best to hire a boat or to hire a sedan?

  • úa àiⁿ kò có̤ chia;

    I want to hire a cart.

  • cwn kò ciah cûn;

    charter a boat.

  • hó̤ kò kieh lâi taⁿ;

    hire a porter to come and carry it.

  • kò bô̤ nâng;

    no one can be hired.

  • kò kâi lâi cìeⁿ chù;

    hire some one to guard the house.

  • To besmear; to daub; to plaster on; to fill cracks; to blot out.

  • kô-lôk khṳ̀ kàu cū bŏi thi̤aⁿ;

    after smearing it over it did not smart.

  • khîeh nŏ̤ tieⁿ cúa lâi kô theng;

    get two sheets of paper and paste up the holes in the windows.

  • cang cúa kô miⁿ;

    take paper and paste over all the cracks.

  • kô m̄ kín;

    it does not stick tightly when plastered on.

  • cang thô lâi kô;

    daub it over with mud.

  • kâi mīn kô kàu cĕng-cĕng hún;

    her face is daubed all over with powder.

  • kô câu-câu;

    plaster it on of uniform thickness.

  • cang thâng-îu-hue lâi kô, cìaⁿ bŏi lāu;

    take putty and stop the cracks then it will not leak.

  • kô kàu hua-pa-li-long;

    plaster it on till it is smooth, even and beautiful.

  • cêk sin kô kàu nah-sap căi;

    daubed all over with dirt.

  • Paste; to paste; glutinous preparations.

  • khṳ̀ khô̤h cho̤h kô lâi kô;

    go and make some paste and paste it.

  • ēng kô lâi tah;

    stick it on with paste.

  • kô lío táng i ta cìaⁿ ŏi tōiⁿ;

    after pasting it wait till it is dry, then it will be firm.

  • kô puah;

    a paste-pot.

  • kô lâi m̄ ḱin;

    it is not firmly pasted.

  • cût-bí kô;

    paste made from glutinous rice.

  • kô ui;

    paper garments, burned at funerals.

  • kô poiⁿ;

    a pasting brush.

  • kô âp;

    a box for paste.

  • nĕ kô-kô;

    very adhesive.

  • The bosom; the lap.

  • phŏ̤ i tŏ̤ kô tèng cîah nĭ;

    nursing him in her lap.

  • phŏ̤ i pàng kô tèng cŏ̤;

    holding her in her lap.

  • phŏ̤ i tŏ̤ kô tèng gût khṳ̀;

    holding him asleep in her arms.

  • To lean against; to rely on; to depend on for support, or for a living.

  • i úa-kŏ tī-tîang?

    On whom does he depend for support?

  • kŏ tîeh tī-tîang kâi sì?

    On whose influence does he rely?

  • kŏ tī-tîang thàng i cîah?

    On whom does she depend to earn her food for her?

  • kŏ cîeh thĭo, khṳt cîeh thĭo tăⁿ tîeh;

    leaned against a stone pillar, and the stone pillar tumbled down on him.

  • m̄-hó̤ sie kŏ tāⁿ;

    do not lean against each other and both fall backward.

  • chŵn kŏ i;

    depend wholly on him.

  • cêk ke nâng to sĭ tó̤ i-kŏ i;

    the whole family depend on him.

  • kŏ sîn hût pó̤-hō̤;

    depend on the gods for aid.

  • ŭ lâm li kŏ lâm;

    if you have sons depend on them, if you have no sons then depend on your daughters.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ kŏ;

    nothing to depend on for support.

  • i mih sṳ̄ bŏi, kŏ ki chùi tó̤ tàⁿ;

    he can do nothing, and lives by his wits.