A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khio | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khio

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  • Destitute, poor, impoverished.

  • i câp-hun khio căi;

    he is very destitute.

  • khio ke;

    poor people.

  • tŏ̤ nín kùi kok khio hùe cōi, a pù hùe cōi?

    In your honorable country, which are more numerous, the poor or the rich?

  • i cí-hûe khio kùe chit so̤h;

    he is now poorer than the jack of spades.

  • chit khio tak tîeh i poih khio;

    the very poor man stumbles upon one still poorer.

  • khio-khîong kâi nâng;

    one in extreme poverty.

  • cí phàⁿ khio, m̄ phàⁿ tio;

    fear poverty only, not difficulty.

  • To tap; to rap.

  • khio ceng, lûi kó;

    to rap on bells and beat drums.

  • i thâi sí nâng lío ka-kī khṳ̀ khio kó;

    after he had committed the murder, he himself went and sounded the drum.

  • lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ chui khio i;

    you go and hurry him up by rapping.

  • The feet raised, as when sitting.

  • kha khio-khio;

    the legs bent up.

  • khio kha sai;

    a lame dog.

  • The position of a steelyard beam when the end of the short arm is somewhat lower than the end of the long arm.

  • chìn téng khio cē;

    give good weight.

  • téng khṳ̀ put kùe khio bî cē, cûah li bŏi;

    the weight differs only in that it inclines the beam a little more or less, the steelyard weight being at the same notch, it is not short weight.

  • cí kâi ngṳ̂n téng tîeh chit it pùaⁿ li ío khio, chit jī li ío bî;

    this dollar when weighed inclines the beam downward a little at seven mace one and a half candareens and inclines the beam up-ward a little at seven mace two candareens; it is a little over seven mace one and a half candareens, and a little under seven mace two candareens.

  • Clever; handy; ingenious; skillfully made; portable.

  • cò̤ chut lâi khío căi;

    very ingeniously constructed.

  • màiⁿ tó̤ khío cò̤;

    do not make it too complex.

  • i sui sĭ sòi, sĭm sĭ kúai-khío;

    although he is small he is very shrewd.

  • cí ki hŏ-sùaⁿ khin-khío khin-khío;

    this umbrella is light and well made.

  • sòi-sòi khío-khío nē;

    delicate work showing great mechanical skill.

  • taⁿ kâi hok-sek khío căi, pí soiⁿ m̄ tâng;

    garments are now made with great mechanical skill, unlike what they were in former times.

  • Pretty; handsome.

  • i seⁿ lâi khío căi;

    she is very pretty.

  • tá-pàng khí lâi sît-căi khío;

    really very prettily dressed.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ cí-kâi khío a hṳ́-kâi khío?

    Do you think this or that the prettier?

  • cí-kâi cū khío nō̤!

    This is pretty!

  • seⁿ lâi khío-khío;

    very pretty.

  • An orifice; an aperture; a pore; a hollow; a cavity; the heart as the physical organ of thought.

  • káu khìo;

    the nine passages of the body.

  • chit khìo;

    the seven orifices of the head.

  • i ío sòi, bŏi khui khìo;

    he is rather young, and his perceptions are not yet awakened.

  • cí kâi sui-sĭ sòi, i kâi sim-khìo hó̤ căi;

    though this one is small his power of comprehension is excellent.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi thong khìo kâi îeh;

    this sort of medicine is sudorific and sternutatory.

  • mâk cē thóiⁿ i cū tóng khìo;

    as soon as he sees it he takes in the meaning.

  • hó̤ khìo thâu;

    having quick perceptions.

  • khì kàu chit khìo chut in;

    so angry that the fumes issued from all the orifices in his head.

  • i kṳ́n sĭ cêk khìo m̄ thong;

    it has one aperture not stopped up; he is not altogether stupid.

  • cí cṳ-ce lăi tī kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ ío ŭ khìo?

    In this school which of the children is the quickest to understand?

  • cí kâi huaⁿ-hí cìeⁿ tōa kâi, cn̂g kâi bô̤ khìo bô̤ mío;

    this one who is happily so large, is wholly destitute of wit.

  • To act contrary to; to oppose.

  • sie khìo;


  • i cwn tó̤ kio i sie khìo;

    he is intentionally acting in opposition to him.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ sie-sie khìo-khìo, cò̤ căi tit sêng;

    the two are always pulling against each other and how can the thing be brought to an accomplishment.

  • Turned up at the end; raised or curled above the level; recurved.

  • sang thâu li khìo khí lâi, tìn-tang li nap lô̤h khṳ̀;

    the ends turn upward, and the middle is depressed, like a crescent with the curve downward.

  • tó cē tăng, piⁿ cū khìo;

    as soon as his belly is full his queue flops (and he is ready for anything).

  • cêk ki piⁿ khìo cĭeⁿ thiⁿ;

    his queue stands straight upward.

  • i kâi phīⁿ ía īeⁿ căi, tò̤-khìo khí lâi;

    his nose is very savage looking, and turns up.

  • cē tâh cū khìo khí lâi;

    as soon as I stepped on it the other end tilted upward.

  • kheh-cûn kâi cûn-thâu nĕ khìo-khìo khí lâi;

    the prow of a Hakka boat is much recurved.

  • i cêk ki búe nĕ khìo-khìo;

    its tail turns up at the end.

  • To lift up the leg, as when climbing; to raise a limb.

  • cîah pá bô̤ sṳ̄, khìo khí kha à ôiⁿ ūe;

    after eating he has nothing to do but put his feet up and talk idly.

  • lṳ́ kâi kha khìo-phû úa thóiⁿ;

    lift up your foot and let me look at it.

  • i kâi kha-kṳn tau kàu bŏi khìo-phû;

    the cords of his legs are so stiff that he cannot raise his feet.

  • cêk ciah kha khìo-phû, cêk ciah kha tó̤ chĭang;

    lift one foot, and jump along on the other.

  • lṳ́ kâi kha m̄ tîeh khìo-phû i cìaⁿ hó̤ ĭa;

    why don’t you bend up your legs so that he can carry you on his back?

  • i kâi chíu hŵn-lío ŏi khìo-phû;

    he can still raise his hands.

  • lṳ́ kâi cîh khìo-phû; cîh tìe khìo;

    raise your tongue.

  • chùi-lîm-phûe khìo-khí lâi;

    pursed up his lips.

  • Bullion; paper money.

  • khìo-thâu-si;

    a small ingot with a coil on its top.

  • khìo-thau-si cang;

    a style of coiffure, resembling an ingot with a coil on its top.

  • Elevated; high; to raise the head.

  • khîo síu phàng mō̤ⁿ;

    raise the head and gaze attent.

  • cí kâi nâng tŏ̤ i kò̤ sǹg-cò̤ khîo-chó̤, tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ cū sǹg būe tîeh;

    there they consider this man eminent, here we have not yet considered him.

  • pí cèng nâng ío chut tho̤h kâi kìe-cò̤ khîo-chó̤;

    those who excel others are called eminent.