A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khong | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khong

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  • Void; vacant.

  • khong-khong jû;

    entirely empty.

  • pue tŏ̤ khong tang;

    soar in the heavens.

  • kiaⁿ kàu i kâi hûn pue tŏ̤ pùaⁿ khong tèng;

    so frightened that he lost all presence of mind.

  • phêng khong bô̤ kù, cò̤-nî phah i?

    Having no reason for so doing, why did you strike him?

  • phah khong khûn kâi sṳ̄ o̤h cò̤;

    fighting empty handed is hard work.

  • chíeⁿ kàu khong-khong;

    seized and carried off everything that was there.

  • khong mn̂g;

    the abstracted class, Buddhist priests.


  • Rude; doltish; clownish.

  • i sui sĭ cìeⁿ tōa hŵn-lío mih sṳ̄ khong-khong thông-thông;

    although he is large, he is still very awkward and ignorant.

  • An orifice; great.

  • khóng-chieh khui phîn;

    the peacock spreads its tail.

  • i kâi mâk-khóng khuah căi;

    his eyes are very large.

  • i ŭ thâk khóng-cṳ́ cṳ a bô̤?

    Has he read Confucius?

  • i khṳ̀ chūe khóng huang hiaⁿ;

    he has gone in search of the brother with the square hole, i.e. cash.

  • phah kàu i chit khóng lâu hueh;

    beat him till the blood ran from the seven orifices of his head.

  • khì kàu i chit khóng chut in;

    so angry that smoke issued from all the orifices of his head.

  • i kâi mīn chit khóng seⁿ cò̤ cêk phóng;

    his features are all huddled together.

  • To accuse; to inform the rulers.

  • khṳ̀ kuaⁿ-hú kò̤ khòng-kò̤;

    go before the magistrate and accuse him.

  • cía sǹg sĭ bû khòng i;

    this is probably a false charge against him.

  • niap-khòng;

    to trump up a charge against.

  • tī-hng kuaⁿ tẁn m̄ tît, ciang-lâi tîeh tì-kàu sĭang-khòng;

    if the local magistrate does not decide the case rightly, it must in the future be appealed to a higher court.

  • àiⁿ sĭang-khòng tîeh îu cí ĕ cêk câng cêk câng khòng khí khṳ̀, put lêng hó̤ wt-khòng;

    in appealing, one must carry the case step by step from the lower to the higher courts, one cannot appeal directly to the high officers.

  • Unoccupied; vacant; empty; void.

  • bô̤ kâi sî-hāu ŏi tit khòng;

    have no time unemployed.

  • i sái khui khòng jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n;

    expended a large amount of money.

  • khò-pâng kâi ngṳ̂n khṳt i sái khui-khòng khṳ̀;

    the treasury was emptied by him.

  • khṳt i sái khòng saⁿ sì chng-ngâu chek;

    he used up three or four bins of paddy, from the public granary.

  • A big forehead.

  • lâi thóiⁿ kâi a-khòng-thâu;

    come and see the jester.

  • i seⁿ lâi sĭ a-khòng;

    he is a natural clown.

  • seⁿ lâi thâu khòng-khòng;

    is big headed, like one who has the rickets.

  • Stupid; doltish; simple.

  • i kâi nâng, thóiⁿ tîeh khòng-khì khòng-khì;

    he appears to be but half witted.

  • khòng-khòng;

    very stupid.

  • i khòng căi;

    he is very dull.