A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiam | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kiam

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  • Along with; together with in addition to; equally.

  • keng kiam thiⁿ-sî jûah;

    besides all that, the weather is very hot.

  • kiam ŭ pât īeⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤;

    and besides I have something else to do.

  • sie kiam kài kâi tī-hng;

    adjacent ground.

  • tī-hng sie kiam kài;

    the two lots have the same boundary.

  • châi mâuⁿ kiam chŵn;

    the toute ensemble; the mind, manners, and person.

  • kiam niap tîe-ciu hú sṳ̄;

    manages the Tie Ciu Department in addition.

  • kiam lí îeⁿ bŭ;

    manages foreign affairs besides.

  • i kiam ŏi cò̤ cí īeⁿ sṳ̄;

    he can also add this to the other things which he does.

  • kiam ke cêk hâng khang-khùe;

    attends to the work of another warehouse also.

  • nŏ nâng kiam ēng;

    the two both use it.

  • i khí kó̤ lío, ŭ kiam sía a bô̤?

    After he had made the rough draft, did he write out a fair copy besides?

  • To assort; to examine.

  • m̄ cai kíam-tiám khṳ̀;

    did not think to look them over carefully and mark


  • lṳ́ tîeh sòi sim kíam-tíam;

    you must label them carefully.

  • phìa cêk ūi tăi-chîu tó̤ kàm-tok sio-kíam;

    depute a nobleman to oversee the search of the persons of the candidates for admission to the examinations.

  • chê-kíam;

    to examine.

  • To diminish; to lessen; to abbreviate; to make less do; to take away a part.

  • kè-cíⁿ bô̤ kíam;

    no abatement in the price.

  • kíam kè thŵn mîaⁿ;

    sell at a reduced price in order to render it popular.

  • i àiⁿ kíam i kâi sìo búe, i li m̄ hàuⁿ;

    he wants him to throw off the balance of the account, but he will not.

  • ngĕ-ngĕ kíam i kâi;

    forcibly insisted on an abatement.

  • thó̤ kíam i kâi sĭu ngŵn;

    ask him to let him have it for less than it cost.

  • u kíam a bô̤?

    Did he take off anything from the price?

  • cài kíam cē;

    take off a little more.

  • bò̤ ke bô̤ kíam;

    neither more nor less.

  • cìeⁿ-se ŭ ke bô̤ kíam;

    there may be increase but not diminution.

  • hó̤ kíam mē?

    Can you not sell it a little cheaper?

  • lṳ́ sǹg kíam cē, úa cò̤ cē kio lṳ́ bói;

    let me have it a little cheaper, then I will buy it from you at once.

  • m̄-hó̤ kíam;

    cannot sell it for less.

  • kíam cêk téng ngí cŭe;

    abate somewhat from the legal punishment.

  • i m̄ khéng kíam;

    he would abate nothing.

  • cí kheng ío ke, cí kheng ío kíam;

    this basket has more, and that one has less.

  • kíam cêk ûe ciⁿ khṳt lṳ́;

    let you have it at half the price.

  • khṳt i kíam tīo ho̤h cōi ngṳ̤̂n;

    had a rather large sum of money taken off by him.

  • cìeⁿ-soⁿ ŏi khah kíam a bŏi?

    Have I retrenched too much ?

  • mn̂g-khí cìah ío kíam, cí hûe cū tó khùn;

    ate less than usual this morning, and am now hungry.

  • meⁿ kíam cho̤h;

    take some off with the hand.

  • tàⁿ kíam tōa-bó̤-mûeh ūe;

    contracted his speech very much.

  • kîaⁿ tùi cí kò̤, kîaⁿ kíam cêk phò lō;

    by going this way, will diminish the length of the journey by a league.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ kiam-kíam to m̄ kíam;

    pinching and scrimping thus does not diminish it a particle.

  • lṳ́ kíam i kúi hùe?

    How much younger are you than he?

  • khah kíam;


  • kíam cò̤ kúi sîaⁿ;

    reduced to a small proportion.

  • kíam kàu lâi cò̤ cē bô̤ khṳ̀;

    kept taking a little off till it was all gone.

  • tṳ̂-kíam;

    to subtract.

  • ēng kíam jìeh cōi nâng?

    How many less men are employed?

  • taⁿ ēng ío kíam nâng;

    fewer men are now employed.

  • nín kâi nâng-sìo ŏi kíam a bŏi?

    Do you lack any from the full complement of men?

  • cía sĭ kíam-càu kâi kòi-cheh;

    this is a ruse for making the enemy believe him to be weak.

  • m̄ sĭ thó̤ kíam cū hâiⁿ i kíam, thó̤ ke cū hâiⁿ ke, cìe kó;

    we do not sell for a low price to those who offer a low price, and sell for a higher price to those who offer more, but we sell for the price marked on the goods.

  • lṳ́ tîeh kio úa sẃn hó̤ kâi, kè-cíⁿ, úa li m̄ kíam lṳ́ kâi;

    you choose a good one for me, and I shall not ask you to take a lower price for it.

  • A rapier; a sword; a claymore.

  • chíu tèng khîa ki kìam;

    held a sword in his hand.

  • cí kâi kìam-khak ēng kú huang-hāi khṳ̀;

    this scabbard is worn out by long use.

  • kìam nêk;

    the sword blade.

  • úa ŭ cèk ki pó̤ kìam;

    I have a trusty blade.

  • chieⁿ, to̤, kìam; kek, nĕ chīam-chīam;

    spears, daggers, swords, and bill-hooks, in regular array.

  • mŏng kìam;

    to brandish a sword.

  • kìam-sût;

    the art of fencing.

  • pâng lăi kùa ki cṳ-kìam;

    wore a student’s rapier when in his room.

  • kìam sien;

    a fairy stiletto, which would kill when ordered to do so.

  • úa ŭ tùi wn-ieⁿ kâi sang kìam;

    I have a double sword, two blades in one sheath.

  • cí ki kìam lāi căi;

    this sword is very sharp.

  • līen kìam;

    a tried weapon.

  • cù kìam;

    a well-tempered blade.

  • úa àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kìam-thâu kâi īeⁿ;

    I want it made in the shape of a sword handle.

  • phah cò̤ ki kìam;

    make it into a sword.

  • tŏ̤ suaⁿ tāng tèng tit-tîeh piaⁿ-cṳ, pó̤ kìam;

    when among the caves got a book on military tactics, and a trusty blade.

  • Saltish, like sea-water; one of the five tastes.

  • màiⁿ lô̤h khah kîam;

    do not make it too salt.

  • lŏ kîam;

    make salt by pickling.

  • kîam hṳ̂;

    salt fish.

  • kîam chài;

    pickled cabbage.

  • kîam n̆ng;

    pickled eggs.

  • kîam hu n̆ng;

    pickled eggs wrapped in clay.

  • kîam cúi;

    sea water; brine.

  • cía cúi cíaⁿ a kîam?

    Is this water fresh or salt?

  • îam lô̤h khṳ̀ bô̤ hìeⁿ kîam, ùi àiⁿ ien;

    if there is not enough salt put in to make it very

salt, I fear it will putrefy.

  • i ío tōa cîah kîam;

    he likes things very salt.

  • kîam sng tîam;

    salt, sour, and sweet; mixed flavors.

  • jît-tàu bô̤ kîam;

    there are no condiments for the dinner.

  • bô̤ kîam bô̤ cíaⁿ, cò̤-nî cîah?

    There is neither salt nor fresh food, so what are we to eat?

  • thiⁿ-sî jûah, tîeh ŭ nŏ̤ īeⁿ hó̤ kâi kîam-sng cìaⁿ cîah tit lô̤h;

    the weather is hot, and one must have two good relishes in order to eat anything.

  • hìeⁿ-seⁿ kîam tak-tak, cîah căi tit lò̤h?

    How can one eat it when it is so very salt?

  • lô̤h khah kîam khṳ̀

    úa cîah tîeh kîam kàu khó;

    it is salted too much: to me it tastes so salt as to be bitter.

  • cêk sin kîam căi: méⁿ-méⁿ lâi hîaⁿ cúi sói-êk;

    I am drenched with perspiration: heat some water as quickly as possible for me to bathe in.

  • saⁿ-khò cē kîam tîeh cai ūaⁿ, màiⁿ chēng kàu o kîam jūn;

    when your clothes are soiled change them, and do not wear them till they are stiff with dirt.

  • ūaⁿ ŭ kîam saⁿ-khò tŏ̤ kò̤ a bô̤?

    Are there any soiled clothes about?

  • thâu-mô̤ⁿ kîam căi: hàm i ṳ̆-pĭ lâi sói thâu;

    his hair is dirty: tell him to get ready to have his head washed.

  • táng i cîah kîam-kîam, khṳ̀ khà phùa nâng kâi cúi kng;

    wait till he has stuffed himself with salt food, and then gone and broken someone’s water jar; you will some day wish you had restrained him in time to prevent mischief.

  • kîam kaⁿ phûe;

    preserved orange peel.

  • lău kîam sūaiⁿ;

    preserved mangoes.

  • koih nŏ̤ lîap kîam bûe, lâi phùe cúi;

    nip up two salt plums and take them as an accompaniment to the water you drink.

  • Frugal; sparing; economical.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ khah kîam;

    he is over frugal.

  • i sĭ kîam căi kâi nâng;

    she is very parsimonious.

  • kîam-siap;

    stingy, close-fisted.

  • To dream.

  • i kìⁿ-kîam tîeh i lâi;

    she dreamed that he came.

  • úa cá mêⁿ kîam-kìⁿ io lṳ́ cò̤-pû khṳ̀ thit-thô̤;

    I dreamed last night that I went out for recreation with you.